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Windows thinks a URL leads to a local file?

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Last seen: 18 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2006-11-30 01:09
Windows thinks a URL leads to a local file?

Hello all.

I've been using Portable Firefox for some time now, and I've always been impressed. I'm sort of a portable apps junkie. Smile I just prefer minimalist software that does the job right without alot of hassle or garbage left behind. But lately I've had problems that have me befuddled.

Obviously I've doing something wrong. I've done something or have missed something, so I'd like to ask for help.

I had no problems with It ran like a dream. I used DefaultMyPFF to set it to the default browser. No issues. Then I get version 2.0. It runs fine, but when I try to set it as the default browser using the same technique, I get errors. Everytime I open a webpage, not only does the page open correctly, but I get a Windows message saying that it can't find the file in question. As in "Windows cannot find, "" ". Very weird.

I've scrubbed my registry clean of any entries relating to Firefox or FirefoxPortable and tried re-associating. No dice. I've tried going into Folder Options->File Types and looking at the settings. Again, I must be missing something because everything is looking fine. I've tried going back to ver., and it does the same thing, so I must have changed something somewhere without meaning to.

Installed SeaMonkey- the problem isn't there. Installed Opera- the problem isn't there. Reset and re-associated Internet Explorer as the default browser- the problem isn't there. (I never upgraded to IE 7.)

Again, I've done something wrong somewhere by accident and the answer is staring me right in the face. I'm just not seeing it though. One of those, "D'oh!" moments.

Any ideas?


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 min 49 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

It's important to keep in mind that setting Firefox Portable as your default browser is not supported. You can hack the registry or use one of the unofficial tools floating around... but you're on your own with it.

The issue you're seeing sounds similar to an old bug I had a fix for:

But, like I said, you're on your own.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 18 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2006-11-30 01:09
You sir, are my hero.

Mr. Haller,

You do great work. You care about what you put out there. You deliver quality.

Edited the .REG to change FIREFOX to FirefoxPortable. Worked like a charm. Next time I'll try to get off my ass and dig into the Mozilla bug archives.

Thank you so much.


Ryan McCue
Ryan McCue's picture
Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-06 21:27

Any idea why the fix worked, since DMFFP doesn't set the ddeexecute (I think)?
Ryan McCue
Cube Games
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.
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Ryan McCue
Ryan McCue's picture
Last seen: 15 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2006-01-06 21:27

DefaultMyFFP rocks! (From my biased POV ;))
I'll have to check, because Firefox must have changed the way it associates itself as the default browser. John, anyone, have any idea if it changed?
I'm using:

WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Classes\.shtml" "" "FirefoxHTML"
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Classes\.xht" "" "FirefoxHTML"
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Classes\.xhtm" "" "FirefoxHTML"
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Classes\.xhtml" "" "FirefoxHTML"
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Classes\.htm" "" "FirefoxHTML"
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Classes\.html" "" "FirefoxHTML"
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Classes\FirefoxHTML\DefaultIcon" "" "$FFP,1"
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Classes\FirefoxHTML\shell\open\command" "" "$FFP -url $\"%1$\""
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Classes\ftp\DefaultIcon" "" "$FFP,1"
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Classes\ftp\shell\open\command" "" "$FFP -url $\"%1$\""
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Classes\gopher\DefaultIcon" "" "$FFP,1"
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Classes\gopher\shell\open\command" "" "$FFP -url $\"%1$\""
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Classes\http\DefaultIcon" "" "$FFP,1"
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Classes\http\shell\open\command" "" "$FFP -url $\"%1$\""
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Classes\https\DefaultIcon" "" "$FFP,1"
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Classes\https\shell\open\command" "" "$FFP -url $\"%1$\""
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Classes\CHROME\DefaultIcon" "" "$FFP,1"
WriteRegStr HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE "SOFTWARE\Classes\CHROME\shell\open\command" "" "$FFP -url $\"%1$\""
WriteRegStr HKEY_CURRENT_USER  "Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" "Check_Associations" "No"
WriteRegStr HKEY_CURRENT_USER  "Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main" "IgnoreDefCheck" "Yes"

Where $FFP is set to FirefoxPortable.exe
Ryan McCue
Cube Games
Life is like a sewer. What you get out of it depends on what you put into it.
(Tom Lehrer)

"If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate."

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