No further updates will be posted to this thread. mwayne has taken over with updates to this project in a NEW THREAD.
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No further updates will be posted to this thread. mwayne has taken over with updates to this project in a NEW THREAD.
You are aware of some of the issues with AHK and false positives with AV programs? AFAIK you can release it but not sure if it has a chance to go "official"?
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
I wasn't aware of that; thanks for pointing it out.
Oh well, I made it this far, I might as well keep at it. If nothing else, i'll want this for myself.
I believe NSIS has a lot more issues with false positives, so there's no reason why AHK can't go.
NSIS has very few false positives because of the fact that it is used in the installers for SO much hugely popular software (Firefox, Winamp, etc). AHK is relatively tiny in respect. AHK does not appear to have the same types of issues that AutoIT does, though, as AutoIT is much more popular with malware creators.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
so... you're saying there's a chance?
I think we'll check out how many false positives each release has and take it from there. If it stays clear of them, we'll go official
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Regarding this known issue:
"If any of the programs except AutoHotkey_LPortable.exe is running when a user tries to update the app, the installer will not warn the user, then will trigger an "Error opening file for writing", since it's trying to delete a running .exe."
Does anyone know how to prevent this? I looked into using a launch.ini file, but it only allowed for testing if an alternate program is open, not additional programs.
are you saying any Program running as in any program at all like if Firefox was running? Or do you mean any program related to AutoHotKey?
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
I guess I wasn't clear. I meant any other programs in this package...
So, if one of these is running, the installer will try to delete it, and fail.
And to clarify further... AutoIt3WindowInfoSpyPortable.exe and AutoScriptWriterPortable.exe launch AU3_Spy.exe and AutoScriptWriter.exe, then close, so the actual processes I need to test for are AU3_Spy.exe and AutoScriptWriter.exe
should work then
“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss
I missed that section of the documentation last night: thanks for pointing it out. I was able to solve the problem with custom code - as can be seen in DevTest2
Is there a way to combine the two ini files in 'Other\Source' into one file?
New up date available "Last update: July 14, 2012 - v1.1.08.00"
Thanks for the notice; I will put it on my to-do list.
updated to
I've just switch from AutoHotKey 1.0.48 (, and its working very well.
I just found a little problem. I usually don't close AHKL directly, but instead perform logoff or shutdown on window (as it is easier, and sometimes this is performed by some other people that shares the machine and aren't aware of this application).
This worked fine with AHK, but AHKL give an error message when it is started again, possible in a different day:
"AutoHotKey_L Portable has not been finished properly the last time it was run, and will make cleaning now. Wait and restart it manually."
(the actual message is given in the system default language, and for some reason it doesn't change to english even if this is the selected language of PortableApps launcher)
Is there any way to avoid this message and manaul start when AHKL is exited by windows upon logoff/shutdown?
This is the case with all apps using the launcher that is set to wait for the program. In other words, try the same thing you are doing with another app like:
...and you will get the same result.
Well, for some reason this doesn't happened with AutoHotKey Portable 1.0.48
In both cases I launched the application directly, so I didn't expected that the problem had anything to do with launcher.
Do you have any idea of how I could change this setting so it do not wait for the program?
Here is a link to documentation about the setting for the luncher:
Although, in the latest version I am using the [DirectoriesMove] option, which is not compatible with WaitForProgram=false option. So, if you go this route you will need to maintain your own modified copy of the this portable app.
I know that maintaining a portable app requires a considerable amount of effort; by the way, thank you very much for this app!
So I'd rather try to make the AHKL script deal with this question. My first thought was to use the OnExit subroutine to detect a shutdown/logoff and take the appropriated actions, but even if it delays the exiting condition with something like "via OnMessage(0x11, "WM_QUERYENDSESSION")", it will still need to call Shutdown at some point, and I guess that it will cause the same problem as the original exit command. If at least it was possible to command a delayed shutdown/logoff... But there is no such option, according to SetSuspendState documentation.
Thanks for your help!
Do you still working on this project and asked for permission?
I'm still watching this thread and use the app every day. I haven't been too responsive with updates, though. I'll put it on my to-do list to update it, but it's fairly low on my list. The project is on Github, so if you want to update it yourself you could fork my project and do that.
I'm not sure what you mean by "asked for permission". If you're wondering if I asked the developer of the app for permission to create the version, no I did not ask him. AutoHotkey_L is open source, so I didn't think that was necessary.
