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Universal Extractor Portable 1.6.1 Dev Test 2

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ArturQ's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
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Universal Extractor Portable 1.6.1 Dev Test 2

Application: Universal Extractor
Category: Utilities
Description: Universal Extractor is, as its name suggests, an application destined to extract virtually any type of archive available in today’s market. RAR, ZIP, 7z, EXE, TAR, NRG, ISO, DLL, KGB, UHA etc; Universal Extractor is able to process all of them at incredible speed.
There’s no other purpose to this program than extracting the contents of archives. As such, you cannot rely on it to create archives. Also, the number of files it can process simultaneously is restricted to one, so batch decompressing is not possible.
On the upside, it integrates itself in the Explorer’s context menu for easy and comfortable access. This features is configurable during installation, where, at one point, you can select the shortcuts to be bundled in the right-click menu: Add UniExtract Files, Add UniExtract Here, and Add UniExtract to Subdir.
The application’s interface is incredibly simple with just two visible fields: one for the source file and one for the destination folder. The Preferences section allows you to set up the language of the application, the debug file directory, you can check options for enabling warnings before executing files, removing duplicate files, removing temporary files, or appending missing file extensions.
Universal Extractor doesn’t pass as a competitor for much evolved software such as WinZip, WinRAR or 7-Zip, since it lacks archiving abilities. Please bear in mind that it’s only meant to be used as a decompression utility.
Although its features don’t make quite the list, the purpose it was built for is carried out nicely each time.
Changed two or three words from Softpedia description

Download Universal Extractor Portable 1.6.1 Development Test 2 [5.2MB downloaded / 10.9MB installed]
(MD5: b3672e8dc0522f640e5db81de6645a85)

Release Notes:

Development Test 2 (09-14-2012):

  • Improved portable handling by moving UniExtract.ini to Data\settings folder and editting launcher.ini
  • Known issue: No multilingual support yet. Still working on that.

Development Test 1 (09-13-2012):

  • Initial release
Ken Herbert
Ken Herbert's picture
Last seen: 1 hour 53 min ago
Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
Welcome to the forums

Just a few issues looking at the main files:

  1. help.html: You should remove line 139 (the bit about the launcher and installer being open source). Since the base app is open source, the previous line covers it all.
  2. appicon.ico: You don't need the 4-bit images. They won't be used.
  3. appinfo.ini: The package should be marked as OpenSource=true and CommercialUse=true as the app is licensed under GPL v2.
  4. The way you currently have it set up, the user will lose all their settings if they update the portable package. You need to set it up to move the UniExtract.ini file to and from the Data directory with a [FilesMove] in Launcher\UniversalExtractorPortable.ini. More info here.
  5. The app should switch languages based on the language set in the PortableApps platform. More info here.
  6. Along with the other language switching stuff, because the app is multilingual you should include installer.ini in AppInfo with the languages supported. More info here.

Some of these things can be difficult to understand early on (especially language switching), but there are a lot of us here who already understand the process who would be willing to help you out, just ask and we will offer what help we can.

ArturQ's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2012-09-12 20:27

Thank you very much, @winterblood. I'm now fixing these issues you pointed out. Soon I'll post 1.6.1 Dev Test 2 Smile

If all truth does is make your heart ache, sometimes a lie is easier to take

J Neutron
Last seen: 9 months 1 week ago
Joined: 2008-06-10 19:26
All Updated?

Are you going to package the basic program, or will you apply updates to the various un-archivers and TrIDDefs like someone else (who I won't name) does?

Of particular interest is the 7-zip version since the basic program may fail extractions if the archive uses a newer version with improved compression.

Oh, you might want to de-emphasize the right-click menu features in your text since that kind of thing isn't yet compatible with general PortableApps usage.

neutron1132 (at) usa (dot) com

ArturQ's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2012-09-12 20:27

I will just update some issues I left out in INIs, that winterblood pointed out in the last comment. The basic program is ready and steady to use and it is in its original form.

If all truth does is make your heart ache, sometimes a lie is easier to take

ArturQ's picture
Last seen: 10 years 7 months ago
Joined: 2012-09-12 20:27
I think I did it...

