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wxDev-C++ Portable Development Test 9

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wxDev-C++ Portable Development Test 9

Application: wxDev-C++
Category: Development
Description: wxDev-C++ is an extension of Dev-C++ by Colin Laplace et. al. This program helps you to create dialogs and frames for wxWidgets visually using a form designer. With all the wonderful features of Dev-C++, wxDev-C++ is still being actively developed. The main aim of this project is to provide the wxWidgets community with a free, open-source, commercial-grade IDE/RAD tool for development with wxWidgets.

Download wxDev-C++ Portable Development Test 9 [24.0MB download / 88-120MB installed]
(MD5: 656C3F60CC75817D2FEA0BC0F66C753C)

Release Notes:

Development Test 9 (2011-10-25):

  • Updated wxDev-C++ to version
  • Removed uninstall information

Known issues:

  • None at the moment

Development Test 8 (2010-07-02):

  • Recreated launcher with officially released Launcher 2.0
  • No other changes, still wxDev-C++ version

Known issues:

  • File association to be done - don't know how at the moment. Bug report has been filled with wxdev-cpp. Waiting for update
  • Uninstall information is left in the installed files which can be removed to save space.

Development Test 7 (2010-06-10):

  • Updated installer to version 2.0
  • Cleaned up config files in line with Portableapps format 2.0
  • No other changes, still wxDev-C++ version

Known issues:

  • None at the moment

Development Test 6 (2010-04-08):

  • The installer now preserves user installed packages
  • No other changes, still wxDev-C++ version

Known issues:

  • None at the moment

Development Test 5 (2010-04-06):

  • Now uses Chris Morgan's Launcher 2.0 Beta 2 which will make maintenance easier.
  • No other changes, still wxDev-C++ version

Please, delete Data folder before running if upgrading from earlier version as config files are not compatible
Known issues:

  • None at the moment

Development Test 4 (2010-02-25):

  • Updated wxDev-C++ to version
  • Fixed version reporting issue

Known issues:

  • None at the moment

Development Test 3 (2010-01-19):

  • Updated wxDev-C++ to version

Delete Data folder before running if upgrading from earlier version
Known issues:

  • Product version not reported correctly

Development Test 2 (2009-12-04):

  • Updated wxDev-C++ to version
  • Updated installer to Format 1.0
  • Made the Programming with wxDev-C++ book optional install

wxDev-C++ bug 2884874 is still outstanding. Some wxWidgets projects will fail to compile

Development Test 1 (2009-09-28):

  • Maurice and me modified r.brem Dev-C++

    portable to fix a few bugs and adapted to wxDev-C++

  • Updated wxDev-C++ to version 7.0 released 2009-09-07
  • Uses wxDev-C++ '-c path' argument
  • Updates path in config files

For those who don't need the wxWidgets or have less space available on their drive and are happy with the older Dev-C++, the same launcher is

available from the same place but packaged with Dev-C++ only.

Download Dev-C++ Portable Development Test 1

[26.7MB download / 66.4-83.5MB installed]
(MD5: da09efc0aa837524b7dc8983db7dc97a)

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Thank you. I needed this.

NathanJ79's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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Stupid question, but...

Stupid question, but I couldn't find an answer on the Wikipedia article. Is this a standalone programming/compiler tool (is that what IDE means?) or does one also need wxWidgets as well?

Also, is this a tool one looking to break into programming/development would want to have, or would something else be a better starting point? And can it take and develop any C++ code, or only C++ code written in wxWidgets and/or wxDev-C++?

Zach Thibeau
Zach Thibeau's picture
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ok an IDE is an integrated

ok an IDE is an integrated development environment tool for a compiler suite, in this case this ide is for mingw that also includes the wxwidgets c++ library and a form designer for it.

Now also DevC++ and also WxDevc++ can also compile c formated code too, do you want me to go further?

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau

NathanJ79's picture
Last seen: 4 years 8 months ago
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Just a little

So I need a compiler suite, or is wxDev-C++ both?

Sorry if this sounds a little daft, a lot of programming just looks like wizardry to me. I once took, and failed, a course on C++ (actually called "Introduction to programming") at a community college, and couldn't figure out passing variables, but the class moved rather quickly. If I'm to learn, I probably need to get a book (e.g. the "For Dummies" series) and do it at my own pace.

