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Promet-ERP 7.0.350 Development Test 1

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Promet-ERP 7.0.350 Development Test 1

Application: Promet-ERP
Category: Office
Description: Promet ERP is an ERP system in addition to the ERP functionality also provides message management, task / project management, document management. Any functionality can also be used individually.

All data is stored in a central database. MSSQL, PostgereSQL, Firebird, SQLite, are the supported database systems.

Orders, persons, articles can be managed with the ERP functionality. With the integrated report generator reports can be created visually.

The Document Management helps to magage documents on any object (article, order, person, task ...)

With the message management, emails, RSS feeds, SMS, Scanned documents are managed.

With the task and project management tasks are planned across projects and users, Company-wide by a global task list.

Download Promet-ERP Portable 7.0.367 Development Test 1 [13MB download / 26MB installed]

Release Notes:

V .367 Development Test 1 (2014-08-06):

  • some Versions later Wink (see changes)

  • V .346 Development Test 1 (2014-05-21):

  • A lot of small fixes

  • V .345 Development Test 1 (2014-05-20):

  • Moving Instllation now should work (thanks to winterblood)
  • All processes are started now with correct config-path (fixes e-mail receiving, sending, synchronisation)

  • Development Test 3 (2014-05-18):

  • missed Data is now created from Wizard like in an real installation

  • Development Test 2 (2014-05-18):

  • Used default launcher
  • partial english translation
  • fixed Appsettings

  • Development Test 1 (2014-05-17):
    Initial release

    Wm ...
    Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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    One place at a time, please

    Please ask for our attention in one forum at a time. How do you want us to view this application? Is it a new thing? Is it a test? How much do you trust it?


    Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
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    Sry, seems that i was a bit

    Sry, seems that i was a bit to fast its my first time to add an Application and iam not a native english speaker so its a bit tricky to understand the Documentation completely.

    Its an Application from me, that exists for years. But is under permanent development. Most parts are stable.

    Iam unsure whats necessary to add it to add it to PortableApps, when no test is needed its optional. If you need to test it to add it, then its a test Smile

    What do you mean with trust ? Stability ? Its used in 4 Firms at time with ca 200 Users. I dont know how many private users use it. For the Firms i manage the Databases and Support them. Iam a bit unsure how good it works without help and support. So iam glad about every comment, and normally ill fix Bugs in days.

    Wm ...
    Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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    choose where you want to speak, please

    I will encourage people to help you. What you need to decide is where you want help and what you want help with.


    Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
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    thats simple, the goal is to

    thats simple, the goal is to add the app to the appstore Wink

    Ken Herbert
    Ken Herbert's picture
    Last seen: 6 min 48 sec ago
    Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19

    As far as I know, we don't release apps with custom launchers anymore. We only support apps with launchers built by the Launcher. To use it you will need to create a file called "PrometERPPortable.ini" (after making the change to the AppID listed below) in App\AppInfo\Launcher\ which will be where paths and data locations are handled. The documentation for the Launcher and the launcher.ini file can be found here. If you need help with what needs to be in the file please ask.


    • Name should be "Promet-ERP Portable"
    • AppId should be "PrometERPPortable"
    • Remove the EULAVersion line
    • Until the app is officially released it is advised to make the DisplayVersion "7.0.344 Development Test 1". (The development test number will increment by 1 when you make changes to the PortableApps package. Each time you update the version of Promet-ERP the development test number will reset to 1. So you would have 7.0 Development Test 1, then 7.0 Development Test 2, then 7.1 Development Test 1 for example.)
    • Remove the ExtractIcon line, you don't need it.
    • Start should be "PrometERPPortable.exe"


    • appicon.ico needs to have 16px and 48px sizes (and optionally a 256px icon). All icon sizes need to have 8-bit color versions.


    • There are two lines about the license (line 138/139). You should delete the second line (139).
    Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
    Joined: 2014-05-12 17:32
    First, thanks for the great

    First, thanks for the great comment.

    Ive tried the last hour to get your launcher to work but it seems to have some dependency's that i don't understand.
    I HAVE TO use NSIS to use this launcher ??
    Why can i not just use my launcher it is 4 lines of code and is OSS. Is it really necessary to use your launcher ?

    appinfo.ini is changed according to your comments.

    iam underway to fix the icons, and help

    Ken Herbert
    Ken Herbert's picture
    Last seen: 6 min 48 sec ago
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    Glad to help

    Regarding the custom launcher, I'm not sure, but that is what I believe to be the case. John has the final say on what does and doesn't become official, so it is up to him whether a custom launcher is accepted.

