First of all many thanks for your work!
My problem: I'd like to have Portable OOo2 in my own language (Italian), so I tried to compress it using Upx (both the stable and the beta versions), but I didn't get any appreciable result: I've only saved about 5MB from 200MB!
*jar files seems to be already recompressed...where's my mistake?
UPX needs to be used on every EXE and DLL using the commandline givin on the support page under modifications. JARs are ZIPs that you uncompress then recompress with 7zip. I'll be posting tools to do this easily within the next week or so.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Hi John,
I solved my problem by using this option within the commandline given in support page: --strip-loadconf (upx 1.93).
I made a batch file that automatically compress all *.ddl and *.exe and recompress all *.jar files contained into any folder (based on Alex Selivanov's pfxbuilder) that works really fine! If you need I'll send you my script.
Thanks for the offer. I actually have one that I'm releasing soon.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Im very interested in your script for recompress all *.dll, *.exe and *.jar into any folder (and subfolders???)...
Is it possible to display it here?
Framakey... FrenchPortableAppsProject [Framakey Project] [Framakey Forum]
You can download it from here
It's a batch file that you must edit before to use (quick instructions inside).
It doesn't work on Win 98 and Me.
Hi there.
Had a quick look over your batch script. Was really impressed. I've tried to make something similar for optimizing .png files (here), but still have a lot to learn!
I'm trying to have POOo in Italian, so could you tell me where i can find instruction to it (like Howto)? Thanks in advance
You can find Portable Italian OpenOffice at, see here.
If you want to package it by yourself, just contact me by email (tittoproject[AT]gmail[DOT]com), so we can talk in Italian
Many thanks Gabriele,
I've written a mail.