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[Closed] Skype Portable cannot be started

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Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
[Closed] Skype Portable cannot be started

If I want to start Skype Portable, I receive an error message with the following content:

Skype Portable cannot be started. You may wish to re-install to fix this issue. (ERROR: Skype.exe could not be found)

After a new installation of Skype Portable appears the same error message. I looked now in the folder SkypePortable\App\Skype and indeed I've detected, that there isn't any executable Skype.exe. I performed the installation about the menu.

Surely is the incorrect content of the file installer.ini the reason for this issue.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 19 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Installer Is Fine

The installer is fine. Just ran it without problems. Installer.ini is just fine. Your copy of Skype was likely deleted after you installed. Or during the install process 7-Zip was prevented from running. Bad antivirus apps will do this. Make sure you can download Skype to ensure you're not blocked, though since you didn't get an error during install, it likely downloaded fine and the MD5 matched.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
false assumption

Your assumption isn't appropriate, because I've used Skype Portable now for a longer time. And in the past all has worked fine, i.e. this error message only occurs since some days. And all the time I use now the antivirus program McAfee, which was preinstalled on my PC.

EDIT: I copied the link from the line "DownloadURL=" within the file installer.ini. Afterwards I've pasted this link in a new tab of my browser and the download of the file SkypeSetupFull.exe works fine. Accordingly my antivirus program can't be the reason for this issue.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 19 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
False Assumption

Your initial assumption is false: "Surely is the incorrect content of the file installer.ini the reason for this issue."

The installer.ini is just fine, as is the installer. I just ran it and it downloaded and installed. Which means that there is definitively nothing wrong with the installer.ini (if there were, it wouldn't install for anybody and we're not getting any other reports of issues). So, it is something specific to your setup. Does it install work if you place the downloaded file next to the PAF and run it?

If you'd like, you can troubleshoot the installer code within the PortableApps.comInstallerCustom.nsh file. Skype has to do all custom extraction and renames, unlike other installers. It's been like that for most of this year and that code hasn't changed since January 11th.

Also keep in mind that McAfee regularly updates their virus definitions and app and can introduce new issues with apps at any time, so saying you've been using McAfee the whole time and nothing has changed is a bit of an incorrect statement. It's even occasionally killed Windows with bad definitions updates. Just something to keep in mind.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
clearer instructions

Can you explain me, what you mean with the sentence "Does it install work if you place the downloaded file next to the PAF and run it?"?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 19 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Next To

That download link, if you download it and place it in the same directory as the PAF and run the PAF installer, does it use the downloaded file or try and re-download? And, does it install properly.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
Installation again failed

My orginal assumption of the meaning of your sentence was insofar correct. Accordingly I've placed the 2 files SkypePortable_6.7.59.102_online.paf.exe and SkypeSetupFull.exe on the desktop of my PC. And indeed the PAF installer uses the downloaded file SkypeSetupFull.exe, i.e. the PAF installer does not try and re-download the file SkypeSetupFull.exe. But again the installation is failed as before. I've received the same error message after starting of SkypePortable.exe as I've mentioned in my original post.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 19 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Try This

Download the PA.c Installer from the Development section. Then replace the PortableApps.comInstallerCustom.nsh file in the Other\Source directory in your broken Skype Portable install with the contents I have included here:

!macro CustomCodePostInstall
	nsExec::ExecToStack `"$INSTDIR\App\bin\upx.exe" -d "$INSTDIR\App\SkypeInstaller\SkypeSetupFull.exe"`
	Pop $R1 ;exit code
	Pop $R2	;UPX output
	MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION `UPX ended with exit code: $R1 and output code: $R2`
	nsExec::Exec `"$INSTDIR\App\bin\7za.exe" x "$INSTDIR\App\SkypeInstaller\SkypeSetupFull.exe" -o"$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone"`
	Pop $R1 ;exit code
	MessageBox MB_OK|MB_ICONINFORMATION `7-Zip ended with exit code: $R1`
	RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\App\bin"
	RMDir /r "$INSTDIR\App\SkypeInstaller"

