My update today caused Gramps to fail to start, looking at the error trace I saw that a new required python source file was missing _HasSourceNoteRegexp.py.
I downloaded the source code, found the file and copied it to \PortableApps\GrampsPortable\App\Gramps\Filters\Rules\Citation.
Gramps starts normally again.
The Gramps Portable 3.4.7 installer includes this file.
Maybe an AV false positive blocked it during the install.
blocking a text file?
Yeah, does sound a little far-fetched, even for me....
I've confirmed that the file is in the installer and properly installed and that it is clean according to VirusTotal. It is a Python file, so it could be detected as a virus by some antivirus programs.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I have experienced exactly the same issue (on Win 7) that the application displays the splash and then stops with no trace of Services left running.
"Missing" file identified by the OP is certainly present on my install.
Did you try a fresh install?
What's your installation path?
Do you get an error message?
What's your AV?
Can you run 'GrampsPortable\App\Python27\python.exe' ?