FWIW, you can run this in the PortableApps directory to create .ini's with disablesplashscreen set:
for /d %i in (*) do echo [%i] > %i/%i.ini && echo DisableSplashScreen=true >> %i/%i.ini
Of course, if an .ini already exists, it will be overwritten.
All apps have the built-in ability to have their splash screens disabled at the platform level. There is a test version of it here:
In the next 2.0 Pre-Release, it'll be a simple GUI option in the Options screen on the advanced tab. Nice and easy with no need to edit any individual INIs or mess with apps.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I always disable my splash screens so that option sound good to me.
Thanks for the feature.
Bob Bagwill