I have problem in getting the launch work. It all the time gives the error "Neither XAMPP nor XAMPP Lite were found on your device". I have installed the XAMPP ath the level of StartPortableApps.exe(D:\Live-Usb) and Launcher at D:\Live-Usb\PortableApps under the folder XAMPP which will be selected by the package by default. I dont know how to connect the XAMPP and the launcher. There should be certain changes in configuration file of the Launcher to show where the XAMPP is installed. There is also no help document available. Any installation help will always take to https://portableapps.com/apps/development/xampp which doesnt have the info to connect these 2 packages. I have tried placing the XAMPP(Not the launcher) along with other application but this would result in lot of "XAMPP for Windows" listing in the PA menu. probably one for each exe file it find in the XAMPP folder(Not the launcher one). Please help how to make changes in the configuration so that launcher can correctly identify the XAMPP application.Thanks in advance.
it is some time ago I used it, but somehow I remamber that xampp did work only when placed on the root of the drive somehow.
Otto Sykora
Basel, Switzerland
I'm a little late to the party here, but I had the same issue and found the problem to be the name of the XAMPP directory in the root of the portable drive. I installed XAMPP and XAMPP Launcher per the instructions on this site, but somehow (and I don't recall if I did it or if it was done by installation default) the name of the XAMPP directory at the root location was XAMPP-PORTABLE. I changed the name to simply XAMPP and then the XAMPP Launcher would start the Control Panel.
But in order for Apache to start, you need to go through several of the Apache config files and change all the XAMPP directory references as well. I made several dozen changes throughout the following files: httpd.conf, httpd-ssl.conf, and httpd-xampp.conf. If you're also going to run MySQL, you need to do the same thing in my.ini.
Once done, the Control Panel is launching normally from the PortableApps menu, and both Apache and MySQL are starting and stopping normally from the XAMPP Control Panel.
Using the latest XAMPP Portable Lite I was able to install it in the following way.
Let me know, if this works for you!