number puzzle game

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Version 2.0 for Windows, English
1MB download / 1MB installed
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USB Sudoku Portable is a very small implementation of the original game Sudoku. It includes multiple difficulty levels and a built-in solver to ensure all puzzles have exactly 1 solution. This version features: Five difficulty levels as well as customizable difficulty, Entry of possible solutions for empty boxes (hold down shift and a number from the standard number row, not the numeric keypad), Automatic saving of your game on exit, "Check Game" feature to check your current work, "Solve Game" feature so you can see the solution to the current puzzle, Resizable interface, so you can make the numbers as large as you'd like.
Download Details

- Publisher: portable-dev & Bill Dupree & PortableApps.com
- Date Updated: 2012-06-03
- Date Added: 2012-06-03
- System Requirements: Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 10, 11 & WINE
- App License: Open Source (GPL)
- Source: USB Sudoku, Launcher source included, PortableApps.com Installer
- SHA256 Hash: f2d7ef4d1a42cba9e2fceb2521e414fee946a1bd0ce912427438c2f4d9209a90