I've posted the current set of language strings for the PortableApps.com Platform 2.0 release (as well as some 2.1 and 2.2 strings) for our translators to begin translating. Many translations were updates for the 2.0 Beta 5 release but some are out of date. The added strings for this release include:
Section [UPDATER] Entries beginning with COLUMN_
Section [FORM_OPTIONS] all entries
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Please use the new Take 2 topic for any submissions of Platform translations
The English.locale contains the strings being translated from. If an entry is missing in your locale, please add it, but be sure to add it in the correct section. Remember, spelling of section names and entry names is critical. And be sure to use an text editor like Notepad++ or similar set to a Unicode setting (UTF-8 or UCS-2-LE for instance) and not ANSI as it can cause issues. To post your updated translations, you can post it to a service like pastebin.com and just link to it.
We're also adding some strings to the PA.c Installer for platform installs. Four strings at the bottom of the file. And please be sure to use the proper LANG_KEY for your language (included in the file) and add start and end quotes.
Download Installer 2.0.9 Translations (Rev 2)
We'll be bundling these up in 2.0 RC 1 and then 2.0 Final over the coming few days, so the need to get these done quickly is critical.
As always, thanks for all your help in making the PortableApps.com Platform available for EVERYONE!
UPDATE (2011-04-18 12pm NY time) - The PA.cInstaller209Locale2.zip file has been updated with new strings for selecting the suite version at install time, upgrading from outdated platform versions and more. Please grab this new copy and add in the handful of new strings at the end, thanks!
TESTING NOTE: The 1.6.1 release can not read UTF8 or UTF16LE files, only ANSI, so is not a good way to test the basic strings. The 2.0 Beta 5 release can read UTF16LE files but a few things are not handled with the locale file in the interface (Manage Apps and the space free bar, for instance).
IMPORTANT DISCUSSION NOTE: Please discuss any problems with or changes to posted translations in English otherwise we may miss an important update.
Platform: http://pastebin.com/C8rFUXjN
Installer: http://pastebin.com/w67rwhdX
The translations will need a review after RC1 (especially regarding Platform mnemonics).
EDIT 1: Updated installer translation to rev2.
EDIT 2: Fixed misspelling found by asdfghjklcgg.
Previously known as kAlug.
I think we shouldn't edit that yet because it's the same for every locale so we must wait for John T. Haller to says something.
the old version is at http://pastebin.com/rfvPYnU0
Previously known as kAlug.
Installer: http://pastebin.com/iZ15h953
EDIT: Updated installer translation to rev2.
Plateforme: http://pastebin.com/Py5WdpDc
Updated Platform 2.0 RC1
Je n'ai pas vraiment de traduction pour «beveled» J'ai inscris biseauté
French_plateform_20110422 : http://pastebin.com/xpJvxRh5
French_installer_20110422 : http://pastebin.com/0ynq67UD
Plataform: http://pastebin.com/kBreNkqN
Here, have some Swedish.
Platform: http://pastebin.com/73r9VYmL
Installer: http://pastebin.com/6fzMSSre
Should be
That string isn't used yet, which is why I hadn't noticed the typo.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I updated the Installer translation to Rev 2, located at the same place.
Platform 2.0:
Installer 2.0.9 (revision 2!):
Following are the danish translations.
However, note that the Installer locale contains errors due to the shortcomings of the original english file; the following strings method does not work in danish.
In danish, as in many other languages, this plural method is invalid; these are the correct strings in danish (singular/plural)
That's already known and can not be worked around with the current component. In those cases, simply include the plural form for all 3 strings and leave a blank string for plural (just two quotes with nothing between them).
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Updated to r2:
I have problem about remaining time too.
In English : $TIME remaining
In Thai : เหลืออีก $TIME
Not sure if everything fits without testing in the real platform.
Maybe its a good template for the other german speaking users.
Same as obove applies.
updated with additional strings
changed "Platform" to "Plattform" to match the Platform translation.
I changed the german "Plattform" to "Platform" as it seems more like the standardized name for the menu. The german homepage section only uses the term "Platform", too, so it would be consistent.
I think this is worth beeing discussed, but on the other hand it is easy to change with search/replace.
hello depp.jones,
here are my annotations: (in german)
50. ggf. "portablen" weglassen, 48.und 49. haben das ja auch nicht
82. der Plural deutet auf eine Masseninstallation hin, was ja nicht der Funktion entspricht
101. Rechtschreibfehler letzte beiden Wörter
129. Satzbau? Ich würde hier das Passiv verwenden: "Durch die Deinstallation...", entspricht aktuellen Deinstallern
147. Grammatik, hier muss das Akusativobjekt mit "portablen" verwendet werden. siehe wictionary, bei 101. hast du es richtig gemacht
148. - 151.,153.,155.,157.,160.,siehe 147.
