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LibreOffice 3.4.2 fails to complete launch

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Jeremy Cox
Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2009-04-30 15:09
LibreOffice 3.4.2 fails to complete launch

Upgraded from 3.3.2 to 3.4.2 on Windows 7 this morning. Now when I launch any of the LibreOffice apps (calc, writer, etc.) the launcher gets part way through, and then fails with a "LibreOffice 3.4 has stopped working" message from Windows.

Initially, it failed while the launcher said it was loading the Hungarian disctionary information. So I deleted all of the Hungarian dictionary pieces. That got me past that bit of the loading process.

Now, it fails at "Enabling script provider for BeanShell". Tried removing the scripts/beanshell folder, but it made no difference.

Suggestions? Reinstall from scratch? An issue with the installer, or a bad upgrade?

The frustrating part is that this happened with an "update all apps" process, so I wasn't even particularly looking to have anything special in 3.4.2, and now I have nothing.

Full path to beanshell that I tried removing:

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 5 hours 28 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Messing About

Any time you go messing about with the internals of an app, you're going to make it worse. I'd take the safe route at this point and delete and reinstall it to ensure it works properly going forward.

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Last seen: 7 years 5 months ago
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If that doesn't work try this

If installing it on the portable device doesn't work.

Try the only way I could get a working copy on my portable drive.

1)Install it to "C:\Temp\LibreOffice\" first and run it twice from there.
2)Then copy the LibreOffice folder to the portable device.
3)Then once you have a confirmed working copy on your portable device you can delete the copy in "c:\Temp".

"C:/Temp" can be anything really, as long as there as NO spaces or underlines in the path. Because the LibreOffice main program launcher (soffice.exe) chokes on both spaces and underlines.

Jeremy Cox
Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2009-04-30 15:09
I completely deleted the

I completely deleted the LibreOfficeApp folder, reinstalled fresh, and it works fine now. Although others seem to be having issues still.

I should have been more conscious of the internet access restrictions I would have that day before hitting the update button. Cost me use of the application for most of the day.

Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-11-12 18:19

I updated to 3.4.2 and it also fails to complete launch (stops at enabling script for python or something like that) so I deleted and reinstalled but exactly the same happened.
So I had to copy 3.3.2 from my backup

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 5 hours 28 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

If you just reinstall, it still keeps your existing profile which could have issues, especially if it was upgraded from 3.2 to 3.3 already. If you delete your Data directory, that should take care of it. You'll lose settings, of course.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-11-12 18:19

First I deleted the LibreOfficePortable directory (inc. the data dir.) from my portable drive and then I installed 3.4.
I've gone twice through this procedure now but it keeps failing to launch.
So I hope somebody comes up with an answer.
Thanks for your time and fast reply.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 5 hours 28 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
More info

Please give some more info including your operating system and service pack level, full install path, any antivirus running, whether installing to NTFS or FAT32, etc

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-11-12 18:19

Here is some info
Windows XP home
Service Pack 3.0
Install path M/PortableApps/LibreOfficePortable.
AV- Avira Antivir Personal
Firewall ZA
Installed to USB-stick (SanDisk Cruzer Contour) FAT32

I hope that's enough info thanks for taking the time

Last seen: 5 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2009-10-30 10:34
I could not get it to launch either

LO 3.4.2 kept failing to start, terminating before fully loading, for me too.

So I restored 3.3.2 from my backup as well.

I find I still use OO.o 3.2 for almost all of my .odt/.ods file work. At least LO 3.3.2 had the PDF export finally working.

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 2 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-24 18:46
Update causes launcher to choke, fresh install OK

I can confirm that updating LO to 3.4.2 causes the installer to choke, although a fresh install fixes the issue.

Also, deleting the Data directory also fixes this.

My install: Default paths, Win7 64bit, fully patched.

Further info to come.

[EDIT] Updating a fresh 3.3.3 LO install works without issues. I'm not sure where the problem is, so I'd mark this as non-reproducible for now, at least from my point of view.

Last seen: 8 years 3 months ago
Joined: 2011-08-11 07:53

Deleting data or fresh install does not help. Fails always while loading Python. But restoring 3.3.2 helps. I am using XP.

Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2009-11-12 16:36
LibreOffice 3.4.2 fails to complete launch

Same problem.
"Enabling: Script Provider for Python" is the last message.
Tried reinstalling, same problem.

I don't have 3.3.2 so I loaded portable openoffice and it works fine.

Last seen: 2 months 2 days ago
Joined: 2007-12-10 14:57
not sure but

it looks as all problems with 3.4.come when there had been an older LO-portable installed. And that older launcher seems to be brooken (tested here with W2K + XP), where additional to that the "open.." or "open with .." dialog sets inappropriate registry-keys for the related application to open it.
Someone experienced might want to give it a try with: deleting the LO-directory and deleting all LO/SO-related entries within the registry
(An uninstallation-routine for this would be a nice-to-have)
As allways: tempering the registry might kill the whole windows. Howevber, for me it had worked.

Last seen: 12 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2010-03-03 10:52
Having the same issue as

Having the same issue as everyone. Upgrading LO from 3.3.x to 3.4.x leads to crashing after the launcher loads halfway or so.

No problem with the installer, though.

Going to try a clean install. Will post or edit if there are still problems.


Last seen: 13 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2011-08-19 19:33
Solution here?

I experienced this bug with the official LibreOffice as well.

It seems to be caused by some bad java detection.

I was also able to "fix" it by deleting the "script-provider-for-beanshell" folder, but who knows what consequences that will have.

Last seen: 6 years 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-06-17 19:52
This is a safe and instant fix
Frank D. Hubeny
Last seen: 13 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2006-06-29 06:53
Not For Me

I tried safe instant fix and still LO 3.4.2 Portable fails to load for me. It shuts down after displaying Starting Sript for Python. It stays there for about thirty seconds then shuts down. I am running it on a Windows XP Service Pack three PC. I am useing "PA 1.6.1". It was a clean install not a upgrade. I installed it to my Portable Apps USB Drive as usual. I downloaded three times twice from Portable Apps and once from LO's Website. I installed this six times wit the same results. Which pardon me was annoying.

I wanted to try the last version of LibreOffice Portable but can not find it. I downloaded this three times and deleted the javascript file.

I even deleted OpenOffice Portable because I did not know if the two would caus problems. Is ther a link to an erlier version of LO Portable. If not I will reload OO from my archives.

Edited after the fact:

I found "LO 3.3.3 Portable". I deleted "LO 3.4.2" and installed it on the same PC in the same place. It now loads and works on two of my test Documents. I will wait for the next release as I test my other needed documents with "LO 3.3.3 Portable". But this time I will not delete my archive of "LO 3.3.3 Portable" untill I am sure the new one works.

Frank D. Hubeny

Last seen: 2 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2007-11-12 18:19
doesn't work for me either

I tried everything since August 12
so far nothing works
Installed to C/Temp
I deleted this javasettings.xml file but again didn't get beyond
"Enabling: Script Provider for Python"

Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2011-10-17 08:57
Fix for 'Failed Launch'
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