I don't have any specific goals in mind, but I have long wanted to contribute in some way. C++ seems like the easiest (and cheapest) way to do that, especially since a few other languages seem based on its syntax (e.g. Javascript). I've looked at some JavaScript and UnrealScript code, and it looks familiar enough to work with. But I looked at the source for the Platform (Delphi 2006) and most of it was Greek to me. Some of it made sense, but it was pretty advanced stuff.

Zach Thibeau
Zach Thibeau's picture
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well wxdevc++ is the ide and

well wxdevc++ is the ide and it also includes the compiler so technically this would be a Full IDE (Full being the ide (fancy text editor with the ability to call the compiler and compile the code) and the compiler) regular IDE being just the editor portion of a package.

Sooooo... in short it's a full package made portable Blum

also Note to the Original Poster, don't label it as a beta since this very much follows the development test guidelines this should be labled as Development Test 1 Smile
Congrats on working on the application

your friendly neighbourhood moderator Zach Thibeau

NathanJ79's picture
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Thanks for the info, I'll download it when I get home and see what all I can do with it... which pretty much amounts to it taking up space on my flash drive until I can figure out what to do with it, maybe find a couple simple OSS projects in C++ and study their code or something. Thanks again.

aamiel's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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Release cycle

I am not very clear about the release cycle around here. Is it documented somewhere?


aamiel's picture
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As part of wxDev-C++ there is also a tutorial included. It is located in:
wxDev-C++Portable\App\Dev-Cpp\Help and is called "Programming with wxDev-C++.pdf"
You may want to have a look.
I don't say it is the best tutorial ever, I am still looking for that, but it may help.


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Not able to Compile

Im not able to compile the default wxWidgets project.

Am I doing anything wrong?


aamiel's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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What do you call the defaut wxWidgets project?
What happens when you try to compile it?

Last seen: 14 years 9 months ago
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Not Compiling

I'm using just the default wxWidgets frame project.

These are the errors,

10 C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Project1App.cpp In file included from Project1App.cpp
18 C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Project1App.h wx/wx.h: No such file or directory.
10 C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Project1App.cpp In file included from Project1App.cpp
24 C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Project1App.h expected class-name before '{' token
11 C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Project1App.cpp In file included from Project1App.cpp
19 C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Project1Frm.h wx/frame.h: No such file or directory.
11 C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Project1App.cpp In file included from Project1App.cpp
36 C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Project1Frm.h expected class-name before '{' token
38 C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Project1Frm.h ISO C++ forbids declaration of `DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE' with no type
41 C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Project1Frm.h expected `)' before '*' token
64 C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Project1Frm.h `wxCloseEvent' has not been declared
64 C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Project1Frm.h ISO C++ forbids declaration of `event' with no type
15 C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\Project1App.cpp expected constructor, destructor, or type conversion before "bool"
C:\Users\Admin\Desktop\ [Build Error] exe: *** [Objects/MingW/Project1App.o] Error 1

It works on my installed version of wxDevcpp

I am able to compile a normal console application though.

aamiel's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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I can reproduce this

I can reproduce this.
I will try to fix it but I don't have much time at the moment.
Keep watching this thread

aamiel's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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Found where the bug is

Did a clean install of 7.1 copied it in the portableapps structure and ran it with the following bat script.
devcpp.exe -c ..\..\Data\Settings\

The bug still happens, it corrupts the devcpp.ini file. So it is a wxDev-C++ bug. Now I have to liaise with them see if they'll fix it.

I will then update the portable version. I guess no point me putting out a 7.1 portable version unless someone wants it.

aamiel's picture
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Maybe a fix

I had a thought yesterday and I think I should be able to bypass the bug.
I will try later this week. Keep your eyes open...

OliverK's picture
Last seen: 3 years 3 months ago
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what happens if you pass it

what happens if you pass it the full directory of settings, i.e. $EXEDIR\Data\settings

Too many lonely hearts in the real world
Too many bridges you can burn
Too many tables you can't turn
Don't wanna live my life in the real world

aamiel's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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Can't fix it

The bug seem to be related to the length of the absolute path to the devcpp.exe program. As it is very deep in the portable structure, some settings (location of headers) are not fully written to the configuration file and the program fails.
I can't do anything about it.
I will need to wait until the wxdevcpp bug is fixed. I am keeping an eye on it and will try to update the portable version as soon as a release with this bug fixed is available.