	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\Skype4COM.dll.6F88B3BF_1A40_4409_9A67_3EC9E8B8AD33" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\Skype4COM.dll"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\SkypeThirdPartyAttributions" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\third-party_attributions.txt"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\SkypeDesktopIni"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\Updater.exe"
	Delete "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\Updater.dll"
	CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logindx01" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\index.html"
	CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\css"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logcss01" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\css\login.css"
	CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\css\platform"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logplat01" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\css\platform\win.css"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logplat02" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\css\platform\mac.css"
	CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\css\retina"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logcss20" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\css\retina\login.css"	
	CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg01" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\background.png"	
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg02" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\buttons.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg03" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\capsLock.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg04" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\checkbox.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg05" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\logoanim.gif"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg06" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\dropdown.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg07" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\fb.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg08" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\icons.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg09" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\inputfields.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg10" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\loader.gif"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg11" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\loader.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg12" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\messageBottom.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg13" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\messageTop.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg14" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\msAccount.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg15" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\msAccountOverlay.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg16" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\picture.jpg"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg17" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\plus.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg18" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\skype.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg19" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\skypelogo.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg20" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\skypeicon.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg21" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\messageBottomShort.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg22" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\messageTopShort.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg23" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\msDefaultPicture.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg24" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\capsLockShort.png"
	CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\retina"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg30" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\retina\background@2x.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg31" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\retina\buttons@2x.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg32" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\retina\checkbox@2x.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg33" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\retina\dropdown@2x.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg34" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\retina\facebook@2x.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg35" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\retina\fb@2x.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg36" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\retina\icons@2x.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg37" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\retina\inputfields@2x.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg38" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\retina\loader@2x.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg39" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\retina\messageBottom@2x.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg40" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\retina\messageBottomShort@2x.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg41" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\retina\messageTop@2x.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg42" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\retina\messageTopShort@2x.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg43" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\retina\msAccount@2x.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg44" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\retina\msAccountOverlay@2x.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg45" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\retina\msDefaultPicture@2x.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg46" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\retina\plus@2x.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg47" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\retina\skype@2x.png"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logimg48" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\images\retina\skypeicon@2x.png"
	CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang01" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\ar.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang02" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\bg.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang03" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\cs.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang04" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\da.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang05" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\de.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang06" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\el.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang07" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\en.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang08" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\es.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang09" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\et.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang10" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\fi.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang11" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\fr.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang12" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\he.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang13" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\hu.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang14" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\id.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang15" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\it.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang16" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\ja.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang17" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\ko.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang18" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\lt.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang19" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\lv.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang20" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\nl.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang21" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\no.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang22" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\pl.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang23" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\pt.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang24" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\pt-br.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang25" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\ro.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang26" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\ru.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang27" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\sv.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang28" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\zh-hans.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang29" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\zh-hant.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang30" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\tr.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang31" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\uk.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang32" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\vi.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang33" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\ca.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang34" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\hr.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang35" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\sr-latn.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang36" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\sk.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang37" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\sl.js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\loglang38" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\languages\th.js"
	CreateDirectory "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\js"
	Rename "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\Phone\logjs01" "$INSTDIR\App\Skype\login\js\login.js"

Then compile a new installer based on the broken install of Skype Portable you get as a result of installing now. This should create a new PAF for you to test. Run it and install to a new location. You should get two popup windows. After the first, check to see if the Skype Setup file is within $INSTDIR\App\SkypeInstaller. After the second, check to see what, if anything, is in $INSTDIR\App\Skype\phone. Also note the results of each popup.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
Creation of a custom installer

In the broken install of Skype Portable I replaced the PortableApps.comInstallerCustom.nsh file in the Other\Source directory in my broken Skype Portable install with the contents you have included above. Afterwards I've created a new launcher SkypePortable.exe with the Launcher. Finally I've compiled a new installer SkypePortable_6.7.59.102_online.paf.exe with the Installer.

Now I run the new installer and install it to a new location. In the first popup window I've received the following information:

UPX ended with exit code: error and output code

After closing of this first popup window I found no Skype Setup file within $INSTDIR\App\SkypeInstaller. Instead I've only detected a file named SkypeInstaller (i.e. without any extension) within $INSTDIR\App.

In the second popup window I've received the following information:

7-Zip ended with exit code:error

After closing of this second popup window I can't find a folder $INSTDIR\App\Skype\phone. The only one created folder (with some subfolders) is $INSTDIR\App\Skype\login.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 19 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

Could you remove the SkypeSetupFull.exe from the same directory as the PAF and try running the new installer again? Note that Skype does not use PAL and you've generated an invalid launcher.

Next, what is the full install path, full OS version and drive format type?

I have a suspicion this is related to a very old issue I saw on a broken copy of Windows where a CopyFiles command in NSIS pointing to a directory results in copying the file with no extension instead of actually copying it to the directory. I can't recall the root cause but I seem to recall that a Windows reinstall fixed it. If that file is created again with no extension, could you check the properties for the size and MD5 of it? Additionally, please try running the Skype Portable installer on another PC. You'll likely find it works fine.

