In 1992 the best PIM ever came out called EccoPro it lived and was developed until 1997 when Netmanage aquired it, released an update and then dropped it. It has all a PIM should have - it is a powerful outliner too. It is free to download if you google it. There is an installer for W7 and Vista
I installed it to my own W7 pc jumpdrive. As I need to use it on my "protected" work laptop I plugged the drive in and ran the exe file. It kept looking for about 4 dll's and I copied them across to the Ecco program folder one at a time until it worked - Everything works on it - good deal.
It is a real shame that nobody has bought the code from Netmanage as this App is superb - it would make a great Mac App. If you take Omni Outliner, Omnifocus, Omniplanner and put them together, add in a phone book and a calendar and you have about 75% of what Ecco does.
Happy to help
If you would share, which dlls make eccopro (a lovely pim) a portable app.
Tks for listening.
More info can be found here.
It amazes me that on the internet you can be anything you want, and yet so many people still choose to be idiots.