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Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2010-03-16 18:03

Application: KDiff3
Category: Development
Description: Tool for Comparison and Merge of Files and Directories. With KDiff3 you are able to compare or merge two or three text input files or directories. It shows the differences line by line and character by character (!). It provides an automatic merge-facility and an integrated editor for comfortable solving of merge-conflicts, supports Unicode, UTF-8 and other codecs, auto-detection via byte-order-mark "BOM", supports KIO on KDE (allows accessing ftp, sftp, fish, smb etc.), including other interesting features. on your iPod, USB flash drive, portable hard drive, etc.

KDiff3Portable_0.9.98_Development_Test_3 [14.4MB download / 38.2MB installed]
(MD5: 33c9f98dda57ab1985efdc8f2e5688fb)

Release Notes:

Development Test 3 (2014-12-17):

  • Updated Language Strings
  • Removed unnecessary FileWriteN entries
  • Corrected a bug on 32-bit version that was preventing the App start

Development Test 2 (2014-12-11):

  • Config file now is loaded from DataDir and not from USERPROFILE folder.

Development Test 1 (2014-12-10):

  • Update KDiff3 to version 0.9.98
  • Support for Platform v3.0

You can find the older version here (KDiff3Portable 0.9.95).

3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
CommandLineArguments=--config %PAL:DataDir%\.kdiff3rc

I haven't tested it yet, but if I understand the docs correctly (see here) I think you'll be able to get rid of


(and be less likely to mess up the host PC's local settings) if you add to your [Launch] section:

CommandLineArguments=--config %PAL:DataDir%\.kdiff3rc


Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2010-03-16 18:03
Good observation

Yes. Good observation and thanks for your feedback.

I will update it soon.

I already tested it and it seems to work properly. The app seems to have a bug in the language switching, it never applies the selected language...


3D1T0R's picture
Last seen: 3 years 8 months ago
Joined: 2006-12-29 23:48
Re: Language Switching & [FileWrite#] 1-4? [Fixed/Base App Bug]

Well, you have some incorrect/missing [LanguageStrings] entries, but even with all of them corrected the option in the app's 'Regional Settings' changes to match the Platform's language, but KDiff3's UI doesn't actually switch to the selected language* :(, so unless someone can figure out a way to make it switch I'm going to call it a bug in the base app and move on. (maybe someone could try getting in contact with Joachim Eibl about it?)

Anyway, here's a fixed version of the [LanguageStrings] section.
Note: Bold items work with this version, but not in DevTest 2.
Note2: this makes SpanishInternational use the Spanish translation, because it's better for it to fall back to (non-international) Spanish in that case than English.

Arabic=ar (Arabic)
Bulgarian=bg (Bulgarian)
Catalan=ca (Catalan)
SimpChinese=zh_CN (Chinese Simplified)
TradChinese=zh_TW (Chinese Traditional)
Czech=cs (Czech)
Danish=da (Danish)
Dutch=nl (Dutch)
EnglishGB=en_GB (British English)
Estonian=et (Estonian)
French=fr (French)
Galician=gl (Galician)
German=de (German)
Greek=el (Greek)
Hungarian=hu (Hungarian)
Irish=ga (Irish Gaelic)
Italian=it (Italian)
Japanese=ja (Japanese)
Lithuanian=lt (Lithuanian)
Norwegian=nb (Norwegian Bookmal)
Polish=pl (Polish)
Portuguese=pt (Portuguese)
PortugueseBR=pt_BR (Brazilian Portuguese)
Romanian=ro (Romanian)
Russian=ru (Russian)
Serbian=sr (Serbian)
SerbianLatin=sr@Latn (Serbian)
Spanish=es (Spanish)
SpanishInternational=es (Spanish)
Swedish=sv (Swedish)
Tamil=ta (Tamil)
Turkish=tr (Turkish)
Ukrainian=uk (Ukrainian)

Also these languages are recognised by KDiff3, but not supported by the Platform. I'd suggest adding them to the [LanguageStrings] section to 'future-proof' the app, but I don't know what LocaleName they would use. (this could be done if you switched to use one of the other language variables for [Language]:Base instead, as they follow standards which already encompass more languages than the Platform currently supports.)
"bs (Bosnian)" is 'Bosanski', one of the official languages of Bosnia and Herzegovina
"br (Breton)" is 'Brezhoneg', a Celtic language spoken in the 'Brittany' region of France
"ca@valencia (Catalan (Valencian))" is 'Valencian Catalan', spoken in parts of Spain
"hne (Chhattisgarhi)" is the official language Chhattisgarh, a state of India
"zh_CN_old" appears to be a deprecated version of the Simplified Chinese translation (SimpChinese)
"hi (Hindi)" is one of the official languages of India
"ka (Georgian)" is Kartuli, the official language of Georgia
"rw (Kinyarwanda)" is the official language of Rwanda
"nds (Low Saxon)" is either 'Low German', or one of the related 'Low Saxon' variants
"ml (Malayalammn Mongolian)" is ...? well, I'm not sure if it's 'Malayalam' (one of the recognised regional languages of India) or 'Mongolian' (the official language of Mongolia)
"tg (Tajik)" is the official language of Tajikistan
"cy (Welsh)" is Cymraeg, one of the official languages of Wales

Also I haven't seen any evidence in my (fairly limited) testing that FileWrite 1, 2, 3 or 4 are ever used. Do they get used sometimes? or...?

Footnote: *Actually I noticed that some of the languages (e.g. Arabic) change the context (right click) menu, but I haven't noticed anything else changing.

Edit: You should keep an eye out for <br />, it keeps sneaking into your links & breaking them. As far as the app goes, good job, it looks like you've taken care of everything you can for the moment. I'd like to see the UI switch languages, but AFAICT that's a base app issue, sorry.
Thanks for taking this project on.


Last seen: 10 months 5 days ago
Joined: 2013-07-17 01:30
I get this error

I get this error message:

"This application failed to start because it could not find or load the Qt platform plugin "windows".

Reinstalling the application may fix this problem."

Can not start.

Last seen: 10 months 5 days ago
Joined: 2013-07-17 01:30

if I replace "qwindows.dll" in "..\App\KDiff3-32bit\bin\plugins\platforms"
with the one from "KDiff3-32bit-Setup_0.9.98-3.exe" setup file, it work.
I only test on 32 bit ver.

Last seen: 7 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2010-03-16 18:03
I also found it

Yes, in I experienced it also with winXP.
It may be related with the AppCompactor.


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