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[Closed] Notepad++ 6.4.5 deleting plugins settings

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Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-25 17:40
[Closed] Notepad++ 6.4.5 deleting plugins settings

This is particularly relevant to the DSpellCheck dictionaries, but it also applies to PluginManager settings.

If I understand correctly, the NP++ Portable launcher is intended to copy the saved settings directory X:\PortableApps\Notepad++Portable\Data\Config\plugins\config to the working settings directory X:\PortableApps\Notepad++Portable\App\Notepad++\plugins on startup, and save the working directory to the save location on shutdown.

This is not working for me.

The settings in …\App\Notepad++\plugins seem to be re-created from defaults instead of being copied from …\Data\Config\plugins — and they are being re-created, not being copied from …\App\DefaultData\Config\plugins.

And when the program exits, the previously-saved settings in …\Data\Config\plugins are replaced with these re-created versions.

Settings for Notepad++ itself — the stuff set in “Settings›Preferences…” and “Settings›Style Configurator…” — are being properly saved and restored wherever that happens. This seems to be specifically a plugins problem.

Am I doing something wrong, or is there an available work-around? (I seem to recall this working in the past, but with difficulty.)

Possibly related: [Notepad++Portable] How to install other plugins?

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 min 11 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
How did you launch it?

How did you launch it? With Notepad++Portable.exe or did you associate Notepad++ itself with file and launch it directly.

We've made no changes to our setup. Is there a specific plugins that lose settings or all of them? The Notepad++ plugins system is a haphazard mess and a whole slew of plugins don't properly store settings so we have to do custom code to handle each of them.

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Fresh install; no funny-business

I’m operating from a fresh install on a USB stick, launching from the PA.c platform. The plugins themselves are preserved, and the only plugins for which I have non-default settings set are the Plugin Manager itself (…\plugins\config\PluginManager.ini, with details like proxy settings) and DSpellCheck (…\plugins\config\DSpellCheck.ini and …\plugins\config\Hunspell\*). Both of these are losing their saved configurations.

(Or rather, the settings are not being restored at application start-up; they are being correctly saved on app shut-down, but what is saved the second time is the defaults, overwriting the previously-saved stuff.)

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 min 11 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Works Fine

It works just fine here. The file Notepad++Portable\Data\Config\plugins\config\PluginManager.ini is moved to Notepad++Portable\App\Notepad++\plugins\config\PluginManager.ini on start and back on exit.

Note that files will NOT be moved back if another instance of Notepad++ is running. They get moved back a couple seconds after notepad++.exe stops running.

They will also not be moved back if you crash Notepad++ Portable. Letting Windows hibernate will disconnect the drive and crash it, for instance. Shutting down Windows without closing the app will do the same. Running Notepad++Portable.exe after that should recover the settings in those cases, though.

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Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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They get moved back a couple

They get moved back a couple seconds after notepad++.exe stops running.

Hmmm… I might have been re-starting NP++ Portable too soon after closing the program, then. I'll have to test this again.

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 2 min 11 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Update If Replicable

If you can reproduce your earlier issue, please reply and I'll re-open the bug.

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Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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It’s replicable

I’ve just tried this again. I’m watching with Task Manager, and waiting for ten seconds after both notepad++.exe and Notepad++Portable.exe have closed: the plugins settings are not being saved.

In case this might make a difference, my flash drive is formatted with NTFS, and I’m running 64-bit Windows 7.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 min 11 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Exact Steps

I tried to replicate this several times before the last release and could not. No one else has reported this issue.

Please list the exact steps you are using to produce this result and what files are failing to move.

Also, can you reproduce this when running from a different drive or even just installed to your Desktop directory?

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Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-25 17:40
Steps I’m following

Windows 7 64-bit, NTFS-formatted hard drive:
• Start Task Manger, keeping an eye out for notepad++.exe and Notepad++Portable.exe

• Install to C:\Users\‹me›\Desktop\Notepad++Portable
• Run C:\Users\‹me›\Desktop\Notepad++Portable\Notepad++Portable.exe
• Menu: “Plugins › Plugin Manager › Show Plugin Manager”

No plug-ins are available since I'm behind a firewall.

