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[not solved] - jPortable_7_Update_4.1_online.paf and LibreOfficePortable_3.5.3_MultilingualNormal.paf

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Last seen: 9 months 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2012-05-11 19:18
[not solved] - jPortable_7_Update_4.1_online.paf and LibreOfficePortable_3.5.3_MultilingualNormal.paf


Both of these apps are clean installs today.

LibreOffice reports that the current JRE is defective and could I please choose a new one from tools - options etc. I checked the location and it is fine. This is using base wizard which requires java to run.

I have noted the 2 threads below this post which are similar but not exactly so.

post: about running Windows greater than 2000

post: the one about the incorrect install location for java

I am running Win 7 64 bit
I didn't tick the experimental remove box in LibrOffice installer.

Can you help? In the meantime I will revert both apps.


Last seen: 21 hours 21 min ago
Joined: 2007-10-11 17:48

so far I just can confirm, that running any of the wizards tells that the java is broken.
Choosing the local installed or the one the stick does not matter, it is broken in all cases.
Tested with java 6.31 in the common files, installed with jPortable and 7.4 installed locall on XP 32bit.

Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland

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