Seems the help setup changed with versions 4.2.x. I can no longer just download the LibreOffice_4.2.1_Win_x86_helppack_en-US.msi file and use 7-Zip to extract the files to the LibreOfficePortable\App\libreoffice\help\en subdirectory.
Any one got this working (portably, of course!) ...?
The files that were previously directly packed in the file are now in two .cab files within the .msi file. Unpack only the files contained in and (and not any of the remaining 55 files contained outside of the .cab files within the .msi) to the folder you specified above and everything should work fine. It works for me.
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Ah, thank you very much for that information.
Will try it out as soon as I get access to a Windows PC tomorrow.
Must admit, I prefer and am much more used to the offline help than the online version!
Now got it working as you suggested.

Many thanks!
All I do to get offline help is copy the contents of my local help folder into the portable one.