• Press “Settings”
• Enter proxy address & port in appropriate text fields, then press “OK”

Plugin Manager re-downloads the list successfully. There’s an update to DSpellCheck that I ignore for now.

• I hit “Close”, leaving Plugin Manger.
• Exit NP++ by selecting “File › Exit”
• Confirm from Task Manger that both notepad++.exe and Notepad++Portable.exe have closed.
• Looking at C:\Users\‹me›\Desktop\Notepad++Portable\Data\Config\plugins\config\PluginManager.ini, confirm that the proxy settings have been saved.
• Restart Notepad++Portable.exe
• Check on Plugin Manger settings, and confirm that the settings have been restored.

So far, so good.

• Menu “Plugins › DSpellCheck › Settings…”
• Press “Download Dictionaries…”
• Press “Proxy Settings”
• Check “Use Proxy”, and enter proxy information; press “OK”
• Install any dictionary; Bulgarian, for example. I have left “Install for All Users” to its default unchecked state.
• Confirm the presence of C:\Users\‹me›\Desktop\Notepad++Portable\App\Notepad++\plugins\config\Hunspell\bg_BG.dic and …\bg_BG.aff
• Press “Apply”, then “OK” to close DSpellCheck settings
• Exit NP++ again, and confirm that both executable files have ended.
• The dictionary files are now moved to C:\Users\‹me›\Desktop\Notepad++Portable\Data\Config\plugins\config\Hunspell\bg_BG.dic

• Start Notepad++Portable.exe again.
• Open Plugin Manager settings
• Oops; the proxy settings are gone!
• Close Plugin Manager; open DSpellCheck settings
• All dictionaries are gone, and the proxy settings are lost.
• Exit NP++

• The dictionary files are not to be found anywhere.

Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-25 17:40
This might help

I was trying some variations on what I did, and it seems that if I set DSpellCheck proxy settings, then immediately exit NP++, I can thereafter install dictionaries without losing my settings.

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 2 min 11 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

Are you letting N++ restart itself at any point? Is there something besides a proxy setting that I can set as I don't have access to a proxy.

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No; NP++ is not restarting.

No; NP++ is not restarting. (Updating plugins via the Plugin Manager is another can of worms entirely, from what I find on the forum. I’ll get my updated plugins with updates of NP++Portable.)

I’ve tried to tickle this bug in other ways, but it seems somehow to depend on this execution path.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 min 11 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Last Part

When you start Notepad++ again at the end, could you check to see if the files have been moved back to App\Notepad++\plugins.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2007-09-25 17:40
No, they have not

No, they have not been moved back; and that’s what’s causing the dictionaries & settings to not be found.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 min 11 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Works Here

As I posted below, everything works just fine here with the exception of not using a proxy with DSpell (since I don't have access to one).

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 min 11 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
FTP Proxy?

I used an open proxy for the plugin manager and it worked fine. It wouldn't work with DSpell of course as that requires an FTP proxy.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 3 years 10 months ago
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I wonder

I wonder whether downloading a dictionary and then setting a proxy in DSpellCheck—in the same session—might tickle the bug in the same way. That could be tried without a valid FTP proxy.

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 2 min 11 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

DSpellcheck uses an FTP proxy and only downloads via FTP (why, I have no idea). Plugin Manager uses an HTTP proxy. So, I can't set a proxy in DSpellcheck full stop.

Can you provide me with any publicly connectible proxies I can use that can reproduce this issue? Via email to the Developers address on the Contact Page is fine. I am unable to reproduce this issue through any other method.

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Free local PROXY works on Winxp

AnalogX may allow you to test this exact condition.
It is free. Virustotal submission to 30+ found no problems with it.
Runs on Winxp.
Takes a few min to set up if you only intend to use it for something simple and then disable it.
Otherwise, it is an open proxy and they offer instructions to close it.
Even open proxy behind router with RFC1918 addresses inside probably not a big deal.
Voila, you have a proxy to test the procedure.

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 2 min 11 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21

I ran through your steps as you laid them out except I turned off the Notify of plugin updates at startup setting instead of adjusting the proxy (because I don't have access to a proxy). Everything worked fine, things moved back and forth, the setting and Bulgarian dictionary were preserved.