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Thanks for replying,

So its a bug that wxDev-c++ caused, how are you attempting to surpass/fix it?

I really hope to see it sometime in the "Applications" part of the site along with MinGW Smile . I like wxDev-c++ alot better then Code::Blocks.

aamiel's picture
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What I want to do

Locally installed wxDevCpp stores its configuration data in the user's 'application data' folder so I want to backup this data in case there is a locally installed version, then copy the portable version config files there and then run the program. Revert the operation at the end.
That is the way one of the earlier unreleased versions was working before I learned about the -c argument.
This version does not seem to work anymore, certainly a stupid typo but I haven't had much time to look at it this week.


Bruce Pascoe
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Bah. Tried this, but ended up going back to stock Dev-C++. I know the original Dev-C++ is old, but wxDev is just too unstable at this point. It constantly crashed on me, usually while doing innocuous things like just opening the preferences. And it also seems a lot slower than Dev-C++.

aamiel's picture
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Me too

Because I don't really do GUI, I prefer the original. It also seems that it does not have the bug...

gcampton's picture
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To the user new to

To the user new to programming, although that post is old, nobody else seemed to comment so I thought I would add some clarity to some programming differences.

Javascript is a html intergrated scripting language, as most scripting languages are very intuitive and easy of course this is a better way to learn coding to start with.

Html would have to be one of the easiest I have learned. Css (cascading style sheets), javascript, and others all seem to fall into place once you learn the basics of html.

They should however never be confused with c++ and java which are "OOPGL's" Object Oriented Programming Languages not scripting languages. Many people confuse javascript and java which are nothing alike and do not represent each other in any way shape or form, however many will speculate that javascript got it's name from thinking that a scripting like language that integrates into html in an easy fashion is much like java, only simpler. Hence javascript...

For anyone who knows c++ and javascript, or java and javascript you know this is not the case.

The java language was originally written as an appliance programming language, for toasters, washing machines, small console games, air conditioning units etc etc etc. As C/C++ evolved so did Java, the end product being 2 very exceptional oopgl's.
Not to be confused with basic scripting languages like javascript or html.

However python, is an in-depth scripting language which uses c++ in design. so one can not simply pick up and learn python as easily as one would html.
A common recommendation would be to first learn c++ before python. Hopefully that will clear some confusion. Realistically, this is app is probably not the best for you to learn on. You may like to try for java tutorials. and

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Works for me.

Also, can we get this updated?

aamiel's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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Will update but still buggy

The bug mentionned above has still not been fixed so I was waiting, but I will update to the latest wxdevcpp some time this week if you really want it. It won't bring anything of much use though...


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If you were waiting for a specific bug then I can too, I was just keeping interest in this app.

aamiel's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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Ready to go but...

Yes, I will be waiting. I am ready to go but the wxDev-Cpp are fixing a bug that prevents compilation of some projects in the portable version. Something to do with length of path... and buffers to small I guess. As soon as it is fixed, I will release the updated portable version.


aamiel's picture
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Updated to 7.2

I have posted an update to version 7.2 of wxDev-C++. It is mainly to go to the version 1.0 of the PortableApps platform.
There is still an outstanding bug in wxDev-C++ itself that prevents it from being trully portable. The developers are looking into it.


Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
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Hope they fix it soon

I'd love to use this application, but until the bug is fixed, I can't do so.

aamiel's picture
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Sorry about hat

This release is here to try to get the launcher ready for a quick turn around once the bug is fixed. Hopefully soon. Thanks for reporting it.


Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
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The bug appears to be fixed in SVN
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Should the version be

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
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We only do increments of the version number on official revisions, not DT or PR.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

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I wasn't talking about the DT.

"Changed makefile and About box to reflect"

aamiel's picture
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Yes... I am a bit lazy

Yes, it really is and that is what the portable app will report. I was just a bit lazy in typing the title. I am now on my way to correct this...


Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
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Relative path?

Why exactly are you trying to use a relative path anyway? I would just use devcpp.exe with -c $EXEDIR\Data\settings. Does this also not work?

