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Problem Installing Skype (PortableApps)

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Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
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Problem Installing Skype (PortableApps)


Installed PortableApps Platform (Stable). All apps that have been installed appear to be running well until attempted to install "Skype".

After many installation attempts have received the following messages in sequence.

[1] "The downloaded copy of Skype is not valid and can not be installed. Please try installing again."

[2] "The installer was unable to download Skype. The installation of the portable app will be incomplete without it. Please try installing again. (ERROR: OK)"

If attempt to start "Skype" from PortableApps menu on USB (It does appear in menu despite failed installation notice) receive the following message:
"Skype Portable cannot be started. You may wish to re-install to fix this issue. (ERROR: Skype.exe could not be found)"


What needs to be done to resolve this problem?

Thank you in advance,


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 9 hours 48 min ago
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Sounds like you are blocked from downloading from at your current location. Is that the case?

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Last seen: 10 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-02-15 16:06
I do not think so. I was able

I do not think so.

I was able to download the entire "skype" program and install at the different locations. However, not able to download "skype.exe" at these locations when installing portable app.


How Sweet it is!!!

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Happens to me too!

Until I saw your post, I thought it was only a problem with the new version.

Last seen: 11 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-01 21:08
Same Issue

I have the same problem Installing/Updating Skype, Tested a desktop and a laptop, at home.

When Updating Skype using the platform updater: "The downloaded copy of Skype Portable ( is not valid and can not be installed. This could be due to an incomplete download or other network issue. Please try running the updater again when complete."

I think the problem happens because the Updater doesn't handle the downloading of skype.

it should handle the additional download just like it works with Chrome.

Sometimes making love is just not enough, you have to step it up!

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 9 hours 48 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
It does

The platform downloads Skype just like it downloads Chrome.

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Last seen: 11 years 2 months ago
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Manual update

I downloaded skype portable
and attempted to install using the platform: Manage Apps > Install a New App

It downloads a file 18028KB and then it downloads another file 18028KB and then show "The downloaded copy of Skype is not valid and can not be installed. Please try installing again."

When installing using the downloaded file (not via the platform) the same exact thin happens, it downloads 2 files (18028KB) and give the same message.

Sometimes making love is just not enough, you have to step it up!

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 9 hours 48 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Just Ran Both

I just ran the install for Skype Portable through the platform's app store/updater and directly with an install from the installer itself and both worked without issue. The installer is correct and the database is correct. And as long as you get a proper download of the Skype MSI, it installs correctly.

When you see it downloading a second copy of that 18028KB file, it means the first one was corrupted and the MD5 did not match. It will try a second time before erroring out and giving up. Both the installer and the updater/app store behave that way by design to see if it's just a momentary problem. So, something is corrupting your download of it between you and Skype. Generally this is a corporate or university firewall that specifically blocks Skype or blocks MSI downloads.

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It happens at homes and never happened before

Did you use to download the EXE and not the MSI?

Last seen: 11 years 2 months ago
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I may have discovered the cause of this issue and wanted to share my solution:

the Problem: Windows Defender

1. Open Windows Defender and enter Tools > Options
2. Locate "Real-time protection options"
3. Disable "Application Execution" and "Application Registration"
4. Save, then Install/Update Skype Portable

you may need to disable only one of these options (Application Registration), you can try that first, if it fails then disable the other one too and it will work.

you may go ahead and report this to Microsoft.

Sometimes making love is just not enough, you have to step it up!

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 9 hours 48 min ago
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This is a non-default setting then. Windows Defender and MSSE normally have no issue at all with Skype Portable's installer and it is tested against both of them.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 11 years 2 months ago
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It is the normal setting

It's the real-tile protection of Windows Defender, that's how Vista is installed.

it's simple, when having the mentioned items enabled the installation/Update fails, after disabling the items the Install/Update works.

I have no other conclusion,
and there no much settings to change in Windows Defender, the Default settings already offers the most security the program has.

Sometimes making love is just not enough, you have to step it up!

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 9 hours 48 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Works For Me

It works just fine for me on a clean Windows Vista install with Windows Defender running and up to date with all default settings. I just tried it and it installed without issue. That's why I'd guessed you changed some settings.

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I got the same problem, and

I got the same problem, and my Windows Defender realtime protection was disabled from day 1, so I don't think that's the cause.

Interestingly, I tested the portable version from that similarly named site, and it works. So I think it's something at Skype's end. Maybe something geographical.

Last seen: 1 week 3 days ago
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Can't detect the local MSI

There's a new problem. I've downloaded SkypeSetup_5.8.0.158.msi (the currently newest version) and the portable installer ignores it (in the same folder). That is, it still tries to download the MSI itself.

That means no workaround for the discussed problem!

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 9 hours 48 min ago
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Redownload it and be sure you're getting the right one. I just tried it and it works just fine.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 1 week 3 days ago
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Not for me

Even though I downloaded it right from there and in multiple computers, I've followed your wish but nothing changed.

I don't understand why doesn't the portable installer use the local MSI file.

