I get the following errors when trying to run TAudioConverter on my Win 7 x 64 HP Microserver (no audio device connected) any advice?
Error Failed to initialize CDRip insufficiant privileges?) Error Code:8
Fatal Error Couldn't load bass.dll library. Bass Code:23
Turns out I may have answered my own question. It works fine on a Win 8 x 64 Laptop with CD drive and audio device so it's not a stretch to believe these are needed to operate the app fully and maybe at least an audio device if it's to operate at all.
I know the app will show an error on every launch if no optical drive is present. Not sure about the other error, though. You should ask the publisher.
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I checked out every support forum link from the sourceforge page and some of the errors are mentioned however I wasn't satisfied with the answers and hoped that the issues might be portable specific whereas it looks like I'll have to get around to swapping my DVI Monitor to one with HDMI so I can get audio through the card I installed on the Microserver. Basically My Bad.
I seem to recall that there is a null audio driver you can install for windows. That would fix the bass error. The other error will not prevent the app from working. It's just an annoyance. I made the publisher aware of a way to prevent it.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Thanks I'll look into that option if necessary.