    The PortableApps Launcher provides more than just portability. It uses environment variables passed from the PortableApps Platform to give you a much easier way to handle automatic language switching (if you plan to add translations to the app), path handling when someone changes the drive or path the app is running from, plus other features.

    Sorry, I did forget to mention the Launcher dependencies. You need to install NSIS Portable (the Unicode version), but you don't need to know or use NSIS for most apps.

    Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
    Joined: 2014-05-12 17:32
    Ive managed to build an

    Ive managed to build an version with the official launacher. Also all other comments from you are fixed.

    The installer is avalible in old Path

    Translation is finished 50% at time. The new executable should detect automatically English systems and set english per default. If this not works you can set the language from menu. (and please inform me i have no english system to test)

    The dependency problem is not your fault, sry iam a bit nerved becouse i sit 3 days on making an portable Version of my app that is portable by default (no need for absoulute paths nowhere and runs without registry and so on). Its more work than expected to publish an app on your plattform :/ But i hope its mostly done now.

    Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
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    Installer not complete

    The new installation is not working...
    The directory that i use conatins an File Standard.perml, when i build an installer with that diretory and install te result the resulting dir dont has this file.
    Does the Installer eat files whom extensions he dont know ?

    Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
    Joined: 2014-05-12 17:32
    great, the Data directory is

    great, the Data directory is not installed and the installation must be able to recreate the contents...

    Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
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    Ive made an new installer

    Ive made an new installer (Development test 3) wich should fully work now. Ive changed the first Post.

    Ken Herbert
    Ken Herbert's picture
    Last seen: 6 min 48 sec ago
    Joined: 2010-05-25 18:19
    Package looks good

    I've looked through development test 3, and it looks OK so far.

    There is one issue with portability. Moving the directory (eg. from P:\PortableApps\PrometERPPortable to P:\PrometERPPortable I receive a "database does not exist" error. When I move it back the database loads correctly.

    To fix this you will need to add [FileWrite] commands to Launcher\PrometERPPortable.ini to update the path.

    This command should be look like:




    This will automatically update the path to the database file in Standard.perml when you move folders or drives.

    You should also add

    under the [Launch] section. This will make the Launcher close immediately after launching Promet, and will stop showing the directory move warning which doesn't need to be there with the path handling above.

    Regarding Promet itself:
    I did find that messagemanager.exe continued running on my system after Promet was closed (tested for over 30 minutes). As soon as I clicked on it in the System Tray it closed. Having an executable hang around like this is bad for portability, because it will prevent a drive from being ejected properly.

    Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
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    Big thanks

    Thanks for the great response.

    Changed your suggestions in V .345 Dev Build 1

    The messagemanager issue is not chnanged at time, i think about it and maybe fix it in next version.

    Last seen: 11 months 2 weeks ago
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    Any news on when the translation will be completed?

    Graham Yates

    Wm ...
    Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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    I thought that was my rudeness

    we don't know at the moment if C wants this to be an english language app or a portable one as his primary goal.

    It can be portable without being a portable app if that is what he wants.

    It can be in english or use many po files if that is what he wants.

    He must decide.


    Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
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    Promet-ERP 7.0.346 Development Test 1

    new version

    @winterblood, also the messagemanager should close now on closing promet

    Wm ...
    Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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    Glad you guys got it together

    @winterblood, no hard feelings, I hope. I was, like you, trying to direct C to a consistent place.

    Christian: I've a long weekend here in the UK if you have something for me to test.


    Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
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    Good morning Have you tried

    Good morning Smile

    Have you tried the .346 ?
    I have actualized the Mainpost several times.
    I have also worked on the translation. Its ca 60% done. The help is to big to translate for me, and the translation is bad i think (my english is not that good) But hopefully it is ok to understand it.
    Would be nice if you correct some things when you see that they are bad. Its translateable with gnu gettext (thers an programm called poedit with that you can open the files in App\promet\languages, the main files are forms.en.po and interface.en.po)

    You also can send me mails to reach me faster.

    best regards

    Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
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    In .348 is more translated.

    In .348 is more translated.

    Wm ...
    Last seen: 8 years 2 months ago
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    Just tried .350

    I have just tried .350 portable from the zip and also .350 from the installer.

