Hi there,
I am interested in providing the PortableApps software to students at the college where I work. A lot of students are not tech Savvy and can't afford premium software. PortableApps would be a pain free alternative for them.
Before I proceed can someone please confirm if using PortableApps in an educational environment would infringe on any terms and conditions/ license agreements?
Most software here (including the Platform) is open source, so you can use it the way you like it.
For freeware, we usually show the license, so you can read it and see if there are any restrictions.
Previously known as kAlug.
usually the biggest hurdle some folks have had was that their location wouldn't let them use the apps or plug in a usb. Like if the company/office/school wanted everyone to use IE and their makeup of it, they might block the other browsers.
Don't be an uberPr∅. They are stinky.
How bout the differences between PCs and Macs?
Can I use a Portable app with a Mac PowerBook?and then use the same stick to work with a PC? Obviously some questions and problems with apps. But can one handle the two environments in the same stick perhaps partitioned.
Consider a PC at a hot spot. Can I run that, save a file Then go home to my Mac and download that file
And other such cross platforms questions?
You can save files on a stick, both from a Windows PC, a Mac, as well as a Linux PC. However, you can't run Portable Apps on Macs or Linux, not without using WINE (darWINE on Mac).