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USB Sudoku Translations

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John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 59 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
USB Sudoku Translations

Today's new app, USB Sudoku is in English but has the ability to be translated. We have a launcher ready that can handle switching but no translations to go along with it. So, we'd like you to help out.

To translate, just install it and then open up the USBSudokuPortable\App\USBSudoku directory. There is a file there called locale_example.ini. Copy it to a new file called locale.ini. Open that up and adjust the entries as necessary. The & sign is used to set hotkeys in menus. And the \t and then a letter at the end is used to display keys you can press to start the entry by clicking (this is only used on the menu entries, not the main menu of Game, Difficulty, etc).

Once complete, add the name of the translation to the top of the file after a ; so it appears as a comment (;Chinese Simplified for example) and then submit it to this thread. You can either post it directly as a reply here using PRE tags before and after it, or post it to Pastebin and include the link here.

One Note: Be sure to save a backup of your file, as it will be removed when you upgrade USB Sudoku Portable.

Once we have a bunch of translations, we'll release a new version with them included. Thanks for helping out!

Last seen: 3 hours 22 min ago
Joined: 2010-06-05 17:19
German locale

First shot ready:
Should this be handed down to the original developer as well?

; German



&Check for Errors=&Fehlerprüfung\tC
Possible &Values=Mögliche &Werte\tV

Play &Help=&Anleitung\tF1
&About USB Sudoku=&Über USB Sudoku

%s (%d%% max) puzzle %d=%s (%d%% max.) Puzzle %d
Generating (%d solutions analyzed)...=Puzzle wird generiert (%d Lösungen analysiert)...
%s (%d%% max) puzzle %d (rated at %d%%)=%s (%d%% max.) Puzzle %d (bewertet mit %d%%)
%d cells done (%.1f%%) %d to go=%d Zellen fertig (%.1f%%) %d fehlen
%s puzzle %d (rated at %d%%)=%s Puzzle %d (bewertet mit %d%%)
%s puzzle %d=%s Puzzle %d

About USB Sudoku=Über USB Sudoku
USB Sudoku Version 2=USB Sudoku Version 2
All versions of MS Windows supported=Alle MS WINDOWS Versionen unterstützt
A very small executable for playing the original game of Sudoku. Created specifically for use from a USB stick drive. But usable from any file system device.=Ein sehr kleines Programm, um das Original Sudoku-Spiel zu spielen. Speziell zur Nutzung von einem USB-Stick geschrieben. Jedoch auch von jedem anderen Datenträger aus nutzbar.
USB Sudoku is "green." The registry is not used. No file system writes are made except when USB Sudoku is exited.=USB Sudoku ist "grün". Die Registry wird nicht genutzt. Es werden keine Schreibzugriffe ausgeführt, außer wenn USB Sudoku geschlossen wird.
GPL'd solver and rater by Bill Dupree. A "heuristic" approach is used to rate the difficulty of each game. All generated games are guaranteed to have only one solution.=GPL Solver und Bewerter von Bill Dupree. Ein "heuristischer" Ansatz wird zur Bewertung der Schwierigkeit jedes Spiels benutzt. Alle generierten Spiele haben garantiert nur eine Lösung.
Free (GPL'd) and available at (GPL) und verfügbar auf
Packed with UPX.=Komprimiert mit UPX.

&Beginner Min:=&Anfänger min.:
&Beginner Max:=&Anfänger max.:
&Easy Max:=&Einfach max.:
&Medium Max:=&Mittel max.:
&Hard Max:=&Schwer max.:
E&xtreme Max:=E&xtrem max.:
&Reset to defaults=&Auf Standardwerte zurücksetzen

Game Number=Spielnummer
Enter a value between 1 and 9,999,999 inclusive, to play a specific game number.=Eine Zahl zwischen 1 und 9,999,999 eingeben, um ein bestimmtes Spiel zu spielen.
Enter 0 to play a randomly selected game.=Für ein zufällig gewähltes Spiel eine 0 eingeben.