    Good progress! These are much more stable here. No crashes, I can work through the dialogues and so on.

    I can see you have made a lot of progress on the .po files but you have left out some of the hard coded stuff, e.g.


    "Es wurde kein mandant gefunden. Mochten Sie jetzt einen anlegen ?" Yes / No is already in english Smile

    Suggest: "I can't find a client. Would you like to create one?"


    The buttons right at the beginning:
    Zuruck Back
    Weiter Continue or Forward
    Abbrechen Abort (Cancel or Quit sounds better in english)


    I suggest you get each of your users who know a little bit of english to translate one phrase each day. Don't worry about exact grammar for now, what you want is for someone that has english as a first language to pick up your application and say, "oh, yes! I can see what this is about!"


    I agree that it might be quicker if I could exchange with yourself and other users more directly. I have looked at
    Kontakt and Community on your website and it isn't obvious where I should join in. Maybe it is only us that are interested in translation ? Smile


    Last seen: 11 months 2 weeks ago
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    I keep getting a download

    I keep getting a download error when I try to run the installer.

    Graham Yates

    Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
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    fixed, and updated to actual

    fixed, and updated to actual version.

    Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
    Joined: 2014-05-12 17:32
    Installer not working


    i wanted to build an actual Version but that dont work anymore with the same Scripts like last Year.
    Installer Log tells this:
    ERROR: AppInfo.ini - Details - Name is missing.
    ERROR: AppInfo.ini - Details - AppID is missing.
    ERROR: AppInfo.ini - Version - DisplayVersion is missing.
    ERROR: AppInfo.ini - Version - PackageVersion is missing.
    ERROR: AppInfo.ini - Control - Start is missing.
    ERROR: AppInfo.ini - Control - Start=, file is missing.

    my Appinfo.ini is this:

    Name=Promet-ERP Portable
    Description=Promet-ERP is an Management System for Contacts,Messages,PIM,Orders,Documents and Projects




    I dont see whats going wrong Sad

    John T. Haller
    John T. Haller's picture
    Last seen: 5 hours 48 min ago
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    Did you edit it with Notepad++ and not change its default settings? If so, Notepad++ broke the file and saved it in a non-standard format that makes INI files incompatible with everything. Open it and save it to ANSI or UCS2LE and change your settings.

    Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

    Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
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    Ive saved it now with Windows

    Ive saved it now with Windows notepad.exe with setting ANSI and checked that its real ANSI.
    But same happens.
    Can i download older Versions of the Instller Builder somewhere ?

    Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
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    Its UTF8 Encoded with CRLF as

    Its UTF8 Encoded with CRLF as FileEndings, could that be the problem ?
    Ill retry with cp1252

    John T. Haller
    John T. Haller's picture
    Last seen: 5 hours 48 min ago
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    Ansi or utf16le

    It must be one of those two. That is all that works with the windows api. It's always been this way.

    Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

    Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
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    It seems not that easy Ive

    It seems not that easy Sad Ive converted my file after processing with iconv to all supported utf16 dialects,ascii,ansi,utf8 none works.
    It seems that the lineendings in utf16 are a bit special in windows.
    When i use an file from Miranda Portable and rework it it works.
    But when i replace my Version with sed,perl,awk the file dont work afterwards.
    Even when i edit it with Windoes notepad.exe it dosend work Sad
    Does nobody script the generation of the files ?
    How do you do that ?

    Last seen: 8 years 5 months ago
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    Ive found the problem.

    Ive found the problem.
    Ive started the Installer from bash (git-bash) seems that thats making the problems.
    ive worked around with starting it with cmd.exe from bash script

    John T. Haller
    John T. Haller's picture
    Last seen: 5 hours 48 min ago
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    ANSI or UTF16LE

    For Windows INI files... You must use ANSI or UTF16LE only. Nothing else. You must use standard Windows/DOS line endings only. Nothing else. Windows INI files have always been this way.

    I think, offhand, that the launcher INI must be ANSI only but I can't recall. I only ever use ANSI for appinfo.ini, installer.ini, and the launcher INI. There's no real reason to use UTF16LE anyway.

    If whatever tool you are using can't support that, you'll need to pick a different tool.

    I script INI editing all the time - I have an internal automated app build that builds many of our apps with just a click - but I use things like NSIS and update the INI files via Windows API calls.

    Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!

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