1. I do not know if when I get the programs all downloaded and want to copy the folder over to my usb drive, will it format it first? Will a simple copy of the folder work? There does not seem to be any kind of beginner section where all these things are answered.
2.I have anther portable program app called [name of illegal software removed]. Can that app be on the usb drive and have this set of programs also on the same drive or will one or the other of them wipe out the other?
3.If I have this installed and then want to save something else onto the same usb drive, will that cause a problem?
The PortableApps.com Platform will not format your device and will not remove any existing apps. It is designed to be open. Our apps work with or without our platform. And our platform works with our apps as well as with apps from anyone else that publishes real portable software. Just install it to the root of your drive and it will create a Documents folder and sub-folders (or just use an existing one that is already there without removing anything) as well as a PortableApps folder and sub-folders for apps (also without removing any that are already there).
The name of the other software you use was removed from your post because it contains illegally distributed software. That project illegally used numerous PortableApps.com applications with our name, splash, license, source code, etc removed for years in violation of the GPL, copyright and trademark law. They still illegally distribute software from lots of different publishers but are small enough that most are unaware of this. As discussion of illegal software is not permitted at PortableApps.com, the name was removed.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I only mentioned the other source I was using to be able to ask if these sort of applications like this one would erase the usb or format it etc. I had no idea that the other outfit was doing anything wrong.
So if I understand you correctly, the apps can be used as standalone programs and copied over to any other computer or drive, but that by using the system you have in place they will be able to update etc with hardly any issues. I am new at the portable applications and appreciate you giving me a quick answer.
You can install PortableApps.com alongside just about anything (though, the illegal platform you mentioned may still be using stolen code, so may interfere with some functionality). And all the apps you install inside it can be automatically updated using our updater. We have updates out very quickly for all our apps. And, like all our tools, our updater and platform are fully open source and legal.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!