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Libreoffice Calc Probleme mit Copy/Paste

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Last seen: 9 years 5 months ago
Joined: 2015-05-18 23:25
Libreoffice Calc Probleme mit Copy/Paste

Hallo zusammen,

leider haben die letzten beiden Updates wieder einmal Bugs mit sich gebracht.
Bei Calc per Copy/Paste Daten aus einem "Wordpad" von Win7 zu kopieren heisst, dass im Zielfeld das zu kopierende als Bild interpretiert wird.
Das passiert nur, wenn man direkt ins Feld "pastet" (egal, ob via Tasten oder via Contextmenü). Geht man über den Dateninhalt oben, wird das Ergebnis (Text) korrekt interpretiert.

Weiter wird der Befehl "Zählenwenn" bei Änderung des Befehls in eine andere Zelle (und gleichzeitiger Erweiterung des zu Zählenden Bereichs bis hierhin) nur noch als Befehl angezeigt - leider ohne Ergebnis.

Beides gilt nur für die portable Version. Die festinstallierte funktioniert hier einwandfrei...

Ich hoffe, das war so verständlich....


Wm ...
Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2010-07-17 12:37
I understood the German, the translation carries the msg

Hello everybody,

Unfortunately, the last two updates have once again brought bugs with it.
In Calc via copy / paste data from a "Wordpad" copy of Win7 is said that the target field is to be copied interpreted as an image.
This happens only when you directly "pastet" into the field (whether via buttons or via context menu). Going over the data content above, the result (text) is interpreted correctly.

Next, the command "COUNTIF" appears when changing the command to another cell (and the simultaneous expansion of the range to be counted up to this point) only as a command - unfortunately without result.

These provisions only for the portable version. The fixed work here properly ...

I hope that was so evident ....


Wm ...
Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2010-07-17 12:37
Report duplicated to my surprise

Win 8.1
I have just copied and pasted from Wordpad to LOCalc w the same effect, I get an image not the text or number.
Copying from MSWord ditto
Copying from MSNotepad works as expected (i.e. the text or number gets pasted into an LOCalc cell

Wordpad to Excel works as expected (text or num not image)

I'm not in a position to test this with non-portable LO and doubt the COUNTIF example is necessary.

I can confirm there is something wrong with the perception of items going through the clipboard. I use both MS and (non-portable) LO in a work situation fairly frequently and haven't noticed this so it seems reasonable that this cllipboard issue may be portable LO specific.

Would be good if someone else could test to be sure.


vf2nsr's picture
Last seen: 8 years 1 week ago
Joined: 2010-02-13 17:10
Not sure if relevant

Word pad and MSWord save thinks to clipboard with formatting Notepad does not as in Word saves to Doc Wordpad to rtf but notepad to Txt

“Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.” Dr. Seuss

Wm ...
Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2010-07-17 12:37
Nods, but with non-portable LO it works

liontom66 says that this doesn't happen with non-portable LO and that fits with my experience too, it was because of that I was expecting to do a quick test and then ask, "does this happen with the english version"


John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 5 hours 38 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Same In Local

Pasting some rich text from WordPad into LibreOffice Calc 4.4.3 local produces an image. Same exact behavior in local and portable versions.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Wm ...
Last seen: 7 years 9 months ago
Joined: 2010-07-17 12:37
Wouldn't clipboard behaviour be OS specific?

Wouldn't clipboard behaviour be OS specific? As well as (possibly) a combo of the MSO and LO versions in play.

OP will you please say your OS / LO version that works as that would seem to be the odd combo out


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