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[Fixed] Unknown Software Exception when Ejecting

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Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-10-19 04:36
[Fixed] Unknown Software Exception when Ejecting


I have the PAP (Portable Apps Platform) version 10.0.1.
My OS is Windows XP Professional SP3 (German OS).
The language in the PAP is English.

When I click on the "Eject" button in the PAP then a "Unbekannter Softwarefehler" (Unknown Software Exception) is shown.

The English text would be (this is my translation):
The Exception "Unknown Software Exception" (0x0eedfade) occurred in the application at the position 0x7c812afb".

When I click in this error message on the button "OK" then English Message is shown:
Title: Application Error
Message: Exception EConvertError in module Eject.exe at 0001393A. "false" is not a valid integer value.

This error is always reproducible on my Windows XP machine.
On Windows 7 Professional x64 SP1 there is no error.

Is there anything I can do to help locating the bug?
Are there any error logs?
Does the PAP write an debug output?



Simeon's picture
Last seen: 10 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2006-09-25 15:15

Did you try to reinstall the platform?

I dont think there are any error logs.

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Last seen: 30 min 58 sec ago
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I wasn't able to reproduce it

I wasn't able to reproduce it (WinXP SP3 German w. admin rights).
I tried with english and german language settings on several machines and it always quits and ejects as expected.
Maybe you could give further information (user rights, installed antivirus software etc.) Has any other runtime software access to your drive (truecrypt f.i)? What apps did you use in the meantime if any? Do they autostart with the platform and are they closed before ejecting?

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
in Eject.exe

Based on the error messages you posted I'd say the error isn't in the Platform at all, but in the (included) ejection system it uses, could you perhaps verify the MD5's of the following 2 files:

  • File: X:\PortableApps\\App\Bin\eject.exe
    MD5: 87cd15e3d5f28cd38b1547b8b13657c9
  • File: X:\PortableApps\\App\Bin\USB_Disk_Eject.cfg
    MD5: a1bc06f7b3fc5790b06b1d8a05bda051

(MD5's can be checked with winMd5Sum)


Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-10-19 04:36
All requested information


first I calculated the MD5's pf the two files like 3D1T0R suggested.
Both MD5's are equal (I inserted the MD5 from his posting and selected to compare.
So this seems to be OK.

The eject problems only occur here at work (Windows XP Professional x32, SP3).
At home (Windows 7 Professional x64, SP1) the eject functionality works normally.
I start the same Portable Apps Platform (same USB stick) on both machines.
So beside the different OS the only difference is the different drive letter.
So I did not reinstall the PAP (Portable Apps Platform) on my USB stick.

At home (Windows 7) my account is an "Administrator" account.
So I have all rights.

At work I have local admin rights, but my account is not an "Administrator" account.
I am allowed to execute EXE files, have access to all folders on C:\, can access the registry and can use USB devices.
I also can install software and access the internet.
There might be some special things where I do not have the rights, but I can not tell what things are restricted.

The antivirus program we use is "Symantec Antivirus" (Corporate Edition).
At home I have Norton Interet Security 2012 (also from Symantec).

I normally have the following portable Apps opened:
AquaSnap, Launchy, System Explorer, Firefox (only sometimes running), VirtuaWin and VistaSwitcher.
Before ejecting, I make sure that they all are closed.
I also check this with System Exlorer Portable: if just System Explorer is listed below "PortableAppsPlattform" then I close System Explorer and then I select to eject (by clicking on the button in the PAP).

Ejecting the stick using the Windows XP eject functionality (icon in systray) works normally.

What else information do you need to find the reason of this problem?
How can I help you?



John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 min 58 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Personal Picture

Are you using a personal picture? If so, that will cause this error.

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Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-10-19 04:36
Yes, I have a personal picture

Hello John,

yes, I am using a personal picture.
Good that you found the reason for this problem.
Now you can fix it in one of the next versions.

I tried to remove my personal picture by right clicking on it, but here an other exception is raised.
I know that this problem is also known (here in the forums (an other user reported it here:

So I closed the PAP and removed my personal picture like the user Simeon suggested at

It is inside the X://PortableApps/ folder. close the Platform and delete it.

After doing this I started the PAP without starting any portable app.
I also do not have any portable app launched automatically.
Then I clicked on the eject button, but the exception is still raised.

In the error message (second error message) the error text is:

Exception EConvertError in module Eject.exe at 0001393A. "false" is not a valid integer value.

So the error occurred in Eject.exe
Here the value "false" (boolean) is assigned to an integer variable (without converting the boolean to integer).
Something the programmers of Eject.exe must fix (a foreign component, not developed by PotableApps as far as I know).

Is there anything else that I can do?



