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Chromium Portable and Flash ???

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Last seen: 9 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2009-09-13 18:48
Chromium Portable and Flash ???

Hello !

With this problem : i'm oblige (f*king boring) to change Google Chrome Portable by Chromium Portable !

I already done all my settings and extension again : 2 hours (boring)

But now Flash don't work !

Of course i know it's not include with chromimum !

I'm sure i saw (or maybe i dream that cause bored with all this no good software) a yellow popup to ask if i want to install flash plugins on a webpage including video flashplayer, and i tell No cause i was busy with my others configs !

Of course i thank it propose me again the install popup next time to intall to it !

But now NO MORE !!!

I try to reboot and unpack a new install of chrome portable, same same, NO MORE !

I gone on and insall that !

it's installed it add it in Uninstall Windows Mananger, name is : Adobe Flash Player 16 NPAPI, BUT FLASH DON'T WORK in my Chronium Portable !!!

Then what's this f**king problem again ???


Then How i can get again the Chromium install Flash popup ???

Ps : tell :
Note: Adobe Flash Player is already installed, but disabled. Click here for more information.

and in chrome://plugins/ I don't have any Flash Plugins

vf2nsr's picture
Last seen: 7 years 11 months ago
Joined: 2010-02-13 17:10
First off

This is a G rated forum, please try to tame language.

This issue with Chrome is not the portable version is it inherent to the Chrome, you would need to settle it with the Base app Chrome.

Next Chromium issues should be addressed in their thread > Please Note this is a test development so not officially released as a PortableApps release

Lastly a search will reveal multiple threads such as

Might suggest you try a different browser that does support what you wish to accomplish such as Firefox

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

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