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

aamiel's picture
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That is how I do it

The problem is that in one of the configuration files, the path to the headers used during compilation is stored. A bug in wxDev-C++ means that this list of paths is truncated because, I believe, the buffer to hold them is too small. As c:\progam files\dev-cpp is shorter that f:\PortablesApps\wxDev-C++Portable\App\dev-cpp we have a problem...

Chris Morgan
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So it is unrelated to that. OK.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

aamiel's picture
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Unfortunatelly, I can't build it. I am waiting patiently for the next release which hopefully will incorporate the bug fix.

aamiel's picture
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Now updated to 7.3

When updating your version be sure to delete the Data folder. This is to correct the bug that was causing problem in previous versions.
I haven't done it automatically in case people beed to reinstall the 7.3 version on top of an existing one in which case there is no need to delete the Data.

I don't know of any remaining problems but let me know if you find some, I will see what I can do

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 1 week 13 hours ago
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code completion cache

aamiel: I haven't yet checked with the new version, but so far as I can tell, the code completion cache is being built & looked for in C:\program files\Dev-Cpp\include, rather than X:\PortableApps\WxDev-C++\App\Dev-Cpp\include

Might want to check on the wxdsgn forum if there's a way to redirect this.

aamiel's picture
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Not sure

I believe that the cache is built from the location of the portable App when first run (or when asked to create cache). It does refer to the drive name which may be different when used somewhere else. However, the code completion functionality still works as far as I can tell and does not leave anything on the host.

Not ideal, but working. If you think it is not working, please give me an example.

I have to admit, I am not that familiar with wxDev-C++

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Thanks and Good Job!

Just would like thanks aamiel and Maurice for their work with making this portable.

I am glad that they have gotten the bug fixed!

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 1 week 13 hours ago
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Updating WxDev-C++

For anyone wanting to update their WxDev-C++ installation, there's a simple way to do so: In the WxDev-C++ App folder, run the Updater application, selecting both the Wxdsgn and WxDev-C++ pacakges to install, and allow them to install.

Open up WxDev-C++, and it should be updated properly.

aamiel's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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Just one little issue

This works, the only problem is that it won't update the launcher. not a big issue as there are no major bugs there, just version reporting. A new launcher coming soon, without new functionality, just fixing the last bug I am aware of.

aamiel's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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Just updated

I just updated the launcher with the latest version of wxdevcpp. You can still update as you mentioned as the only fix was version reporting. This is still hard coded in the launcher. Maybe I should try to see if I can get it to report the version actually used.

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
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It's a (relatively) simple fix in appinfo.ini for now, but this'll be good for anyone who doesn't want to muck around with appinfo.

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Doesn't install?

I had the same problem with the last version (but hadn't gotten to post about it), but it doesn't install for me. I'll double-click the .exe and it just pops up with a blank prompt then closes.

aamiel's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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Have you tried again?

Sorry for not replying sooner, I was away and busy. have you tried again? Did you check the MD5 checksum to see if it is not a corrupt file. I regularly get partial downloads.
I hope it is working for you now. If not, which platform are you using?

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I did it a couple times to no

I did it a couple times to no avail. I'll try again later tonight and I'll make sure to check the MD5.

Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
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Ah, found the problem.

I had been right-click + saving so I wasn't downloading the correct file.

aamiel's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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Now using PAL

As it will eventually become the norm, I have updated to Chris Morgan PAL. I hope I didn't break anything.
The config files are incompatible with previous versions so please do a fresh install.
I believe the PAL will make future updates easier.

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
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testing, although I've found one bug: user-installed packages disappear when upgrading. Using PAL, this would be easy to fix, but i -think- there's too many default files in App\Dev-Cpp\Packages to do this with PAL currently. Maybe this is something ChrisMorgan can look into for you?

Chris Morgan
Chris Morgan's picture
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Disappear where?

Where do they disappear from/to? Is it a thing where they get deleted because of a missing entry in installer.ini? then that needs fixing. If they've just stopped being used, something else needs doing.

I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.

“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1

aamiel's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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My fault...

OK I added this one to the known issues.
It is not a PAL issue, Chris you can now relax.
Just my fault, in the installer I ask it to delete, the whole of the App folder and then put the new one in.
I should be able (but I need to check) to ask it to preserve the packages.
Hopefully a simple one to fix. Keep watching this thread.

Thanks for the feedback.

aamiel's picture
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What I could do. Is it acceptable?

