Its been ages since ive even visited this site, be when i decided that i want to start a project, but didnt know where to even begin, i thought of all the creative minds here.
I want to design an app... but not necissarily a "portable app". Rather a droid app that will allow me to archive something of interest to me. I want to be able to design the programming, layout, features and look of the app. Please understand that i would never undermine anyones experience as to assume that itll be so easy. But everything starts with an idea or wish, a goal. My problem isnt just how to get there though, its where to even begin. I cant go to school right now, so i need to learn as much of it on my own as possible, if possible. Theres so much information out there and so many books that its a bit overwhelming. From what i can tell i need to learn basic computer science (as well as programming and IT terminologies), C++ language, the java language, and itd probably be important to start getting into Go as it sounds like itll be a new promenant language.
What i need is a basic idea of the coarse i should follow. I need to get from point A to point Z. I know what Z is, and it is awesome and shiny, but I dont even know what i should start with as point A is (let alone what points B, C, D, E, and so on are).
Is there anyone that would be able to give suggestions?
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Droid app developement... Where would you suggest i start?
November 26, 2012 - 5:39am
Droid app developement... Where would you suggest i start?
The primary language for Android programming is Java, and a little XML knowledge helps but you can pick it up along the way easily enough.
You can do it in C++, but it is a lot harder/more technical to set up, and is a harder language to learn for what you want. Other languages are also supported, but unless you are already familiar with one in particular I would suggest Java as it can leverage the most functionality of any given Android device with the smallest amount of work. The programming terminology stuff will come with learning whatever language you do choose as the basics are essentially the same across many languages.
There are alternatives (Appcelerator, and many more) whereby you can also design for Android using Javascript, or you could also just design it as a web-based app if you have any prior knowledge down that path.
If after all that you want to go with Java here is a good place to start.
Sorry for the delayed response, But i just wanted to thank you. When you say "web-based" app, is it what it sounds like, an app that gets its information from a server or something? Im needing to make an app that can be viewed/access without the need of internet. The best way i can explain it would be like and archive, or catalogue, i guess. In my case it would be for anime... but if you can imagine a person collecting coins, wanting to make a profile for each coin, with image, dates, series types, and misc information, and to be able to search it, share profiles via share features of the device, and map features. But i took your advice. I looked into some beginner books for java... I found a book called Head First Java. So im pretty excited. Thank you again.
Glad to help.
Web-based is definitely not what you want, then. While it can handle on-device storage thanks to HTML5, it is very limited as a true database, and I semi-doubt you could access the sharing hardware/software you want to utilize with a web app.
Happy programming!