USB Sudoku Help=USB Sudoku Hilfe
Under Construction.=UNDER CONSTRUCTION.
Please see the included readme.txt file for keyboard and mouse usage and how to customize the look.=Die Datei readme.txt beinhaltet Hinweise zur Keyboard- und Maussteuerung und zur Anpassung des Aussehens.

&0 (clear)=&0 (löschen)
&Show as possible=&als Möglichkeit eintragen
&Remove as possible=&als Möglichkeit löschen
John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 6 hours 59 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

The original app is long abandoned. We are looking for a new dev.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 3 hours 22 min ago
Joined: 2010-06-05 17:19
Ah ok, forgot to check the

Ah ok, forgot to check the project date...
Nice app nonetheless.

SevenFactors's picture
Last seen: 5 months 3 days ago
Joined: 2006-01-27 12:27
Español Locale

Glad to be of help to the Community.

Bugs/In need of a Fix

-It rarely shows the actual translated string.

-Dialog box/button doesn't auto-adjust to text width.

Here we go.

; Español

Ran&dom=&Al Azar\tA


&Check for Errors=Verífica por &Errores\tE
Possible &Values=&Valores Posibles\tV

Play &Help=Instrucciones\tF1
&About USB Sudoku=&Sobre USB Sudoku

%s (%d%% max) puzzle %d=%s (%d%% max.) tabla %d
Generating (%d solutions analyzed)...=Generando (%d soluciones analizadas)...
%s (%d%% max) puzzle %d (rated at %d%%)=%s (%d%% max.) Tabla %d (clasificado a %d%%)
%d cells done (%.1f%%) %d to go=%d celdas completas (%.1f%%) Faltan %d
%s puzzle %d (rated at %d%%)=%s Tabla %d (clasificado a %d%%)
%s puzzle %d=%s tabla %d

About USB Sudoku=Acerca de USB Sudoku
USB Sudoku Version 2=USB Sudoku Versión 2
All versions of MS Windows supported=Compatible con todas las versiones de MS Windows
A very small executable for playing the original game of Sudoku. Created specifically for use from a USB stick drive. But usable from any file system device.=Un ejecutable muy pequeño para jugar el original juego de Sudoku. Creado especialmente para ser usado desde una unidad USB flash, Igualmente puede ser usado desde cualquier dispositivo con un sistema de archivos.
USB Sudoku is "green." The registry is not used. No file system writes are made except when USB Sudoku is exited.=USB Sudoku es "verde." El registro no se utiliza. No escribe en el sistema de archivos, excepto cuando USB Sudoku es cerrado.
GPL'd solver and rater by Bill Dupree. A "heuristic" approach is used to rate the difficulty of each game. All generated games are guaranteed to have only one solution.=Solucionador y evaluador por Bill Dupree publicados bajo la licencia GPL. Se utiliza un enfoque "heurístico"  para evaluar la dificultad de cada juego. Todos los juegos generados están garantizados tener una única solución.
Free (GPL'd) and available at (GPL) y disponible en
Packed with UPX.=Empaquetado con UPX.

&Beginner Min:=&Principiante Min:
&Beginner Max:=&Principiante Max:
&Easy Max:=&Fácil Max:
&Medium Max:=&Medio Max:
&Hard Max:=&Difícil Max:
E&xtreme Max:=E&xtremo Max:
&Reset to defaults=&Restaurar valores predeterminados

Game Number= Juego Número:
Enter a value between 1 and 9,999,999 inclusive, to play a specific game number.=Introduzca un valor entre 1 y 9.999.999 para jugar un juego en particular.
Enter 0 to play a randomly selected game.=Introduzca 0 para jugar un juego seleccionado al azar.

USB Sudoku Help=USB Sudoku Ayuda
Under Construction.=Bajo Construcción.
Please see the included readme.txt file for keyboard and mouse usage and how to customize the look.=Por favor consulte el archivo readme.txt el cual contiene intrucciones para el uso del teclado, el ratón y cómo personalizar la apariencia del programa.

&0 (clear)=&0 (Borrar)
&Show as possible=&Introducir como una posibilidad
&Remove as possible=&Remover como una posibilidad
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