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The stability of portable apps

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Last seen: 12 years 2 months ago
Joined: 2013-01-03 12:09
The stability of portable apps


since years I use a few PortableApps (eg. zip, rename) for small things.
Since a week I use some PortableApps much more intesive:
- Notepad++ for PHP, HTML, CSS ...
- LibreOffice instead of MS Office
- Thunderbird instead of Outlook
- Filezilla instead of WS_FTP Pro
Yes, I did a hard break ...

Ok, now it seems that these programs have a stability problem: They crash, hang a minute or forget the settings (Notepad++/FTP). (all last versions under Windows 8, 8GB)

Is this because they are open source or portable apps?
Is it better to use the normal installation?

And: Is there a difference between starting an app with the platform or via shortcuts/taskbar/W8 tiles?


darksabre76's picture
Last seen: 4 months 4 weeks ago
Joined: 2011-04-19 23:28
Personal Experience

Just from my own experiences, having the PA.c versions around are useful when you don't have access to locally installed versions. Though I've never run into the problems you seem to be having with the portable versions. You can do a quick disk check on the flash drive (since as far as i know, drives aren't meant to be used as intensively as it seems you are). Best of luck on this otherwise, I hope other people can help more and I genuinely hope you stick with with the platform.

Last seen: 7 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2012-12-02 15:30
If you are running the

If you are running the portable launcher, as in the ThunderbirdPortable.exe located in folder where you installed the portable application then there should be no difference, since that is just what the platform does anyway.

Right-click on an application in the Platform, and select 'Explore Here', which should open up the folder and give you the right application to pin to whatever location you wanted.

The saving issues sound almost like you are trying to bypass that launcher and run the application directly, and so the handling of the portability might be incorrect or non-existent.

The stability issues you describe will not be specific to open-source or portable applications and have another cause.

If at first you do not succeed, use more sticky tape.

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