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is mixing FF portable stable and beta(aurora, nightly, ...) dangerous such that by default it is blocked?

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is mixing FF portable stable and beta(aurora, nightly, ...) dangerous such that by default it is blocked?


I read much about FirefoxPortable.ini modification is needed to enable multiple instance of Firefox Portable, but I got surprised when I couldn't run FirefoxPortable Aurora(tried beta, nightly, ...) without AllowMultipleInstances modification. Shouldn't aurora executable itself already define itself as aurora version and "Firefox itself is *DESIGNED* so that you can't start multiple copies with different profiles by default" is not applied in this case? (as they are different firefox versions at all)

Would it be bad to suggest launcher modifications for future such that different releases of firefox (beta, esr, aurora, nightly,...) may run simultaneously, or is there unforeseen harm in doing so?

Currently I use sandboxie to run them simultaneously, but this is only good as long as I use my computer. Hope there is a solution to this.


John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 hour 34 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Firefox is Firefox

Whether stable, beta, aurora, or nightly, it's still Firefox and it's still firefox.exe.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2014-03-24 09:06
Thanks for quick reply. Too

Thanks for quick reply. Too bad the limitation is still there.
Then I guess .ini modification is probably way to go. Will modifications made to different firefox releases and following concurrent run of them have same caveats as running same Firefox Portable multiple times? (I think blank files might be made and left behind? Wonder what does that it in Portable directory? %Users% directory? elsewhere?)


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I run them all in parallel

I run them all in parallel with cmd FirefoxPortable.exe -no-remote

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Standard Firefox

That is essentially what AllowMultipleInstances does--use the flags built-in to Firefox.

Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2014-03-24 09:06
@Herb really? Mine says

really? Mine says another instance error when launched in that manner.
Using both cmd and shortcut method for firefoxportable.exe

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Joined: 2013-12-27 05:20
No problem with win8.1 64bit

No problem with win8.1 64bit 4GB Ram, one instance 64bit other instances 32 bit until the Ram is used up Biggrin

I did it also on a win8.1 32bit but only 2GB Ram with 4 instances.

Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2014-03-24 09:06
@herbDid we have 64bit FF


Was there ever a 64bit FF Portable?
Anyway, I went with .ini modification and did your noremote method to get it done. Wonder why launching through cmd didn't work for me. (Win8 x64) Regardless I'm happy to see it working.
May I ask your setup? Did you extract multiple copies of same FF Portable and run with noremote or is it like running very same executable of single copy multiple times for you? I imagine first to be the case, but just wondering...
also, did you encounter any erratic behavior or unusual leftovers when you launched with noremote? I think at one time admin mentioned that noremote could make leftover files, but maybe that was too long ago and not relevant anymore.

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FF Nightly 64bit

Was there ever a 64bit FF Portable?

There is a Nightly build of Firefox 64-Bit available on the Mozilla Firefox, Portable Edition Beta, Aurora, and Nightly page

down the bottom of the page Smile


hmmm .... last month I bought a new computer and it's 64 Bit + I use FF Portable (current, current ESR and Nightly, depending on how I feel) as my main brower ..... I suppose I should get around to trying the 64-Bit FF to Blum

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John T. Haller
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Last seen: 1 hour 34 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
64 bit

As Grant said, there is a 64-bit Nightly build but nothing more. Mozilla considers the 64-bit branch too unstable due to the number of unpatched bugs in it and the fact that almost no one is testing it on Windows. That plus the fact that it doesn't really get you much of a performance boost, since no effort has gone into tweaking it yet. And none of the other browser have 64-bit builds (not Opera, not Chrome) except Internet Explorer (and its 32-bit build is set as the default).

Fun fact: the 64-bit browsers based on Firefox like Waterfox and the 64-bit builds of Pale Moon don't patch any of the bugs in the 64-bit build over what Mozilla does. So, they're just as buggy as a freshly compiled Firefox x64 of the same version.

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Last seen: 10 years 4 months ago
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@Haller That is very

That is very informative. I guess I should stay out of waterfox and 64bit pale moon from now on then.

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