3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
Platform Version

Is this specific to version 10.0.1 or is it also present in other versions (specifically 'Next' Pre-Release 4.2 & any pre-10.0.1 & post-PR4.2 versions you can / are willing to test)?


Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-10-19 04:36
Hello, I have to test if this


I have to test if this also occurs in other versions.
I will download the 'Next' Pre-Release 4.2 and install it on an other USB stick.
I also will install 10.0.1 on an other stick without any portable apps.
So I can test if the platform itself has the problem.

Meantime one question:
What is the difference between the normal Portable Apps Platform 10.0.1 and the "Next" Plattform 4.2?



Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 4 days 14 hours ago
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Final vs. Pre-release Platform 10.0.1 is a bug-fix for the final release of version 10.0. Platform 'Next' Pre-release 4.2 is a pre-release version that became 10.0, and then 10.0.1. For specific details of what was fixed in between these versions, check the bug tracker thread.

Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-10-19 04:36
IT IS specific to version 10.0.1


I installed the versions 10.0.1 and Next Pre-Release 4.2 on a new USB stick, where no PAP (PortableApps Platform) was installed before.
The version 10.0.1 still throws an exception, the version Next Pre-Release 4.2 works as designed (no exception).

I replaced in my PAP 10.0.1 the file eject.exe (found in e:\PortableApps\\App\Bin\) with the eject.exe that came with Next Pre-Release 4.2.
Here no exception is shown but ejecting the stick is not working.

Here are my tests in details.

I tested both installations on my work laptop.
It is a Lenovo T410 with Windows XP Professional x32, SP3.

PortableApps Platform 10.0.1
I downloaded and installed the file "PortableApps.com_Platform_Setup_10.0.1.exe" on an other USB stick (where no PAP was installed before).
The destination folder is the root folder (no sub folder).
I did not install any portable apps and did also not select any personal picture.
After installation I just started the PAP, clicked on the "Eject" button and received the exception message.

PortableApps Platform Next Pre-Release 4.2
I removed the PAP from the USB stick (deleting the folders "Documents" and "PortableApps" and also the files "Autorun.inf" and "Start.exe").
Then I downloaded and installed the file "PortableApps.com_Platform_Setup_2.0_Pre-Release_4.2.exe".
I also just started the PAP, did not install any portable apps and did also not select an personal picture.
But here no exception is shown, I received the Windows balloon windows "The hardware now can be removed".

Replacing eject.exe
On my portable apps stick (where 10.0.1 is installed) the eject exe (found in e:\PortableApps\\App\Bin\) has the version number
The eject.exe from the PAP Next Pre-Release 4.2 has the version number
I renamed the eject.exe (PAP 10.0.1) to _eject.exe and copied the eject.exe version (PAP Next Pre-Release 4.2) in to the same folder.
If I eject now, I do not get any exception, but I get the message that ejecting is not possible, because the drive is in use.
This message window has the window title "eject", so this is a message shown by eject.exe and not a message shown by the system.

Is there something else I can do to help you to find a solution?



Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-10-19 04:36
New Version?


when will be a bug-fixed version, where this problem no longer occurs?



John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 min 58 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Possible Fix

Could you please try this fix?

1. Rename eject.exe within the PortableApps\\App\bin directory to eject_old.exe
2. Download eject.exe and place it in the same folder.
3. Run the platform and try to eject.

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Last seen: 7 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2012-06-04 14:10
Unfortunately not

We have been plagued by this on every single Windows XP SP3 system on which we have tried 10.0.1 on, and so we continue use 1.6.1 as the constant errors are too disturbing for users.

Downloading and installing your fix, we still get the error occurring just after we see the Windows "safe to remove" message and we withdraw the USB key.

We get the Windows "eject.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close"

On choosing "debug" we get
Error signature:
AppName: eject.exe AppVer: ModName: ntdll.dll
ModVer: 5.1.2600.6055 Offset: 00019af2

Then we see a window with the text
"Exception EAccessViolation in module ntdll.dll at 00019AF2.
Access violation at address 7C919AF2 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of address 00000010."

This occurs on several Windows XP SP3 machines, all fully up-to-date with MS updates.

Thank you

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 min 58 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Fixed in 10.1

I reverted the eject utility to the older version in 10.1 to alleviate this. It doesn't support some multi-card readers as well, but it does solve this issue on PCs that experience it. We'll look into upgrading to a newer version once this bug is fixed. If folks experiencing this bug previously could please stay subscribed to this topic, I'll post more details when a fix is available for the newer version of the eject utility here for testing.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 4 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-10-19 04:36
Confirmed in 10.2.1

It is working now in Windows XP SP3 with the PAP 10.2.1.

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