One final question, if this is on NTFS, is there a junction or symbolic link involved here somewhere?

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
second attempt without any success

In a second attempt I've removed the downloaded file SkypeSetupFull.exe from the directory, in which I create the PAF installer SkypePortable_6.7.59.102_online.paf.exe. Also I've only replaced the file PortableApps.comInstallerCustom.nsh as you've explained it above. Now I doesn't use the Launcher. Accordingly I've immediately compiled a new installer SkypePortable_6.7.59.102_online.paf.exe with the Installer.

Again I received the same negative results after the installation as I've mentioned above.

Here now the informations, which you wish to get:

Full install path: C:\Users\Andreas\Desktop\SkypePortable
Full OS Version: Windows 8, 64-bit-OS, x64-based processor
RAM: 16,0 GB
Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770 CPU @ 3,40 GHz
Drive format type: NTFS
Size of the file SkypeInstaller: 31,2 MB
MD5 of the file SkypeInstaller: 9d73b76ff32c0ad53a0c53de15d655ad

Your question regarding a junction or symbolic link involved I'm not able to answer, because I am too little acquainted with these topics.

EDIT: I will check today SkypePortable on a Windows 7 Professional computer on work. But I have no administrative rights on this PC and I hope that this is no problem.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 19 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Ok, One More

Ok, I think I see what's happening. Could you please try one more thing for me. Go into the PortableApps.comInstaller\App\installer folder and make a backup of the PortableApps.comInstaller.nsi file and then replace the contents of it with this:

Then compile a new Skype Portable installer and run it, installing to a new location. This should trigger two new popups. One informational (whether a directory exists) and one that asks you to go check the contents of a directory at a specific point. If you could please report your findings. Thanks!

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
short question

Is it not so, that the file PortableApps.comInstaller.nsi is only important for portable apps, which are installed in the menu? But when I install SkypePortable outside of the menu, is there really a connection to that file PortableApps.comInstaller.nsi?

EDIT: Now I believe to understand the possible connection, because I use the installer, which I've installed in the menu.

Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
Compilation not possible

After the replacement of the file PortableApps.comInstaller.nsi a compilation of a new Skype Portable installer isn't possible. Instead a dialog window named " Installer" was opened and told me, that an error occured.

Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
Compilation possible but again without any success

Now I've replaced correctly the content of the PortableApps.comInstaller.nsi file in the PortableApps.comInstaller\App\installer folder with the content, which you've offered me about your link. Then I compile a new Skype Portable installer and run it.

In a first window I received the following information:

C:\Users\Andreas\Desktop\SkypePortable\App\SkypeInstaller\ does not exist

In a second window I received the following information:

Please check the contents of

C:\Users\Andreas\Desktop\SkypePortable\App\SkypeInstaller\ now

In a third window I received the following information:

UPX ended with exit code: error and output code:

In a fourth window I received the following information:

7-Zip ended with exit code: error

And then was the installation finished without any success as in the previous cases.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 19 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

What were the contents of the SkypeInstaller directory when you checked?

Also, I have confirmed the installer works exactly as expected on a clean Windows 8 x64 install. So it is something specific to your setup that we have to determine.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
no folder SkypeInstaller

Again I run the custom installer SkypePortable_6.7.59.102_online.paf.exe. After the appearance of the second dialog window during the installation with the content

Please check the contents of

C:\Users\Andreas\Desktop\SkypePortable\App\SkypeInstaller\ now

I tried to look into the folder SkypeInstaller. But there exist no such a folder.

But let me summarize all the steps, which we have discussed so far.
Accordingly you can correct me, if some of the following described steps are not appropriate.

  1. In a first step I've installed Skype Portable on my desktop in the folder SkypePortable by using the usual installer SkypePortable_6.7.59.102_online.paf.exe.
  2. In a second step I replaced the PortableApps.comInstallerCustom.nsh file in the Other\Source directory in my broken Skype Portable install with the contents you have offered me above.
  3. In a third step I've replaced the content of the PortableApps.comInstaller.nsi file in the PortableApps.comInstaller\App\installer folder with the content, which you've offered me about your link.
  4. In a fourth step I compile then a new Skype Portable installer and run it.

After these four steps the 4 dialog windows appeared with the contents, which I have already described above.