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Variant and details

I have also been having problems getting/keeping spelling (DSpellCheck) working after some recent NPP and plugin updates. This should have been seen much sooner, except that my environment tends to leave NPP open for days(weeks) at a time. It only gets shut down when the system is rebooted, or a plugin or npp update needs an exit and restart.

Environment: Windows 7 64 bit installed to NTFS partition (simulate using USB flash drive)
no proxy(s)
Notepad++ v6.5.3

I also use PortableApps and NPP from a USB flash drive, but have not documented the usage there. It does have the same issue of losing access to the configured dictionaries, somewhere around an update to the DSpellCheck plugin.

The rest of the environment does not have anything particularly unusual that I am aware of. Region information set to English (Canada), with some locale information preferences set English (UK/GB), because I have not figured out how to get all apps to us a Canadian English dictionary. (I Use the GB version of Firefox, as well as FireFox nightly). There is an Aspell folder/installed in
but I don’t think anything is using it any more. From unrelated contexts, the locale settings may need to be something other than the default EN-US to reproduce. For some reason, non-default locale can cause things to break.

To try to make sure everything is 'clean', here is the process I used before reporting. This is without any system reboots, or open/close other programs. Just keeping my 'standard' programs open (browser, antivirus, googledrive, a few more) plus windows notepad for taking notes on progress and Windows Explorer for inspections. Plenty of time for processes to complete while I was making notes before doing the next step. For me, this is mostly reproducible. I walked through the steps several times, to collect more information after finding additional things I wanted to track. Somewhat randomly, the X:\PortableApps\Notepad++Portable\Data\Config\plugins\config folder did not get cleared when starting npp. Sometimes when exiting npp, the X:\PortableApps\Notepad++Portable\App\Notepad++\plugins\config\ folder would be empty, other times it would not exist. The details:

Exit from NPP,PortableApps
Delete folder X:\PortableApps\Notepad++Portable\

X:\Start.exe|Apps|Get More Apps...|By Title|[check]Notepad++ Portable|Next|OK

- dictionary.lst
- en_GB.aff
- en_GB.dic
- en_US.aff
- en_US.dic
- README_en_GB.txt
- README_en_US.txt
- AsciiToEBCDIC.bin
- libTidy.dll
- W3C-CSSValidator.htm
- W3C-HTMLValidator.htm
** no change to the DefaultData through all checks
- no config folder
- empty folder|Notepad++
The following plugin updates are available: DSpellCheck (installed 1.2.11 available 1.2.12)|Cancel

NPP|File|Open|simple text document
## spelling errors are highlighted
NPP|Plugins|DSpellCheck|Settings (review only)|Cancel
Library: Hunspell
Hunspell Dictionaries Path
For Current Users
[checked]Decode Lang. Names
[unchecked]Unified User Dictionary
Language: English (Great Britain)
- drop down shows (also) English (United States); Multiple Languages...
Max Number of Suggesions: 5
[checked]Check only those:
[checked]Check Only Comments and strings if Possible
Suggestions Control: Use N++ Context Menu

- clone of Hunspell folder from DefaultData
- clone of Hunspell folder from DefaultData
- empty folder
- empty folder
Windows Explorer View X:\PortableApps\Notepad++Portable\Data


- empty folder
- clone of what was in X:\PortableApps\Notepad++Portable\App\Notepad++\plugins\config\
### PLUS
- Certificates.xml
- NppFTP.xml
Windows Explorer View X:\PortableApps\Notepad++Portable\Data|Notepad++
#document automatically reopened from previous session
#same update notification|Cancel
###### No spelling errors highlighting

NPP|Plugins|DSpellCheck|Settings (review only)|Cancel
Library: Hunspell
Hunspell Dictionaries Path
For Current Users
[checked]Decode Lang. Names
[unchecked]Unified User Dictionary
Language: blank and ghosted (not selectable)
Max Number of Suggesions: 5
[checked]Check only those:
[checked]Check Only Comments and strings if Possible
Suggestions Control: Use N++ Context Menu

- no Hunspell folder
- no tidy folder
- no DSpellChceck.ini file
- SpellChecker.ini file
- NppFTP folder is empty (as before)
- empty folder
Windows Explorer View X:\PortableApps\Notepad++Portable\Data