@winterblood I think I did everything you said... I'll post in minutes Dev Test 2, if you can check the main INIs I would be very grateful Wink

EDIT: Updated.

If all truth does is make your heart ache, sometimes a lie is easier to take

Dan Carroll
Dan Carroll's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
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Another Orphaned Project?

The link to the downloads is down. Orphaned?

Dan "FloriDan" Carroll
Just an old hacker having fun.

Last seen: 12 hours 46 min ago
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Last post more than three years old, dev last seen more than a year ago. Lucky guess ... yes. Wink

John T. Haller
John T. Haller's picture
Last seen: 3 hours 30 min ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Dead App, Too

Universal Extractor itself was abandoned quite some time ago as well. There was an illegal update to it where the author refused to release his source code changes as required under the license for a while (which could easily include some nasty stuff under the hood) but even that was abandoned.

Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

Dan Carroll
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It had great potential for here. The website is still up. Any reason not to repackage and offer it again?

EDIT: My first try at packaging a Portable is a success. Of course it needs to be tested by others. Only Alpha quality at this time. Items 1 through 4 are good. Language switching from either the Launcher or Installer still need to be made to work. Language switching does work from within the app itself via the Preferences menu.

Here is the download link. Enjoy.

Dan "FloriDan" Carroll
Just an old hacker having fun.

Dan Carroll
Dan Carroll's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: 2015-10-26 08:58
Please Clarify Language Options

Ken, I am currently repackaging the Universal Extractor Portable app since none of the download links I have tried seem to work. I believe issue items 1 - 3 were already taken care of and I have item 4 working. The language issues do not appear to be a straight forward fix.

Item 5 shouldn't be a problem, the app has a preference setting on its menu. To automate this would appear to have to be done by having the launcher replace the Language setting inside of the .ini file. No command line switches for this option and I don't believe it accesses environment variables.

Item 6 has me confused. What exactly should the installer be doing for language switching?

Thank you for your time and consideration, Dan Carroll

EDIT: Also fixed Temp data folder issue mentioned by Chris Morgan in this thread
** Issue 5 concerning Language Switching with the Launcher is no longer an issue. My only concern is that a user loses control over changing the language in the app's settings. The Launcher INI will overwrite any language set by the user in the app. Now to fix the Installer issue.
** And issue 6 has been dealt with. Ready to go.

Dan "FloriDan" Carroll
Just an old hacker having fun.

Last seen: 12 hours 46 min ago
Joined: 2010-06-05 17:19
Thanks for your work on this.

Thanks for your work on this. As long as it's still useable it's good to have it around.

One thing to consider is to open a new thread for your Development test. There is a template for such threads and I think it is easier for random visitor to find the correct download link and information in the opening post. You could still name it 1.6.1 Dev Test - maybe add something like [NEW] to the thread, so users that use the search function know, yours is the latest.
When development was more vivid few years ago, that was the usual procedure, when an abandoned development test was taken over by another dev.

Dan Carroll
Dan Carroll's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: 2015-10-26 08:58
Thanks depp.jones

Will do. Just getting my feet wet with this (just getting started). Fixing the issues that were previously defined on the other releases. Then will start a new thread.

Dan "FloriDan" Carroll
Just an old hacker having fun.

Last seen: 12 hours 46 min ago
Joined: 2010-06-05 17:19
To bundle the information for

To bundle the information for your dev test, you could start a new thread right now. This way, no feedback will get lost in this old thread. (I'll have a look at your package this evening and when I answer here, information gets spread over different threads. Wink

Dan Carroll
Dan Carroll's picture
Last seen: 1 year 1 month ago
Joined: 2015-10-26 08:58
Universal Extractor Portable v1.6.1 Re-released

Here is the new thread for the new package for the Universal Extractor Portable. Thanks for your help Depp.

Dan "FloriDan" Carroll
Just an old hacker having fun.

Last seen: 4 months 2 days ago
Joined: 2010-09-06 06:36

Now there is a new project (Open Source) for UniExtract2:

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