I want to add this one particular java program to my launcher. It is a Java app and has a .jar extension. If I change the extension to .exe it will show up but it will obviously not work. Is there a way to make this show up in my launcher? The fact that I cannot just create a shortcut annoys me.
For reference, this is the program.
Encryption Wizard.
that the launcher manual section on Java based apps should give you all the answers you need, I would type them out but why duplicate, and the manual is a lot clearer
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
Way too much to get this to work. Never-mind that the instructions are not very clear. The fact that a simple shortcut cannot be created is ridiculous.
you asked how to make it show up in your launcher, did you mean actually to have it show up in the menu? As that would be a different thing. I was under the impression you had created an actual launcher for it? Especially since it is dependent on Java being present on the host computer ( unless you have portable Java which in that case you need to point the jar to it and not the host machine.)
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
While you can't add the jar file itself and have it show up in the menu, you can try using the jPortable launcher: https://portableapps.com/apps/utilities/java_portable_launcher
I did find a work around but this may actually work too. I used Launch4j and created an .exe file that launches the Java app. I now have an launcher icon on the main PA menu under "Other" that works.
The app was confusing at first on how to use; I kept thinking the "play" looking button was the button needed to create the .exe but I was wrong.
But it takes a little ferjiggering.
The menu will automatically find exe files if they are in the correct menu structure. If you want the menu to find any other type of file, you need to add an appinfo.ini file and an icon.
First make sure you have the right folder structure. This is an example.
Make a text file called appinfo.ini in the Appinfo folder.
The contents of the appinfo.ini:
If you want an icon, you'll need to create an image file called appinfo.ico in the Appinfo folder - it's entirely optional. There are many ways to make an icon, the simplest is to make a 32x32 pixel .bmp file, save it, and rename it appinfo.ico.
Please note that this will not make the app portable if it is not already! It will only give a shortcut that will work the same as if you double-clicked the .jar file.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
I will use this for my .jars :). Thanks.
I've used this for a .jar (gogui) and the only issue I came up against is the fact that javaportable launcher doesn't accept arguments given to it on start up like: ..\jportablelauncher\jportablelauncher.exe ..\gogui\lib\gogui.jar.
This means the method you describe only works when you have java installed on the pc itself. Fortunately, I have not. So I just use the method to start the javaportable launcher and open gogui.jar from there. Works fine enough, but it's not perfect.
Ya, this was really only meant as a answer to the OP - it's kind of a generic way to get any type of file to appear in the menu, and of course doesn't confer any special functionality to the app, it only works the same as if you double-clicked on the file itself. It will run whatever the associated action is on the host computer.
Perhaps it might work well in conjunction with eXpresso or PFA, or when the platform someday gets file associations, I don't know.
The nice thing about the appinfo.ini file is that it does support relative paths, so you can add links to files, and folders, that are on your flash drive without worrying about drive letters. I use this approach in Folderz.
I made this half-pony, half-monkey monster to please you.
The relative paths thing is pretty cool. I guess I'll just wait for passing on arguments or file associations to become a feature.
I have time...
Just a coincidence but maybe this is exactly what you need?