When trying to upgrade chrome, I get the infamous "The downloaded copy of Google Chrome is not valid and cannot be installed [...]"
New: Run-Command (Dec 2, 2024), Platform 29.5.3 (Jun 27, 2024)
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You're likely blocked at your current location from downloading Chrome from Google. If you actually see download progress going up to ~35MB and it gets part way there, then your network is disconnecting somewhere in between or corrupting it en-route. Nothing is wrong with the installer and the file for both 32-bit and 64-bit are available on Google's servers.
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I've been getting the same issues (ISP: PlusNet) as mentioned above. Not really sure why it isn't working as I don't tend to get any issues. The green download button also doesn't show up like it usually does and the link to download just takes me to something that redirects a lot and then gives up ( http://downloads.sourceforge.net/portableapps/GoogleChromePortable_43.0.... ).
I also tried this via my company VPN and had similar issues so it isn't localised to an ISP level block or something bizarre like that and I tested the VPN on my laptop rather than my desktop to be sure it wasn't the computer.
That's due to SourceForge having server issues. The error mentioned in the main post is one you get from the Google Chrome Portable installer itself, since it downloads a normal copy of Google Chrome to get the files from. These are two entirely different issues.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
Ah I didn't realise but I was having a problem with both, which was unclear from my original post, and assumed it may have been related. I already had portable Chrome installed and was notified that an update was available via the PortableApps.com Updater. However, when running the download it always failed and displayed an error message like the first poster described and did so for several days that I attempted the update. That seems to have resolved itself today and the update downloaded and installed fine.