Here my try to update AutoHotkey_L:
You can see my changes here:
Thanks for the update, I'm using it now and seems to work fine. I pulled your changes into my repo and updated the download link to the file you created.
Answer of Lexikos (current lead developer)
I don't mind.
AutoHotkey_L is open source, so I didn't think that was necessary.
Quite right, though not all open source developers see it that way.
We can go on to release an official app now
Would it possible to add SciTE4AutoHotkey to the package?
That looks like a nice addition to me. I'm not sure how well that fit's into the the method of packaging apps so I don't know if it should it be a separate app. I like the idea of it being included, though.
From the ReadMe.txt in the portable download, it says to install it to the AutoHotkey folder. That's easy enough, but we'd have to figure out which files user-defined settings are stored in and make sure they get moved to the data directory.
We'd also have to make an additional launcher for it. It's awkward making multiple launchers for a single "App", but it can be done.
Making multiple launcher for a portable app is very awkward. I did it with my Portable Python release. Let me know if you need/want help doing so, ok? Peace...
Bill G.
Frozen St. Paul, MN
land of the frozen mosquito
Any progress? Is it too hard for you or you are not working on it?
Maybe it's better to make an seperate app which just searches for AutoHotkey and installs it there?
I did an minor update to the latest version.
Should I start working on the SciTE4AutoHotkey or have you already started? Can't see anything on GitHub.
Thanks for the update.
I don't plan on working on SciTE4AutoHotkey.
You should update the download link to the new version.
I started with creating SciTE4AHK but I encountered a problem. I don't want to include it directly in AHK_L because the update cycles are different and it's easier to update it seperat.
Would it possible to create a .paf.exe for SciTE4AHK that installs in the the AHK_LPortable\App\AHK_L directory?
I was going to update the download link, but there is no link to your updated file. If you give me a current download link I'll update the post.
I'm not an expert on the format, but that doesn't sound like the proper setup of a portable app. Is there no way to set environment variables or configure SciTE4AHK to look in a specified directory for AutoHotKey?
I don't know why it didn't work in the first place.
Here the working link
Download AutoHotkey_LPortable_1.1.13.01_Dev_Test_1_English
Hmm...Can we do this by putting AHK_L in the commonfiles directory?
Edit: I read through the development pages and found out that we can make a plugin of SciTE4AHK. In the installation you have to set the pathes manuelly to the AHK_LPortable\App\AHK_L directory. Can we set this with a custom.nsh?
I have I problem with making an plugin of SciTe for AHK_L. According to the readme of SciTe the directory needs to look like...
|_______ AutoHotkey.exe
|_______ AutoHotkey.chm
|_______ SciTE
_________|______ scite.exe
_________|______ etc...
But the result I get is....
|_______ AutoHotkey.exe
|_______ AutoHotkey.chm
|_______ SciTE
_________|______ App
_________________|___ Scite
______________________|____ scite.exe
______________________|____ ...
_________|______ Data
_________|______ .....
What am I doing wrong because it works for MikTex? Maybe darksabre76 can help....
Download: SciTe4AHK_3.0.04_Dev_Test_1
PS: Another problem is how to make a lauchner for that?
@dansmith: The dl isn't updated yet
Sorry, I don't remember seeing your last post with the new link. I just updated the post.
It looks like you created a separate stand-alone app, then installed it to the AutoHotkey_LPortable directory. I'm not sure if there is a way to make a "plug-in" style App with the Installer.
Are you 100% certain that it must be installed to a sub-directory of AutoHotKey? I know that's what the readme file in the download says, but I just extracted it to a random directory and it seemed to work fine with it's own built-in version of AHK. If that's the case, then it could be it's own stand-alone PortableApp. I don't use SciTE though, so perhaps I'm missing something?
...I found my mistake. You have to select the root folder of AutoHotkey_L in the installation process
Now it works. But not with my version above because I copied all files to the root directory and missed that it not copies them back in the installation....
I released DT1: SciTE4AutoHotkey
There is a new homepage: AutoHotkey
I made an "major" update to AutoHotkey
Download AutoHotkeyPortable Dev Test 1
Why did you include mpress, AutoScriptWriter und AutoIt3WindowInfoSpy but no editor? It think we can remove these tools.
New update released:
Download AutoHotkeyPortable Dev Test 1 [3.6 MB download / 7.9 MB installed]
(MD5: 5e83bd6ae3255a0ec0f454abef99cc6f)
see changes on GitHub
I decided to make an new thread for my updates since dansmith65 isn't responding anymore.
Edit: New Thread