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What is the correct process for upgrading to a new version?

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Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2011-07-08 21:32
What is the correct process for upgrading to a new version?


I have installed and running ok, version: LibreOffice Portable 3.3.3
The application is installed on my computer at the following location:


.......LibreOfficePortable (v.3.3.3)

Now, I want to install the new version 3.4.1 Test. How should I do?

The data indicate that must be installed, for now, in a "separate directory"
The question is: separate from what?
1. within the existing directory: LibreOfficePortable (3.3.3)? (like child?)
2. outside, as the brother of the existing directory?
3. Other?...

* After installing the new directory, the directory above (3.3.3) should be removed?
* I mind that the file association is indexed to version 3.3.3

Please could someone help me and step- by-step process?

Last seen: 1 year 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-07-28 22:05
its not a step-by-step guide

its not a step-by-step guide, but this might help

Before you start, I would recommend doing a backup of your current LibreOfficePortable install (even if it is just copying the LibreOfficePortable folder to a different directory/drive).

re: "The data indicate that must be installed, for now, in a "separate directory"
The question is: separate from what?"

that would mean answer 2. it should install to a separate directory. On your system that would probably be something like


now, backup your current LibreOffice (this should work, but it is a test release so it doesn't hurt to backup)

when you run the install, point it to where you currently have LibreOffice installed and it should work (update to the test release).

hopefully ...

with luck ..

..... and it wouldn't hurt to wait for someone more knowledgeable (better at this) than me to reply.


Pyromaniac's picture
Last seen: 9 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2008-09-30 19:18
Outside is fine

If you install it to C:\Users\xxxxx\Downloads\LibreOfficePortableTest, you'll be fine.

The stable version of LibreOffice is going to be updated soon, I think, so I suggest you wait till then to update, instead of doing it over again.

Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2011-07-08 21:32
trying to update to version 3.4.2


I installed the new portable version (3.4.2) in a separate directory

C:\Users\xxxxx\Downloads\LibreOfficePortable (now 3.4.2 version)
C:\Users\xxxxx\Downloads\LibreOffice\LibreOfficePortable (before: 3.3.3 version)

By keeping the two versions (2 directories), presents the following situation:

a) Existing files (ods, odt) are associated and are open directly only with version 3.3.3

b) I try to modify this, with the normal procedure of Windows, however, does not happen anything.

c) If I delete the version 3.3.3 in the first directory, automatically associating files (ods, odt) is lost and the icons are blank and is not able open these files by clicking on them.

*I think the problem occurs because the association is registered in the Windows registry, and do not know how you could unlock or modify it.

Please someone could help me?

Last seen: 13 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2011-07-08 21:32


-Today in the morning, I decided to delete the two folders directories containing the versions already mentioned (v3.3.3 and v3.4.2)
-Then, I carried out a cleaning with CCleaner
-Later, re-initiated the pc
-and finally re-installed version 3.4.2 in a directory LibreOfficePortable

Location: C:\Users\xxxxx\Downloads\LibreOffice\LibreOfficePortable

Now everything is fine, everything working properly.


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