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Platform folder Music, etc. not pointing to redirected ones

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Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2016-11-10 15:05
Platform folder Music, etc. not pointing to redirected ones


The problem:
PortableApps created a folder Documents with subfolders Videos, Music, Pictures in C:\Users\MyName\, but those do not point to the correct, redirected versions of the personal system folders.

The context:
I installed PortableApps in C:\Users\Thierry\ on a Win 10, 64 bit system.
For convenience, I had moved my personal folders (Music, Videos, ...) to another drive, using the buitl-in tool in Windows to redirect the "shortcuts".
Also, since the Documents folder is often "polluted" with stuff from applications rather than my own organized documents, I moved that one to C:\Users\Thierry\AppDocs and I use a folder called Docs for my documents.

I understand I do not use Windows personal folders as most of people, but I'm surprised of the behaviour of PortableApps since I assume Windows updated the environment variables related to these folders.
Is this is a bug? Can I apply a workaround to manually set where these folders should be and the icon point to?

Many thanks!

P.S. : Is there a way to do a (advanced) search in the forums?

John T. Haller
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Last seen: 3 min 7 sec ago
Joined: 2005-11-28 22:21
Doesn't Use Environment Variables

The platform doesn't currently use the Windows environment variables for these folders. It only uses a physical directory at Documents, Documents\Music, etc relative to where Start.exe exists. This is primarily due to its roots as being used on a portable drive or cloud drive. Using the environment variables will be coming in a later release.

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Last seen: 6 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2016-11-10 15:05
Thanks for the information

Thanks for the information.

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