Windows Error Lookup Tool Portable 3.0.4 has been released. Windows Error Lookup Tool lets you do exactly what the name implies, easily lookup those cryptic windows error codes in an easy to use app to find out what they mean. It's packaged in Format so it can easily integrate with the Platform. It's freeware for personal and business use.
Windows Error Lookup Tool is packaged for portable use with permission from Gunner Inc.
Update automatically or install from the portable app store in the Platform.
When an error occurs, Windows will often display either decimal, hex, HRESULT, NTSTATUS or STOP error codes. Type in an error code and WELT will display in English the error. You also have the option to create a note for an error (so you can keep track of what you have done to create the error)
Learn more about Windows Error Lookup Tool... Installer / Format
Windows Error Lookup Tool Portable is packaged in a Installer so it will automatically detect an existing installation when your drive is plugged in. It supports upgrades by installing right over an existing copy, preserving all settings. And it's in Format, so it automatically works with the Platform including the Menu and Backup Utility.
Windows Error Lookup Tool Portable is available for immediate download from the Windows Error Lookup Tool Portable homepage. Get it today!
What version?
Title says 2.0.3, summary says 3.0.4. Which is it?
CopyPasta error. I forgot to update the title.
Awesome. This will be very
Awesome. This will be very handy. Thanks!
I was going to inform you of
I was going to inform you of the update, but I guess you found out
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