I could prevent the installer from deleting the apps directory. It would just overwrite all the components that come with the fresh install. I believe your installed packages should be preserved unless there is an update that come from the main install. Unless you think that will not work, I will do this update soon.

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 1 week 13 hours ago
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Could work.

It's worth trying. Right now I manually update the packages, and it's a pain, but not impossible. I'm thinking more of an average user that doesn't know how to deal with it themselves.

aamiel's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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Dev Test 6 available

Dev Test 6 should fix the problem. I tried a bit here. Let me know if you still have problems.

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 1 week 13 hours ago
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This fixed it

My packages are still in place, so this fixed it. Thanks!

Mark Sikkema
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Link is not working...

Formerly Gringoloco
Windows XP Pro sp3 x32

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The title of this thread has

The title of this thread has also not been updated.

aamiel's picture
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Sorry for the mess

Thanks for pointing it out. Now corrected

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broken download link
aamiel's picture
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Done and tested

Thanks for pointing that out. It is the second time I fall foul of a line break in an editor somewhere...

Last seen: 2 days 16 hours ago
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File Associations do not work via the portable launcher

When using PortableFileAssociator to associate .dev files it only runs the program, but does not open the file. I have also tried a Windows way (dragging a .dev file to the launcher) and the result is the same. Therefor I draw the conclusion that it is not a PortableFileAssociator nor a Windows related incident (with most other apps both ways work), but a minor shortcoming in the launcher (or settings because I see you used PAL). I would like to see this function added to the launcher. Especially having in mind the upcoming build-in association capabilities in a next Menu version.

I must confess that I have not tested the app (portable or not) thoroughly. I want to get back to some programming, which I haven't done for years (not that I was and advanced programmer). But having a complete portable IDE+compiler makes it more attractive to pick up where I left.

So far Good work and I hope to see this app added to the official list.

aamiel's picture
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Will have a look

I will try to look at that but it may take me some time as I am quite busy at the moment

Last seen: 2 days 16 hours ago
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Don't worry, no need to hurry.

It's not a top priority issue. Associations are not yet integrated in the platform. Also I appear to be the only one to post about it here. So I guess most users of this PA are not missing this functionality enough (or even missing it at all) to post about it.

So I'd say put it on your priority list below 'time to relax'.

aamiel's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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Can confirm problem

I have been able to study the problem and have isolated it to the way wxdevcpp deals with its arguments. Once it finds the relative path argument '-c' it does not seem to look for any file to open. I will raise a bug report for this an hopefully it will be corrected in the next release.
The good thing is that there is nothing wrong with the launcher, it passes the file name to open properly.
I will keep you up to date.
Now, back to trying to get the baby to sleep...

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Feedback Info

First of all I'm not saying that this is a virus, I'm only alerting the programmer about my experience. I tried downloading it today but as soon as the file was done. Kaspersky found 2 worms: Worm.Win32.Qvod.aim and Worm.Win32.Qvod.aii at /data1766 and /data1767 repectively of wxDev-CPlusPlus_Portable_7.3.1.3_Development_Test_8.paf.exe

It deleted it instantly, even after disabling Kaspersky and redownloading. kaspersky deletes it when i try to execute the file.

aamiel's picture
Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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Check the MD5 checksum

Check the MD5 checksum. If it is as above, it is the file that I uploaded.
I didn't put any virus in there. the latest portable clamwin says no virus and so does McAfee.
At that point, there is not much I can do... You will have to trust me. I know that some portable applications sometimes have false positive.
I currently don't intend to create any updates until the next version of wxdevcpp.


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Where are those?

On my first try to open the app after downloading, i was asked if i want to include that book "programming in wxdev c", if im not mistaken. Just want to know where that book is? I think its not the one that shows-up as a help file, or it is? Next, after creating my first project, choosing "wxwidget dialog", the files (.h, .dev, .rc, and .wxform was not there, a later found those file while cleaning up my pc before shutting it down, it was on mydocuments folder.

-:O =

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When you create a project,

When you create a project, you will be asked where you want to save your project. If you are not careful, it will be in "My documents". That is the way wxdevcpp works.

The books is located in PortableApps/wxDev-C++Portable/App/Dev-Cpp/Help
That is where the non portable version of wxdevcpp puts it so I put it there as well even if it is not intuitive.

