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Volume label change

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Joined: 2007-01-20 09:43
Volume label change

Can anyone tell me why the program has changed the volume label on my portable hard drive? I do not like this behavior at all and there does not seem to be any settings under the options menu to prevent this. I really like this program but I dislike this obtrusive behavior enough that I will probably remove it. Since it appears that there is no uninstall application, I guess that I am going to have to manually remove the registry entries. It would be awesome if this application did not use the registry but instead used an .ini file.

[Moderator RM: Moved to PortableApps Menu forum]

Tim Clark
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Last seen: 13 years 10 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-18 13:55
More Info Please

Your have posted in Development?

You should have posted in the forum concerning the program you are talking about.
What program are you talking about?

I will "guess" that you might mean the Portable Apps Suite.
Is this correct?

When you install the Portable Apps Suite in its default configuration it puts a file in the root of your portable drive called "autorun.inf", it is a "form" of .ini file. The file contains the following information:

Action=Start PortableApps

The "Label=" section tells windows how to "refer" to the drive.
In this case it is "PortableApps" but you can change it it anything you want:
"Tims Portable Drive", "My Flash Drive", "My 1GB Sandisk", etc.
This is intended to help you identify the drive easily on various machines.

You can delete this line, or change it to anything you want.

It is NOT a registry setting.
You can delete the file completely if you don't want the PAM to attempt to start on insertion.

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Last seen: 2 months 3 weeks ago
Joined: 2007-01-20 09:43
registry entries

I apologize for using the wrong forum for the posting.
I have checked the hard drive and there is no autorun.ini file in the root directory. Here is a list of the portable hard drives directory:

Volume in drive J is Backup
Volume Serial Number is C8B5-7720

Directory of J:\

12/12/2006 08:05 AM 19,130,900,480 12-12-06.tib
01/11/2007 06:43 AM CD ISO's
07/14/2006 09:57 PM D-Drive
08/03/2006 07:22 PM Image for Windows
06/21/2006 04:56 AM m758
06/19/2006 05:57 AM M780
01/08/2007 06:13 AM PortableApps
11/18/2006 08:00 PM 52,476 StartPortableApps.exe
01/16/2007 09:03 PM TTB Setup
2 File(s) 19,130,952,956 bytes
8 Dir(s) 182,897,557,504 bytes free

Note that the volume label states that it is "Backup" however when I use Explorer to view the the hard drive it is called "PortableApps". I have found the following registry entry that appears to be changing the drives volume label:


I have removed the registry entries that refer to "PortableApps". I hope that this clears this up.


John T. Haller
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Last seen: 25 min 11 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
It's hidden

The file is called autorun.inf and it is hidden. You need to make hidden files visible to edit it. A later release of the PortableApps Menu will have a rename function built in.

The registry entries are due to Windows remembering the drive being inserted and are completely unrelated to the label showing up in Explorer.

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I switched to XP in the last couple of months after using Win2k for several years. I had modified the registry to truly see hidden files in Win2k so long ago that I had forgotten how to do it and that it even needed to be done. I thought that all I had to do was select "tools/folder options/view/show...." But I forgot that Windows STILL hides certain files after you make those changes. Anyway, after a few registry changes, I can now truly see the hidden files and the autorun.inf that was in the portable drives root directory. I have made the changes to the .inf file and the drive name is now back to being called "backup". Thank You very much for your patience.


Last seen: 16 years 6 months ago
Joined: 2006-06-04 15:53
what uses the registry? lol

lol beat me to it ... owell
what uses the registry? lol PAM doesn't use the registry? correct me if im wrong have u tried changing the "autorun.inf" file in the root of your thumbdrive? and change the line that says "label=" to whatever you want in my case i changed it to "lexar 360"

Action=Start PortableApps
Label=Lexar 360

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