I wanted to make NeedforSpeed Most Wamted Portable (for personal use, and yes, i own the game)
I tried to 'make it portable' by copy and paste the whole directory into my USB Drive.
Of course it didn't work out lol.
I read the guide, and i didnt quite understand, there's inly one thing i need to handle:
The game saves the game at: My Document/NFS Most Wanted
Can anyone provide me the code to point the launcher to that directory? Thanks!
"The game saves the game" installed in My Documents or that the game data is saved in My Documents?
If it's just the data (as I assume you meant to say), then try this:
Thanks! Its just the data
Sorry if i did not make it clear :S
It worked flawlessly! Now my NFS Most Wanted is completely portable! Many Thanks!!