I am trying to set up Portable Apps from fully installed apps settings and/or preferences for Opera, VLC, Notepad++, and Seamonkey.
I have been unable to locate any documentations showing where the various settings are stored in the Portable App. I think this important information should be detailed on each app's support page.
I spent literally hours trying to match this up between the two app versions (fully installed versus Portable).
Any help on this or better yet some simple documentation where the settings in your PortableApps version is would be enormously helpful.
Thank you in advance!
lemme see
i don't know where opera puts its settings (for the normal ap)
VLC seems to use Windows XP/2000: C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Application Data\vlc\vlcrc (this may be a bit different in vista/win7)
notepadd++ can use an ini file (should be somewhere in the ap data tree)
seamonkey uses the common mozilla format
so i think you can go from there
(saving the PA team who is dealing with i hope a new platform release from answering a question they already have answered)
Afaik, there isnt already an answer to the question as it is different for every app.
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