159. Satzbedeutung: Updater abgeschlossen? ich schlage "ausgeführt" vor.
219. Einstellungen klein und zusammen: Aktualisierungseinstellungen
224. ggf. mit Gänsefüßchen: Nur wenn ich "Auf neue Versionen prüfen" anklicke
for a final evaluation we should test at the platform itself, as you mentioned before. I hope i could help. Any comments on my post?
Danke, werde das nochmal überarbeiten. Ich habe die bisherigen Übersetzungen nicht verändert (50, 82, 129, 147-151, 153, 155, 157, 159, 160), wäre wohl besser gewesen, das nochmal zu kontrollieren.![Wink](https://portableapps.com/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/wink.gif)
101 kam wohl durch einen Fehler bei der Unicodeumwandlung.
219 und 224: Ja, das hört sich besser an.
50: Da muss ich erst mal sehen, was damit gemeint ist (evtl. werden damit echte PAFs von manuell zugefügten unterschieden...)
159: Werde das mal ändern auf "Der Updatevorgang wurde nicht erfolgreich abgeschlossen"
Vielleicht hast Du noch eine Idee für 207-212 (evtl. "Dateityp" um "portabel" ergänzen oder durch "Dateiverknüpfung" ersetzen? Das ist ja schon seit Jahren in Windows unglücklich übersetzt, allerdings jetzt Standard...
edit: habe jetzt mal den Letzten in "Dateizuordnung" geändert, denke dann passt es
Und zu 225: Das hört sich m.E. noch recht holprig/missverständlich an.
191-195: Verständlich oder zu stark gekürzt?
Ich stelle später eine aktualisierte Version ein.
edit: geschehen, s.u. Achtung, Zeilennummern haben sich geändert durch Anpassung an das englische Original
English explanation:
Some localization discussion. Needs an update (coming later), as some older strings need a new translation.
Hotkey association can only be done, when it can be tested with the new platform.
ok dann nach der alten Nummerierung:
50: glaub ich zwar nicht aber mal sehen. Als Funktion ist das dringend! PA-Apps von nicht-PA-Apps unterscheiden.
191: ich verstehe hier eher Listenanordnung statt -einstellungen.
192: smart = intelligent, also "Intelligente Anordnung nach Kategorie - ..."
192-195: ja zu stark geschnitten, "zuletzt genutzte Apps/Programme auf..."
Ich finde "Apps" gehört bereits zur eingedeutschten Sprache und kann verwendet werden.
207-211: lass es doch so, wir sollten uns da an Windows halten finde ich
225: "Menü im Vordergrund behalten"?
welche Nummern sind neu?
edit: ich verstehe eh nicht warum das nicht "suite" heisst...suite wäre ja bereits eingedeutscht. Aber "PortableApps.com Platform" scheint mir ein Markenname zu sein und darf deshalb nicht übersetzt werden.
Leider ist fast die gesamte Nummerierung anders. Ich hab das zuerst mit IniTransUtil übersetzt, da damit sämtliche Fehleinträge automatisch angelegt werden. Allerdings werden die einfach ans Ende einer Sektion geschrieben und die Datei war nachher heillos durcheinander. Damit die Zeilennummern wieder mit der englischen übereinstimmen hab ich's nochmal umsortiert.
Vielen Dank für Deine Vorschläge. Ich würde aber jetzt erstmal den Release Candidate abwarten um zu prüfen, wie die Funktionen wirklich umgesetzt sind. Nach der englischen Bezeichnung scheinen die Listeneinstellungen eher so zu funktionieren, wie bei meiner Übersetzung (über "intelligent" könnte man natürlich sprechen). Aber wie gesagt, weitere Überlegungen erscheinen mir da erst sinnvoll, wenn man das am fertigen Werk testen kann, sonst haben wir bald das 25. Miniupdate.![Wink](https://portableapps.com/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/wink.gif)
-edit: hab mich mal bei PastBin angemeldet, dann kann ich alte editieren.
Zu Anwendung vs. App: Ich persönlich würde auch "Portable App" bevorzugen weil das einfach weniger sperrig ist und in einigen Zusammenhängen besser passt. Die bisherige Übersetzung verdendet allerdings durchgängig "portable Anwendung".
