Anyone know the source of the 'Document' folder icons?
Not the ones in the App itself, but the ones installed to give the Documents folder and it's children the polished look...
The ones stored in PortableApps\\App\Graphics\WindowsFolderIcons
I'd like to add a few folders to the documents folder and would like to see if I can't find/create icons that fit the theme.
I did try a google search and the site's search and didn't seem to come up with any relevant info.
Here is blank PortableApps-style folder icon. Just add your own designs over the top. Also, Windows' folder icons can be found at
Download from
Also, if you design a graphic of your own you can convert it to an ICO file using this favicon creator. Just remember to check the 'merge with desktop icon' box. Assign a custom icon to a file by right-clicking on the folder, properties, 'Customize' tab, change icon.
Don't Panic