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Some apps doesn't save settings

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Alopepeo's picture
Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2012-12-02 13:28
Some apps doesn't save settings

This is happening to me only when moving or installing an app on a external drive.

For example:
- Install Firefox Portable on your hard disk.
- Run it and close it.
- After that copy it to your external drive and run it. The first time you do it all should be normal, but if you run it one more time it starts as the first time. It also asks me to predeterminate the browser, something that shouldn't happen.

The same is happening with Opera, but not with Google Chrome. You can also test it installing them directly on your external drive.

Something similar is happening with Team Viewer, but i think that they aren't related. It NEVER saves my settings, like the portable version offered by the official Team Viewer page.

Maybe i'm wrong and these aren't important problems, but i get here because i'm getting crazy. If you can help me, it would be greatly appreciated.

P.S.: I'm new at this forum, so i don't know if this is the correct category where i can post this. English is not my native languaje, sorry if you can't understand me.

Last seen: 7 months 6 days ago
Joined: 2010-07-28 22:05
two things spring to mind

Your english is better than mine and I'm from an english speaking country Smile

Someone wiser than I will be along to give you better help, but in mean time ...

... no guarantee these are the problem I can think of two things that might cause behaviour like that.

First possible cause (using Firefox as an example) is, are you starting Firefox Portable by launching FirefoxPortable.exe or Firefox.exe? If you are launching Firefox.exe you are *not* launching it portable so Firefox thinks it is a local install and (I believe) it looks for all it's setting where Firefox would store it on a local install.

So, always launch the ProgramNamePortable.exe, never the ProgramName.exe.

Second possible cause is, your anti-virus program or other security program.

It is not very likely, but I have used one computer where the AV (AVG Free) didn't like running exe programs from a external device (had to copy program installers to the hard drive to run them) and that AV would mess-up updates of GoogleChromePortable to the point of losing all the extensions and GoogleChromePortable acting as a local install.

I have no idea if a AV (or other security program) could cause your problem though (making a PortableApps release of a program to run in 'non-portable' mode).

ps: Last I heard, TeamViewer when run portable (their release or PortableApps) should not save any settings

Alopepeo's picture
Last seen: 11 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2012-12-02 13:28
Many thanks

Many thanks for your help.

I was always using the FirefoxPortable program and my antivirus is ESET. I disabled it and all was the same.

I am glad to tell you that i found the problem and its solution. I was using a pen-drive formated with the HFS+ file system, so i need MacDrive to use it. The problem was a bug in MacDrive 8 that causes problems with file names. Upgrading to MacDrive 9 solves the problem.

Would be great that can support other operating systems.

Again, many thanks!

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 35 min 42 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

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