In addition I would like to mention that I tested Skype Portable on my computer with Windows 7 Professional and 64-bit operating system on the work. There Skype Portable worked flawlessly. Nevertheless this does not change the fact, that on my private computer Skype Portable is not executable. What a pity.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 19 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Install vs Use

This is just the install that is affected, since something on your computer is breaking the ability for it to copy a file to a directory, though I am unsure what offhand. It's odd that that folder isn't there as it's created by default in the installer. I have one other thing I can check later today.

Note that you should still be able to use Skype Portable on your private PC if you first install it using a PC not experiencing these issues. You just can't install/upgrade it, apparently, due to something else on your system. One other thing I forgot, since you're using Windows 8, are you using a third party Start Menu to get a proper start menu back?

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
No third party Start Menu

I have already heard of the possibility of use of such a third-party Start Menu. And indeed is the currently offered Windows 8 not really user-friendly. Nevertheless I use currently no third-party Start Menu. But in october of this year appears the Service Pack Windows 8.1, which again shall contain the familiar Start Menu.

EDIT: By the way the Service Pack 8.1 shall also contain an installed Skype by default.

Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
very interesting feature

On the other hand I've detected a very elegant possibility on this new OS Windows 8. In contrast to previous Windows operating systems it is in fact become very easy to search for wireless networks under Windows 8. If you have for example a laptop with an installed Windows 8 OS, then you can create an internet connection via a smartphone. That's really impressive. To this end the smartphone must be set up as a mobile Wi-Fi hotspot. Then the laptop scans for all wireless networks in the surrounding area. And this scan is indeed more comfortable as with older Windows OS. And after of the detection of the wireless network which is offered by the smartphone you must only connect both devices. Now you can surf in the internet on the laptop.

Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
Extraction not properly performed

Could it be, that the extraction is not properly performed by 7-Zip?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 19 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Block or Permissions

That's what I'm guessing, either due to an antivirus block or a permissions issue. That's why I included the above script to test it at different stages and post the return codes.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 19 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Additional Note, Build Environment Prepped

I now have a proper build environment of VC++ 6 to be able to build inetc as ANSI and Unicode. I built the new VM so that I could double check a fix for the focus stealing issue that another contributor solved last year but hadn't been rolled out. So inetc has been updated to a new build with this fix. If we find any other issues from tapsklaps' research, I can build and submit them as well.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
temporary disabling of antivirus program

In the meantime I've found the solution for my problem. In fact, my antivirus program McAfee has prevented the download of the installer SkypeSetupFull.exe. Accordingly I've disabled McAfee temporarily during of the installation of Skype Portable in the menu. Afterwards I activated it again and Skype Portable runs now properly. The decisive clue I found in a german help article of the company Skype. Therefore was your assumption with respect to my antivirus program in two of your comments(Installer Is Fine and Block or Permissions) correct. Thank you Smile For this reason I've closed this bug report.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 19 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Odd, It Did Download

That is very odd behavior. It is downloading, and it is copying. But McAfee is somehow interfering with the Copy command and causing it to copy to a file named SkypeInstaller rather than copying to the directory SkypeInstaller. This would qualify as a bug in McAfee's antivirus and should be reported so that other users don't have the same issues. Could you please do so via their interface? If not, could you provide more details on what version of McAfee you have (product name, product version and definitions version) so I can report it?

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 1 month 2 weeks ago
Joined: 2010-10-17 08:11
very strange results

After yesterday I have assumed, that my antivirus program is responsible for the impossibility to install Skype Portable, this assumption now seems to be questionable again. Although my antivirus program is now active again, I was able to install successfully Skype Portable on my desktop. Now I am completely surprised and speechless about this strange result.

The product name of my antivirus program is "McAfee LiveSafe - Internet Security". It contains different components. One component is named "McAfee SecurityCenter" (version:12.1, build: 12.1.353). Another component is named "McAfee Anti-Virus and Anti-Spyware" (version: 16.1, build: 16.1.191). The currently used virus definition version might be 1624.0, but I'm not sure if it is so. Here is a screenshot of my antivirus program.

EDIT: Under the further assumption of the responsibility of my antivirus program for the impossibility to install Skype Portable in the last days, the only understandable explanation may be, that meanwhile was offered now a newer virus definition version. Or was the code of Skype Portable changed without any declaration on the website here?

Gord Caswell
Gord Caswell's picture
Last seen: 3 weeks 4 days ago
Joined: 2008-07-24 18:46

Nope, no change to skype portable was made, at least not that i can tell - i haven't received an update notification here.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 4 hours 19 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

The Skype Portable installer process has been exactly the same for 8 months. It's just been updated to point to newer versions to download and with newer version numbers in the config file.

In addition to the old Windows error I mentioned, another thing that can mess up a copy command is errors on a drive.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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