Vielleicht beteiligen sich ja noch ein paar andere. Ich kann ja auch mal einen Thread im deutschen Forum starten, auch wenn das schon lange brach liegt.
Ok, vergleichen kann man ja mit notepad++ ganz gut.
Sehe ich genauso mit dem Abwarten, ein letzter Tipp: bei ERROR_NOCONNECTION würde ich den Nebensatz weglassen. Da ist das englische Original leider auch nicht kurz und prägnant.
Eine Woche lang kann ich noch helfen, danach bin ich in Urlaub ; )
Habe ich auch schon überlegt, aber dann entschieden ihn so zu lassen um so wenig wie möglich vom Original abzuweichen. Ich finde er stört nicht soviel. Außerdem ist es transparenter, wenn in der Fehlermeldung nochmal drinsteht, was wobei schiefgegangen ist.![Wink](https://portableapps.com/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/wink.gif)
Ich habe mal den post unten als Sammelpost "deklariert", damit nicht für jede Änderung ein neuer gemacht werden muss. Mal sehen, wie lange der hält...
Der Diskussionsaufruf zur deutschen Übersetzung ist hier
Yes, you're right, we should test with a real platform.
Sometimes we need to know the context to translate correctly.
...Waiting for 2.0...
http://pastebin.com/SpFMGWgj(obsolete, was before Take2)http://pastebin.com/gtgVn4Qi (updated)
Some strings updated, see discussion above.
Aligned strings correctly to the English.locale, so the numbering changed.
Could a mod please mark the older translation(-attempts) as outdated as I cannot edit anymore.
Please do not directly reply to this post so I could edit it, if something is changed. No need to make this topic more confusing than it already is.![Wink](https://portableapps.com/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/wink.gif)
Discussion thread for german translation: https://portableapps.com/node/27679
yeah, it's a bit confusing.
We can only hope that Drupal 7 will have some forum improvements,
maybe each language should be discussed/commented in an own thread.
Or people could not reply to comments on rather dynamic threads (e.g. Translation threads, where comments may need to be edited).
Is it possible to disable direct replies (while still allowing generic commenting) on a single thread?
I have reviewed this version for German language.
The updated version can be found here: http://pastebin.com/J1qdwzCk
Only minor corrections for three strings were required.
Thanks for your comment, but you corrected an outdated version. The first typo has been corrected and the second does not correct something and the third is obsolete.
Please referr to https://portableapps.com/node/27679 to follow the discussion (in german) or to the latest pastebin posted here:https://portableapps.com/node/27631#comment-175507
Also, John posted an update this morning and added new strings.
Hi friends!
Here is the translation of new items and review of another ones.
Platform: http://pastebin.com/6dHd1hY5
Platform: http://pastebin.com/1uqhuMFr
Installer: http://pastebin.com/v7FrUUwj
Installer: http://pastebin.com/rscTYu2cInstaller: http://pastebin.com/stMXUDNc (Rev2)
But I think this Installer locale could be improved, though.
The installer zip has been updated with a handful of new strings to handle suite selection at install time and platform upgrades. Please grab this new copy and add them to your translations. (Be careful not to unzip the whole thing over any updates you've already made which would wipe them out.)
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
The link still points to the original archive.
Previously known as kAlug.
Fixed, thanks!
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Please, I need help about the file format. I have translated the file and saved with notepad++ in utf-8 format, but testing it, the characters with accent (á,é,í,ó,ú) appears with strange simbols. How I should do it?
The current released platform can not read UTF-8. The 1.6.1 release can only read ANSI. The beta can only read UTF-16-LE or ANSI.
Don't worry about it, we'll be processing it for the actual release to ensure it works![Smile](https://portableapps.com/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/smile.gif)
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Change the encoding back to the one without strange characters (possibly ANSI) and then choose "Encoding -> Convert to UTF-8" or in spanish "Codificacíon -> Convertir a UFT-8" before saving.![Wink](https://portableapps.com/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/wink.gif)
sorry misread your post. John has the solution.
So I just did it right. I tested it with v2.0 beta 5.
Slovak translation
Installer : http://pastebin.com/UQHbbRkN
Platform : http://pastebin.com/PWTKUnM4
Platform: http://pastebin.com/RPF9EH2d
Installer (rev2): http://pastebin.com/Vd1zkg4m
All suggestions/corrections are welcome.
In case you missed it, I updated the installer translation to rev 2:
I've found one spelling mistake, in the original file said ContibutedBy it should be ContributedBy
What should I do ?
- Leave it or correct it ?
I find too this, but I leave it, 'cause it's for private use, I understand...
