ok, from what i understand if i wish to include custom segments for the PA.c Launcher i must have a file named PortableApps.comLauncherCustom.nsh in my source directory.
now if i want to add several segments i would have the PortableApps.comLauncherCustom.nsh file and any files called by PortableApps.comLauncherCustom.nsh
for example, here would be one part of my custom segment
PortableApps.comLauncherCustom.nsh code
!include "GetDXVersion.nsh"
Section "Main"
Call GetDXVersion
Pop $R0
IntCmp $R0 801 GetINIOptions 0 GetINIOptions
MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION "${FULLNAME} requires DirectX 8.1 or later to be installed."
and i would also have a file named GetDXVersion.nsh in the same directory as PortableApps.comLauncherCustom.nsh
am i correct or have i missed something?
Try this:
Previously known as kAlug.
ok first how do you do the box?
second: so any code that i need to add would be in this format?
third: each segment would be separate correct?
segmenthook specifies when to run, not a specific task. More in the manualPreviously known as kAlug.
ok, new custom segment issue. i want to check the version of windows the app is running on, and then depending on if it is less then say vista i want it to run the GetDXVersion. here is what i have:
From where is
coming from?Previously known as kAlug.
when i decided to inplement checking the os level b4 checking for directx i checked nsis.sourceforge.net for a get windows version nsh that i could implement and misread how to use it... the GetWindowsVersion is from the obsolete script that is on the site...the winver.nsh that is included with the portable version of nsis had instructions that i never read before seeing your code. thank you for the help!