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Thx! So that's it. I would also post here tomorrow an error i got the first time i used it. I think its about permission per se.
I'll also ask to any one here. Can anyone give/suggest a link of a tutorial on how to use wxstring class. Like how to use its members, the parameters it would take and its return values, like len(), find(), replace(), etc.
What version of wxwidgets do wxdev c have? I cant find a help file on the download regarding wxwidgets classes. supposed should be there?right? Are wxwidgets classes, i mean the whole wx library, included?

-:O =

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If you go to Tools > Package Manager, you can see which version of wxwidgets is installed.
I am not really using the wxwidgets so I can't help you about tutorials

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I tried to update this, but after the downloads. The updates; as i've read it on the app while installing, were installed in c:\>documents&settings\mydocuments\current user\local\temp\wx...., i looked in this folder & found folder wxdevcpp, but, its empty. Where did those files went then? And, those portable wxdev c needs admin rights? I'm continuosly having some error messages. Im using it in an internet shop, xp pro w/ a limited user account (guest).

-:O =

aamiel's picture
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I will look

I will try to look into this when I have time. Not quite just yet.

aamiel's picture
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Did you check

Did you check that the files have really not been updated. I have checked here (win7 as my XP pc power supply is broken) I can see the files were in the temp directory but they also go in the portable directory and then the temp directory is left with empty directories.

Can you check more and give a detailed example of the problem.

Thank you.


Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
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i did'nt checked that then, yup! it works now. thx!

-:O =

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Program Files

I noticed when I was looking at the general structure of the program files that uninstall.exe and updater.exe were in the wx-DevC++ program folder.

Only a small point, but wouldn't it be best to remove them. - And you'll save almost 1/2 MB on the install!


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I thought about it

At the moment, I am blindly copying the whole wx-Dev-C++ structure into the folder so it is easier.
Starting to remove useless things is not so important when you only gaing 1MB out of 80 MB so I will leave this as is unless some more people complain.


Last seen: 4 years 10 months ago
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I second that complaint.

I second that complaint. Blum

Generally, we all remove the uninstall and source files.

Edit: Source of the program itself, which isn't always included. Not the include files for C++ programs that are included in IDEs such as this.

Gord Caswell
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I second that for removing the uninstaller.exe; However, the updater.exe allows you to update components that have been updated since the last wx-DevC++ version was released, without any portability issues that I've noticed yet, so I would suggest leaving it in place.

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Will update

I will remove the uninstall as part of the installer in dev test 9 but will wait for a better reason to release the update.

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A good reason to update

There is now a good reason to update... So the small outstanding issues will hopefully be fixed in the next few weeks.

I am very busy these days and have lost my memory stick the day after my backup PC died so don't hold your breath...


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Hopefully this can finally go official now.

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Finally up

I finally found time to do a little bit work on it.

I haven't tested very much, but I haven't changed anything.

I will leave it until January to try to make it official just to make sure there are no outstanding issues.

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on Sourceforge You can find the current release: of 11/12/2011.
on Softpedia You have the page of this program with changelog:

aamiel's picture
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Thanks for the heads up. A bit busy at the moment but will try to work on it this week.

aamiel's picture
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Can't support this anymore

I have done an update (There) but haven't tested it.

Due to current lack of PC, USB stick and time, I will not be able to support this for the foreseeable future. I believe this is ready for release as the launcher hasn't changed for a long time but am not able to push this due to my impossibility to support the app actively.

I am looking for someone else to look after this from now on. I am willing to answer volunteers questions but I am not able to support this actively myself anymore.

Please someone take this over.

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I might.

If nobody picks this up by the time I have some time to do it, I'll take this over. No promises at the moment, but I only have one class next quarter so I'll have plenty of time then.

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Last seen: 3 years 9 months ago
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Still ready to help a bit

I guess if you take it over, you won't need help. The launcher is quite simple. But I will try to answer any questions

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Joined: 2008-10-10 17:40
Saving to c:\Documents

In a path with spaces (e.g. my desktop), no matter what combination of quotes I try with the command line arguments, it always cuts off the path at the first space. Do you know of a way around this, or is this a bug with the app itself?

Other than that and language switching, I should have this up soon.

Oops, nevermind. I was opening the wrong .ini file. Biggrin


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