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How do I make the navigator in Write show all tabs all the time?

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Last seen: 11 months 20 hours ago
Joined: 2009-01-03 01:52
How do I make the navigator in Write show all tabs all the time?

When I used OpenOffice I liked that I could use the Navigator to show every tab, every heading level, all at once. It was like I could see my whole project at a glance.

Now that I'm using LibreOffice the Navigator seems to require a click on each + symbol, no matter how many levels of headings I tell it to show. Every single time I open a document it's the same deal. How can I make it more like the way I used Open Office's navigator? Thanks!

Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2012-07-01 11:01
My Experience

If I save a document while the navigator window is open its state is saved too - not only for this document but for the class of documents (e.g. writer-docs) as default. I do not know a way to set the navigator appearance by going through the menu. .

This, of course, applies to LibO itself, not only to the portable edition.

Hope you get the same result.

Having become curious I made an experiment. Now I see a bit clearer:
The state of the navigator window for a class of documents (e.g. associated with writer) gets saved when the APP is closed and will be restored on opening any document under this application.
Same result for other properties (e.g. gallery state).
These properties seem to be handled as part of the current appearance (including size, position) of the app-window during 'app.close' .

Last seen: 11 months 20 hours ago
Joined: 2009-01-03 01:52
Thank you responding Lupp, I

Thank you responding Lupp, I wish I'd gotten back sooner. Using LibO portable, I do not get the same result. I could open all subheadings, close the document itself (or LO as the whole program) and still each subheading needs a click to come out. What is the next step? Should I just keep using OpenOffice until that gets fixed?

Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2012-07-01 11:01
My experience again

Sorry, maybe I can't help. But I find the issue interestimg and will tell about my observations a bit more. Along with that I will take the risk to suggest another try on your LibOP.

I myself use LibO since some time instead of OOo (for some years) and StarOffice before that. I now use LibO as well as a registry-installed version under Windows XP SP3 and as part of a PortableApps Suite (both up-to-date ver. 3.5.5). In addition there is an experimantal LibO (ver. 3.3.2) on a Kubuntu system (11.04) and I sometimes use my LibOPortable mentioned above on the same Kubuntu system but with the help of WINE (which is designed to make windows apps run on linux systems).

The behavior of LibO with regard to the persistence of the appearance of the navigator window is the same in all 4 scenarios.

Try it again and make sure you do not expect the navigator to show any object that is not present.
Open a document with some objects of different classes and make the navigator show the contents exactly as you like it.
Change the size of the writer window very clearly.
Go via the file menu to close the writer while document and navigator are still shown.
Delete that document or move it to another folder.
Open the writer again with a blank document.
Is the window the changed size or as it was before?
Create some objects of classes you had in the other document.

If you do not see the objects shown in the navigator with the proper nodes expanded tell me!

Tell me too if you have the PortableApps Platform installed to the root of your portable drive or to what base folder.

Last seen: 11 months 20 hours ago
Joined: 2009-01-03 01:52
I have the portable version

I have the portable version on a hard drive for convenience in c:\portableapps but I did the test you showed and it STILL has every heading level hidden by a click. The window's resized dimensions were fine, the nodes just weren't expanded.

I apologize again for the long delay of reply while you were being so helpful. I'm dealing with annoying stuff that is distracting from the computer stuff. I'll try the full local non-portable install soon and report back (hopefully sooner than last time and this time!).

Last seen: 11 months 20 hours ago
Joined: 2009-01-03 01:52
And maybe I'm complete dense,

And maybe I'm complete dense, but the site only has "msi" files instead of downloadable installable exe or zip or 7z files. What do I do with an msi file so I can compare the portable and non-portable version?

Ken Herbert
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Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
.msi is an installable format

.msi is an installable format just like a .exe.

Last seen: 11 months 20 hours ago
Joined: 2009-01-03 01:52
Apparently they are aware of

Apparently they are aware of it at LO but it is not a high priority.

Perhaps in future releases. And thanks Lupp for previous replies and Winterblood for letting me know what an MSI is.

Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2012-07-01 11:01
Out of Curiosity

I could not connect to the server "" (not only from your link). So I do not know what there is reported.

But I got a bit curious about the matter and have a question to Megafrog now.
As far as I could find out there are very few files changed when LibO is closed. When using the portable version all of them are found in the folder "[PotableAppsRoot]\PortableApps\LibreOfficePortable\Data\settings\" and its subfolders. I checked and do now think that only one of these files contains window settings and associated properties like the navigator state. This one is "registrymodifications.xcu" placed in the subfolder "user".

For windows-installed LibO this file does also exist and is placed in a subfolder of %APPDATA%\LibreOffice .

Which of these files does exist in your case, Megafrog, and does it change (at least DateTime) every once you close LibO?

This so I would suppose relics of an old installation of LibO, OOo or even StarOffice to surprise LibO while trying to reestablish its settings.

Thank you for satisfying my curiosity!

Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2012-07-01 11:01
Persistence or Usage

The server is back online.
The node 36308 addresses a problem with the behavior of the navigator window which occurs while somebody is working on a document, trying to go to an object under certain circumstances. I think I understand part of the underlying conflict.
My posts addressed a supposed problem of Megafrog with the persistence of a window state over closing and relaunching LibO.
Please let me know if I was wrong.

Last seen: 11 months 20 hours ago
Joined: 2009-01-03 01:52
The registrymodifications.xcu

The registrymodifications.xcu is there and not changed since my first portable LO "install" in May. Should it have been changing? I also have OpenOffice Portable on my hard drive since I like the "all nodes open" view in Navigator for a lot of my work.

The 36308 link was described as very close to my LO problem on another forum (they were talking about having to click the nodes) but my brain was not wired for most of the technical talk in that thread Blum

Last seen: 3 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2012-07-01 11:01
Settings corrupted?

Hello Megafrog, you wrote:

The registrymodifications.xcu is there and not changed since my first portable LO "install" in May. Should it have been changing? ...

If the file is the one in the folder "[PortableAppsRoot]\PortableApps\LibreOfficePortable\Data\settings\user" it should change a good many times: when you start or shut LibO, when you open or close a workfile, and also when you change the window-size or the state of the navigator.
This file contains the histories, the settings and so on.
If it has never changed since you set up portable LibO there is something wrong.
Check the path above again and if the path is exactly as i wrote then try to rename the file registrymodifications.xcu to "registrymodifications.xcu.bak" or so. If that is not allowed check if it is read only or if there might be another reason for which LibO cannot write to this file (thumb drive now "read only"?). Clear write protection or the other reason and be glad!
If the file is corrupted in another way you can simply remove it. LibO will then create a virgin version of the file on the next launch. You will have to rearrange your settings including template settings and all.

The 36308 link was described as very close to my LO problem on another forum ...

It was not.

Hope my suggestions will help.

To a LibO team-member who may read this.
LibO does say nothing like "can't write to my own settings file" if such an error occurs. This apparently may cause confusion.

Last seen: 11 months 20 hours ago
Joined: 2009-01-03 01:52
That file simply does not

That file simply does not update. I tried a completely fresh LibreOffice Portable in another directory and its file updates now. I still can't tab out to keep every heading visible though.

I guess I'll have to find out how to put in a feature request at to see what they'll do about that.

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