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Portable Lotus Notes 8.5 on a stick

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Last seen: 13 years 4 months ago
Joined: 2011-11-10 12:18
Portable Lotus Notes 8.5 on a stick

I installed Lotus Notes 8.5 Basic as a PortableApp following the directions posted on this site (thank you very much). When Notes-as-PortableApp runs, it makes several changes in the Registry which are removed upon exit. Generally, that works very well. If you experience a hang, however, it will not remove those entries. And, it will not remove them when you run it thereafter.

If you have Lotus Notes installed on the machine (Notes 8.5.2 Standard on Windows 7 in my case), you will still be able to run the machine-based Notes, but will end up with hard-to-diagnose problems. In my case, it broke the mailto URL settings among others. Specifically, programs which rely upon that setting failed with a message that no default email program is configured.

In my case, the hang occurred so long ago that a system restore was not possible. The solution I used was to search the Registry for a portion of the Portable App directory, which I then replaced with the proper directory for the machine-based Notes.

Last seen: 8 years 1 month ago
Joined: 2017-01-16 09:55
Hi Scot,

Hi Scot,

it sounds perfect. I have a lot of problems with installation on my PC. I would like to use
portable version and I found only your information about that. Can you help me please how to do it?

Thanks, Zdenek

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