what hot key can be used to pop up the PortableApps Plattform on Windows 7 (after it is launched)?
I did not find any information inside the PortableApps Plattform, so maybe you integrate such an information there.
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what hot key can be used to pop up the PortableApps Plattform on Windows 7 (after it is launched)?
I did not find any information inside the PortableApps Plattform, so maybe you integrate such an information there.
See the Global Hotkey entry here: https://portableapps.com/support/platform#advanced
TL,DR: Ctrl+Alt+Space, unless you change it.
thank you, that worked.
What is TL.DR ?
By the way: add in the PortableApps Plattforn an hint (help) that shows this hotkey.
Increased Usability.
As for having a help somewhere other than the above page - where are you suggesting this be located, specifically?
Hello Gord,
in my opinion there should be an option in the GUI of the Portable Apps Platform (Options -> Advanced).
Here users can see the default setting and change it.
This would be the best place!
see: https://portableapps.com/node/28593
AFAIK there is no timeframe for an upcoming release and wether this specific feature will be added.
I work as an ergonomic engineer and usability engineer.
Using the keyboard instead of the mouse is more effective (users are faster with the keyboard).
The problem here is that users don't see the hotkey for showing the Portable Apps platform.
So they don't know if it can be opened by a hotkey or not.
My intention was to show it in the options, so they can see it there and modify the hotkey if they wish.
It is more important that they see the hot key than they can change it.
Maybe you have a better place where to show it, but it should not be too far away from the application (not in a Wiki page).
You're absolutely right. But consider this work in progress.
From an ergonomic point of view, the Options is definitely the wrong place for help texts apart from hover-help. So if the option to change the hot-key is implemented, a quick-tip could explain it.
To inform about different hotkeys, a separate help menu-entry would be a better place to put it. Personally, I would consider the quick-tip box of the systray-icon the most elegant way to inform users about the specific hotkey to bring up the menu.
Many programs don't promote their hotkeys. Windows itself is secretive since the last versions (there used to be an obvious help page in former times). You have to enable hotkeys in quicktips in office and so on ...
I work with hotkeys most of the time, but the average user does not. Most of the staff at my school does not even know that there are any, and when I told them, they don't remember. They will never use them regularly.
when I first looked for the Keyboard shortcut then I first clicked at "Help" in the PortableApps Platform.
Normally users would expect an menu entry "Keyboard Shortcuts" (this is the quickest way) or a small help file that contains also the keyboard shortcuts.
But also a quick-tip box on the system tray Icon (displaying "PortableApps.com Platform (Ctrl+Alt+Space)" or "PortableApps.com Platform (Ctrl+Alt+Space to open it)" is an additional help that should also be implemented together with the help entry.
One aspect of an ergonomic application is that the application has an help (no matter what format) that helps the users.
And by the way: many other applications and also operating systems do not fit the ergonomic needs.
I really love PortableApps!
I have a new PC now and I try to have as many applications as portable versions as possible.
And I want to help making it better and better...
Thanks for putting my text in better words.