Last seen: 11 years 2 months ago
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Not Working

I have put both the .paf and .MSI you provided in the same folder and the .paf still attempts to download the installer twice and then tell me the downloaded installer is not valid.

disabled MSE and Windows firewall, run as admin, put both installers in C: still fails to install.
Win 7 Ultimate x64 (Admin account) [Fresh new laptop]

Temporary workaround:
1. Install the .paf installer, this will build the folder structure
2. Open the .MSI installer with 7-Zip and extract the Skype.exe to SkypePortable\App\Skype\Phone
*you may need to create the 'Phone' folder*

Sometimes making love is just not enough, you have to step it up!

Gord Caswell
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Last seen: 2 weeks 22 hours ago
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Using WinMd5Sum Portable, please verify the md5sum of SkypeSetup_5.8.0.158.msi

It should be the following: ed28a78d67a9551d550eef3986e5515f

If it isn't, your download of SkypeSetup_5.8.0.158.msi was corrupted. That would explain why the downloaded file isn't used.

Last seen: 11 years 2 months ago
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no match
what does it mean ?

Sometimes making love is just not enough, you have to step it up!

Gord Caswell
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Last seen: 2 weeks 22 hours ago
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Skype download corrupted

That means that your download of SkypeSetup_5.8.0.518.msi isn't complete for some reason. Try re-downloading it from a different computer.

Last seen: 1 week 3 days ago
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Same MD5 as mine

I get 8e72248904118a4a18c394c7194c79ba too. As for me, I've already mentioned I downloaded from multiple computers.

I've extracted skype.exe but its properties mention, which means contains the wrong link.

Last seen: 11 years 7 months ago
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I have the same problem.

I have the same problem.

Last seen: 12 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2006-10-31 04:07
I had the same problem...

So I decided to install the full Skype application on my laptop. I downloaded the Skype installer from the Skype website. When I ran that, it failed, as well, stating, "We are having problems connecting to the download server." It gave me an option to download a full installer, which worked flawlessly.

I didn't mess with my firewall settings or anything else. Could be those, I guess. But I've installed SkypePortable previously without issue.

For what it's worth, I also get: "Skype Home is unavailable"

Last seen: 40 min 22 sec ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48
check settings

during the last 4 weeks, I was called to 5 friends having problems with skype. They all had the:

"Skype Home is unavailable"

I have no idea what the people did, but in all 5 cases I found that they had their current status set to offline and not only show as offline.

Changed the status to online=bingo all works.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 9 hours 48 min ago
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Windows Internet Settings

On Windows, the Internet Settings accessible by Control Panel is responsible for this. As it's also accessible via IE's options, many people think it is just for IE. But, it's actually the overall Windows internet configuration and used by all kinds of things, like online installers. So, check IE and make sure it can access the internet.

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Unable to d/l skype

For months I've been unable to update SkypePortable. Thought it could be my internet connection? I use my phone as an access point via wi-fi. I get unlimited browsing for 6 months for £20UK. But only get 150MB d/l limit. It does still allow d/l once limit is reached but only at dial-up speeds.

But with Skype I get the following error:

Download Error: Reget Error on file
Outdated download link removed

That's exactly the message I get. Is it my connection or the installer/Skype?
No other apps have a problem updating. Defender hasn't been touched since windows was installed. IE can access web but I never use it.

Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 9 hours 48 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Updating How?

How are you having the issue updating? In the platform itself? Or are you unable to access it directly from the website?

If the error is when downloading Skype (the updater downloads the portable installer and then immediately downloads Skype itself if it can), that just means you're blocked from downloading Skype. Nothing at all we can do about that. What happens if you run the Skype Portable installer directly?

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 3 weeks 2 days ago
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Thanks for your

Thanks for your reply...

Well, I tried updating using the Platform's Check For Updates first. It d/l's the installer ok and then fails to connect to Skype to d/l app I think, as that's when the error appears. I did try d/l the launcher seperately and using Platform's Install a New App function to update, but the same thing happens. So, it means I'm blocked from d/l Skype then?

I'm curious why though. I mean, my phone is my access to internet as I said above, by tethering my laptop via wi-fi. My previous phone was a Galaxy S2, I now have a Galaxy Y and use the same SIM card, T-Mobile, on both. I can d/l the android Skype app sign in and use it, so what would my network gain by blocking me d/l the PC app when I can still use Skype on my phone?

EDIT: I've just noticed my post above has turned the link for the Error into a clickable link. I tried clicking it and got page with an Access Denied Message at the top. If it was my network wouldn't it be their page I get not yours?

Live for an ideal and leave no place in the mind for anything else.

Last seen: 12 years 1 month ago
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For "Skype Portable cannot be

For "Skype Portable cannot be started. You may wish to re-install to fix this issue. (ERROR: Skype.exe could not be found)" - make sure you have enough space on your memory stick else not all the files will install.

Last seen: 9 years 9 months ago
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Same problems as SweetC

I tried to download it through CNET, Here and other places, I can't get it to work on any computer whether it's Win 7 Win 8 or Win XP.

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