- empty folder
- clone of (now truncated) App plugins config content, but with xml files in NppFTP folder
Windows Explorer View X:\PortableApps\Notepad++Portable\Data|Notepad++
#document automatically reopened from previous session
#same update notification|Cancel
- No spelling errors highlighting

- truncated as before
- empty folder

NPP|Plugins|DSpellCheck|Settings|Download Dictionaries...
[check]English Canada|Install Selected|OK
Language: English (Canada)
- only "Multiple Languages" on the drop down
#### spelling errors highlighted

- en_CA.aff
- en_CA.dic
Windows Explorer View X:\PortableApps\Notepad++Portable\Data


- empty folder
- as previous plus
- en_CA.aff
- en_CA.dic|Notepad++
#document automatically reopened from previous session
#same update notification|Cancel
###### No spelling errors highlighting

NPP|Plugins|DSpellCheck|Settings (review only)|Cancel
Library: Hunspell
Hunspell Dictionaries Path
For Current Users
[checked]Decode Lang. Names
[unchecked]Unified User Dictionary
Language: blank and ghosted (not selectable)
Max Number of Suggesions: 5
[checked]Check only those:
[checked]Check Only Comments and strings if Possible
Suggestions Control: Use N++ Context Menu

- no Hunspell folder, rest same as previous truncated
- empty folder


- no config folder
- no Hunspell folder|Notepad++
#document automatically reopened from previous session
#same update notification|Update Selected|Yes|Yes
NPP|File|Open|simple text document
- No spelling errors highlighting

NPP|Plugins|DSpellCheck|Settings|Download Dictionaries...
[check]English Canada|Install Selected|OK
Language: English (Canada)
- only "Multiple Languages" on the drop down
#### spelling errors highlighted

- en_CA.aff
- en_CA.dic
Windows Explorer View X:\PortableApps\Notepad++Portable\Data


- Still has full content, including Hunspell folder and files
- no Hunspell folder, but DOES have
- plugin1
-- dow7C86.tmp
-- DSpellCheck.dll|Notepad++
#document automatically reopened from previous session
#no update notification
- spelling errors highlighting
NPP|Plugins|DSpellCheck|Settings (review only)|Cancel
Library: Hunspell
Hunspell Dictionaries Path
For Current Users
[checked]Decode Lang. Names
[unchecked]Unified User Dictionary
Language: English (Canada)
- drop down shows (also) Multiple Languages...
Max Number of Suggesions: 5
[checked]Check only those:
[checked]Check Only Comments and strings if Possible
Suggestions Control: Use N++ Context Menu

- en_CA.aff
- en_CA.dic
- Certificates.xml
- NppFTP.xml
- empty except for plugin_install_temp folder, which is empty


- empty folder
- en_CA.aff
- en_CA.dic
** rest as normal/before|Notepad++
#document automatically reopened from previous session
#no update notification
######## no spelling errors highlighting

NPP|Plugins|DSpellCheck|Settings (review only)|Cancel
Library: Hunspell
Hunspell Dictionaries Path
For Current Users
[checked]Decode Lang. Names
[unchecked]Unified User Dictionary
Language: blank and ghosted (not selectable)
Max Number of Suggesions: 5
[checked]Check only those:
[checked]Check Only Comments and strings if Possible
Suggestions Control: Use N++ Context Menu

- no Hunspell folder
- empty folder

Last seen: 5 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2011-03-17 16:33
More: Notepad++ 6.x.x deleting plugins settings

on win7 on portable usb drives dspellcheck will not save settings properly. seems issue only when pluginmanager.ini InstallLocation=2 is set. other configurations work fine.

system: win 7 pro, uac enabled. portable usb drive fat32 or ntfs.

if i change any setting in the dspellcheck UI they seem to save ok until next restart of npp. it can cause other settings files to be removed upon next launch. seems dspellcheck probably causes an error when saving or loading dspellcheck.ini.

other suggested places to look:
1) dspellcheck has same user and system hunspell paths when in portable mode? most plugins have system path in plugins folder and user path in config folder. may need to seperate dspellcheck settings?
2) portable launchers could also have a move and validate before it continues?
3) win 7 prefetch?

also see issue in other app forum Notepad++ DSpellCheck plugin not functioning properly.

-Einst3 Smile

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