Hi there,
Maybe a noobish question to ask but i'm reading some threads here and there but it still doesn't get me my own portable app.
I have installed several tools:
- Launcher
- Installer
- AppCompactor
- Development Tool kit
- Templates
But then what?
I have run all tools but i'm still stuck with an exe that i would like to have portable.
Isn't there a short tutorial guide on how to create your own portable app from scratch with a fresh downloaded exe ?
There isn't a "short tutorial guide on how to create your own portable app from scratch with a fresh downloaded exe", because it's different for every app.
either the registry keys/values must be copied to the host PC (backed up first if already present) on every run and saved to the flashdrive and removed from the host PC (backup restored if previously present) when closed, or the registry use must somehow be disabled.
these also must either be copied to the host PC (backed up first if already present) on every run and saved to the flashdrive and removed from the host PC (backup restored if previously present) when closed, or these files must be redirected to the flashdrive, or this also must somehow be disabled.
you must find a way to disable this, as this is not at all portable.
which can be easily dealt with when in a text file, but becomes much more difficult to work with when some store their configuration in other formats.
These are only a few examples of how some apps are different from others.
However the bottom line is that every app is different, thus you must figure out what methods of Portablization are necessary for each specific app, and sometimes decide between different techniques to Portablize certain aspects of it.
If you tell us what app, and what things about it need portablized this community is full of people who would be willing to help you, but sorry, there is no "one-size-fits-all" portablization technique for you to use.
Note: For a lot of really great information please visit the "Guerilla Field Guide"
You cannot just run a program and expect it to automatically make the application portable.
If you want to learn how to use the PortableApps.com tools and the launcher syntax, these are some links that really helped me:
Creating A Portable App: A Guerilla Field Guide
PortableApps.com Format 2.0
Launcher.ini syntax documentation
Chris Morgan's sites Launcher.ini syntax documentation (includes 2.1 beta)
Short guide on how to make a regshot
Development forum layout
If you're having an issue, always use the search function before posting a question on the forums.
I understand the problem that every exe is different, but the current issue i have is how to deal with that packed exe, in my case KooBits, which is for personal use only.
After searching the web i found Universal Extractor, i think i need that tool to "extract" the exe.
Then using a registry monitoring tool to find out the items created etc.
When that is done i need to place it in Portableapps format which is explained pretty good but finding info on how to deal with exe installers isn't documented, atleast i couldn't find good info here.
Here is what I do:
Some additional work may be required, but that will be app specific.
I remember having a software (link I found from the forum) that deals with making portable apps.
The process for that app are as follows.
1. Install the Portable app maker then run it.
2. Run the app that you want to portablized.
3. explore the app for the app maker detect the changes that it is making on the system.
4. Closer the app being portablized.
5. Clik Make portable apps on the portable app maker.
6. It will end up as portable app installer.
But the problem is I can't find that now. I think it is a great apps but for some reason it was not developed to the finish. If someone will make something like that it will be awesome.
======= EDIT ========
I found it...
Unfortunately it looks like abandoned.
Hi everybody,
Can who make video creat portable ? or where Tutorial ?