i am new to platform,and i am feeling exhaussted,i wanted to make an app portable ,a directory needs to be moved from data directory to system,how can i make use of symbolic link,than move data back and forth.
i have success with [DirectoriesMove] ,i rather use symbolic links,[DirectoriesMove] is inefficent and slow
On most machines, you won't have permissions to make symbolic links, making it rather pointless as a portable app. It's been discussed quite a few times previously.
DirectoriesMove is only slow if you have a ton of files to move on and off a machine. If there are a ton of files and the app provides no way at all to redirect (either command line switch, specific file in its directory or environment variable), then it's not a good candidate for portablization.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
o.k,i got it,now how can i use symbolic links on my home pc,what are the commands i should use on launcher.ini,i dont intent to publish apps
The Launcher has no way to create symlinks, you would have to do it with custom code.
If you are really only making use of this on one PC and are worried about the speed of opening the app you are better off using the normally installed version.