Putting the FirefoxPortable.ini in FirefoxPortable folder and setting AllowMultipleInstances=true allows me to start multiple instances of FirefoxPortable.
But when I want to start FirefoxPortable2ndProfile while FirefoxPortable is already running it wouldn't start, saying that another instance is already running. How can I enable FirefoxPortable2ndProfile to allow multiple instances? I tried putting the FirefoxPortable.ini in the FirefoxPortable2ndProfile folder and setting AllowMultipleInstances=true like in my previous case, but it doesn't work!
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How to allow multiple instances with 2nd profile?
October 30, 2012 - 12:15pm
How to allow multiple instances with 2nd profile?
I think this is a limitation in Firefox, not in PA...
Is it really impossible?
Like using the " -no-remote" switch of Firefox in the launcher of 2ndProfile app?
I'm really interested in this way too, to be able to launch multiple Firefox with different profiles.
Because Firefox has no way of knowing which instance you mean.
"What about Love?" - "Overrated. Biochemically no different than eating large quantities of chocolate." - Al Pacino in The Devils Advocate
.... firefox portable & comodo icedragon side by side, only works because one runs firefox.exe & the other icedragon.exe
doubt that icedragon runs 100% portably though
Thanks for the IceDragon suggestion. Acually, once I saw the 2nd Profile "thingy" was using almost the same amount of disk space as Firefox itself I resolved the issue with Pale Moon side by side... but IceDragon seems promising - I'm going to try it out!