Not sure if this is the right forum for this but it does seem to be the closest match. Please move if it's not.
I have a *lot* of apps on my portable hard drive with portableapps. Many of them are not actual "portable" apps. But I use them anyway as I need some means of carrying around diagnostic software to places that might not have internet access. (I'm a computer tech)
Any way... started using the new PA.c Platform 2.0 pre-release and the new smart menu seemed great... until I discovered I have too many favorites. In smart menu mode all my favorites aren't listed... only as many as will fit. Seems like the *smart* design would to be to make the smart menu scroll when it was too long. Then "hard wire" the "all portable apps" menu to the bottom of the menu box... like in Vista and Windows 7.
Any chance of this being implemented? Otherwise I can't use smart mode.
For users like you who simply want a lot of apps at the top (instead of a handful of favorites), just change it to All By Category. Your favorites will still filter right to the top. And you can scroll down to your categories. Even better, you can use find-as-you-type, which we figure will be the primary method for anyone with as many apps as you have.
We've been considering adding scrolling to that first screen for users who want it as an advanced option (enable-able in advanced options) and have a ton of favorites. Smart entries (most used) would still appear below but would show all of them and be scrollable as well. Would that suit your needs?
I was actually unaware that the Windows start menu scrolled pinned apps when you had too many as I'd never seen anyone with that many set before.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Sorry for taking so long to reply. I've been swamped with work lately and I've been sick.
Yeah... I thought about clarifying that last bit. What I meant is the Vista/7 start menu has an "all programs" menu attached to the bottom of the "favorite/recent applications" box in the start menu. Not that it scrolled when you have that many favorites. Heck for all I know it does... like you I've never seen any one with that many favorites.
If I'm understanding you correctly... then that's exactly what I had in mind. I'm using "show all with categories" now... which is still a huge improvement over the gigantic list I had before. Especially in that it lets me see easily which apps are not part of the set of apps (the "other" category)... so I know exactly which ones to check for updates by hand. But smart is just... I dunno... better to me. Perhaps just because I'm used to the windows vista/7 start menu now. So yeah I would like what you are describing.
Any way thanx for taking time to answer me. has made my life as a tech so much easier.