I just asked John about this on IRC:
IRC: fast way to get questions answered
Previously known as kAlug.
atm = At the moment ???
So you mean if I fix it or not doesn't affect "PA.c Platform 2.0 RC 1" ?
After all, it's easy to replace that string on all files using Notepad++.
Previously known as kAlug.
I have completed the finnish translation for the platform and the installer(rev2).
Platform: http://pastebin.com/n3peKudR
Installer: http://pastebin.com/3LW6XDUA
Feel free to read it and change it if neccesary
(Comment deleted)
Oh i didn't know there was a better version of this finnish translation, but it's good that you pointed that out. I hope this translation of mine at least helped you in someway and feel free to reuse any parts of it if you want to.
Platform : http://pastebin.com/8dyyPRNQ
Installer: http://pastebin.com/C85ka9bZ
Latest Version
Why is string MENU_OPTIONS_LANGUAGE_SWITCHING not present in english anymore?
Platform 2.0 RC1 Slovenian Translation: http://pastebin.com/1QLBbu4y
Source didn't contain: https://portableapps.com/node/21924#comment-141093
Afrikaans.locale http://pastebin.com/xn2QGMGP
Afrikaans.nsh http://pastebin.com/VQaz6Dqp
Hallo, Polla!
Pragtig! So vinnig deurgekyk, en lyk my jy moet net "herhinder" na "herinner" verander, en "veranda" na "verander" ... skree as jy hulp nodig het!
If you can't enjoy yourself, enjoy somebody else ...![Smile](https://portableapps.com/sites/all/modules/smiley/packs/kolobok/smile.gif)
(Comment deleted)
I've moved your Launcher translation; here's not the right place for that.
I am a Christian and a developer and moderator here.
“A soft answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger.” – Proverbs 15:1
Norwegian bokmål:
Platform 2.0:
Installer 2.0.9:
When's the deadline for this? Are there someone already doing the filipino translation?
-:O =
The theming updates for the release candidate are nearly complete. And the final will likely be dropping next week.
Fear not, though, as we'll be dropping a 2.1 update within a few weeks afterward. And if we get a new translation for something we don't yet have, we may just do a 2.0.1 a week after 2.0 now that updating will be automatic for users.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Platform: http://pastebin.com/5Sn0jiyD
Installer: http://pastebin.com/qD3WFQrU
http://pastebin.com/kUH8eDTF - All done from scratch I sincerely hope it helps.
Did you see this? https://portableapps.com/node/27631#comment-175266
We don't like to redo them from scratch. The existing translations are often the result of input from multiple people to work out the idiosyncracies of having it work for all speakers.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Find the translation for Portable apps 2.0 in Tamil Locale.
Dutch update for PA.c Platform, updated from user RockyTDR
-- Marlon Groenendijk 'Usernamed'
Thanks for the update, Marlon!
Her is the complete Spanish translation of PortableApps.com Platform 2.0:
This translation was already posted here https://portableapps.com/node/27631#comment-175296. However, there are some things I would like to ask you.
What about the people in the "contributed by" (or contributed by, if you prefer)?
You have deleted them. Have you done the translation complete? Or you take the job with the aportations of another people?
I could take your translation, modify it and delete your name. What you'll think about this?
By other side, you can't translate all english to Spanish literally. For this, with a automatically translator it'll be enought. You must give a sense in Spanish, and in Spanish for Spain, because for Latin Spanish it's the InternationalSpanish.
Look this: Restaurar de respaldo
Si no hizo estos cambios usted mismo -> Si no ha hecho usted estos cambios
El actualizador de PortableApps.com no se completó exitosamente
-> La actualización no ha terminado correctamente
No puedes traducir las cosas literalmente del inglés, porque queda totalmente chapucero. Si quieres hacer traducciones para sudamericanos y compañía, hazlo en el Español internacional, pero no cambies el español de España y lo contamines con giros idiomáticos totalmente nefastos y desacertados. Y encima, no borres a los que han contribuido antes que tú con las traducciones, ya que es una actitud totalmente egoista y poco solidaria.
Platform = http://pastebin.com/cDgebrup
Installer = http://pastebin.com/Zmyfp3sq
- Imagination is better than knowledge ..
Platform: http://pastebin.com/Vm9zSpL0
Installer: http://pastebin.com/kDdcXPZD
I've added additional strings as well as all the current translation strings from above to a new set here:
Please continue translation submissions and discussion from there.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I updated Japanese translation.
Platform: http://pastebin.com/r55XNpUs
Instaler: http://pastebin.com/dXhGreEQ