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Firefox stopped working

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Last seen: 9 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2013-08-18 08:52
Firefox stopped working

My Firefox don't start anymore. I can see the splash screen on startup when I am clicking in the portableapps panel. But the splash screen disappears and nothing more happens. No Firefox and the portableapps panel closes.

I installed my portableapps on a flash stick a while ago. I recently bought an external hard drive and copied my portableapps there. When using Firefox on my hard drive today I think the regular Firefox update started and did something before I clicked cancel. But Firefox was working as usual, it is when trying to start it again later it didn't work.

Well, I have tried to re-install Firefox and that didn't change anything. Same problem. I turned off the computer again and started it. Then I tried with my Flash drive and it is the same problem there.

Something must have happen with the computer hat makes my portableapps Firefox not to work. But my other portableapps, like Seamonkey, works fine. Do anyone have an idea what I should do to solve this?

Last seen: 1 year 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-07-28 22:05
safe mode?

Can you start Firefox Portable in Safe Mode?

To try, hold down the SHIFT key when you launch Firefox Portable (and I'd hold it down for a few seconds after that)

I ask that because I had the the same problem as you (splash screen then nothing) and I was able to launch in Safe Mode which allowed me to track down the problem to an add-on that was causing the problem (the newest release caused that same problem in Firefox local install and in Comodo IceDragon).

hmmm .... but if you have having the problem with clean installs to different locations your problem is probably quite different to mine.

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