Application: TeXstudio
Category: Office
TeXstudio is an integrated writing environment for creating LaTeX documents. Our goal is to make writing LaTeX as easy and comfortable as possible. Therefore TeXstudio has numerous features like syntax-highlighting, integrated viewer, reference checking and various assistants. For more details see the features.
(Source: Homepage)
Windows 10 & 11 64-bit only
Download TeXstudio Portable 4.8.5 Dev Test 1 [92.1MB download / 494.5MB installed]
(MD5: 8dec55623f244aa616c656a43c557416)
Legacy Windows 7 32-bit version
Download TeXstudio Portable 4.3.1 Dev Test 1 [75.8MB download / 450.6MB installed]
(MD5: bd2c7cccfb385dea57b2bfd1b63edd53)
Note: All releases rely on the following programs (bold required):
- MiKTeX Portable required for background TeX processing
- Ghostscript Portable (optional, but recommended)
- Asymptote Portable (optional, but recommended)
- GSview Portable (optional, but recommended)
- Strawberry Perl Portable (optional, for latexmk)
Your install folder structure should look like this:
/TeXstudioPortable /CommonFiles/MiKTeX /CommonFiles/Ghostscript /CommonFiles/Aysmptote /CommonFiles/GSview /CommonFiles/StrawberryPerl
Project on GitHub / SourceForge
Release Notes:
4.8.5 Dev Test 1 (2024-12-14): Update base app
4.8.0 Dev Test 1 (2024-05-17): Update base app
4.7.2 Dev Test 1 (2024-01-14): Update base app
4.5.2 Dev Test 1 (2023-04-23): Update base app
4.4.1 Dev Test 1 (2023-01-07): Update base app
4.3.1 Dev Test 1 (2022-11-13): Update base app
4.2.0 Dev Test 1 (2022-01-09): Update base app
4.0.4 Dev Test 1 (2021-11-07): Update base app
4.0.1 Dev Test 1 (2021-10-18): Update base app
3.1.2 Dev Test 1 (2021-05-19): Update base app
3.1.1 Dev Test 1 (2021-04-16): Update base app
3.0.5 Dev Test 1 (2021-02-16): Update base app
3.0.1 Dev Test 1 (2020-09-30): Update base app
3.0.0 Dev Test 1 (2020-08-26): Update base app
2.12.22 Dev Test 1 (2020-02-04): Update base app
2.12.16 Dev Test 1 (2019-06-14): Update base app
2.12.14 Dev Test 1 (2018-12-09): Update base app
2.12.10 Dev Test 1 (2018-07-07): Update base app
2.12.8 Dev Test 1 (2018-03-21): Update base app + MinOS=Vista
2.12.6 Dev Test 1 (2017-07-30): Update base app
2.12.4 Dev Test 1 (2017-04-15): Update base app + use config folder
2.11.2 Dev Test 1 (2016-10-02): Update base app + add appicon_75 + adjust environment paths
2.11.0 Dev Test 1 (2016-06-06): Update base app + remove "Plus"
2.10.8 Dev Test 1 (2016-02-02): Update base app
2.10.4 Dev Test 1 (2015-12-12): Initial release
Other Notes:
This is a continuation of darksabre76's Dev Test
Is it all included portable or is it assumes I have any other LaTeX related package?
Could it be a single package which has it all?
Thank You.
It's not maintainable in one package because I would have to update the whole package if one gets an update. And it's a matter of size. So you can decide yourself what you need and where you can save your bandwidth. I inlcuded the note from the original thread. You need MiKTeX at least to compile your TeX files.
Could you create something like that with LyX?
Thank You.
see Release Notes
Update base app + remove "Plus"
The easiest way to update properly is to rename the folder to TeXstudioPortable. Then update as usual.
Does it include all needed to create a PDF or is it only the editor?
Separate packages have more flexibility. Look at the list above. Get MiKTeX Portable then you are good to go.
To have the Out of The Box Experience, I think it is better to have one full Package.
Remember that different people install it on different locations and you can never know where to expect the installation of MiKTeX.
Thank You.
I think that:
1. TeXstudio only is a good solution for saving space during download
2. another suggestion is to allow, during installation, to select user language instead of edit the file '\AppInfo\appinfo.ini' and manual change item 'Language'
3. to set as 'default' an empty folder for contain all additional portable packages, for example folder 'Extensions'
4. create an INI file, in the main TeXstudio folder, that contains for all suggested packages:
- package name (example MikTex)
- relative path of this package
for launch all these packages from TeXstudio
'Relative path' is for complete portability
In effect I have already viewed this file but seems that You have removed it.
Another question: where would inserted these programs in menu bar ?
Update base app + add appicon_75 + adjust environment paths
MiKTeX Portable has changed its folder structure. Please download the latest version ->here.
Hi mwayne,
Any chance you update this package?
Better in a way compatible with the package from darksabre76's Dev Test?
Moreover, if you could also take care of LyX it would be amazing.
Appreciate your work on all applications.
Thank You.
TeXStudio updated to 2.12.x (Latest version is 2.12.2 with 2.12.4 soon to be released).
It added a flag --config DIR to set the directory for Configuration Files which will assist to configure it as a Portable Apps.
Please update this.
Thank You.
Update base app + use config folder
Just a question, if I install this, will it replace (And compatible) with the version by darksabre?
I prefer not to have 2.
Thank You.
P. S.
When this + MiKTeX + LyX become official applications?
Those applications are perfect for students.
It'll work just fine.
Will it overwrite (Replace) darksabre (I think it should)?
How can we make it official?
Version 2.12.6 Is Out.
An update will be appreciated.
Thank You.
Update base app
Hi Mike,
Is your version based on the Portable flavor of TeXStudio?
They have official portable version which by itself keeps all settings within the program folder.
Thank You.
It's based on their portable package.
Hi mwayne,
It seems the link at the first post isn't working.
Thank You.
Version 2.12.8 is out.
Thank You.
Update base app + MinOS=Vista
Hi mwayne,
Any chance you update the MiKTeX application as well and integrate into it the launcher (Or at least put it under your wings as well)?
Thank You.
P. S.
TeXStudio 2.12.8 Virus Total Scan:
Is there any chance we could do this as a single package for release rather than all separate ones? I get that it's actually separate apps and plugins, but I can't see supporting 4 separate packages for a niche app like this. I'm thinking TeXStudio bundles in MiKTeX, Asymptote, and GSView directly. We already do Ghostscript and maintain that. And then Strawberry will be left as a dev test for now pending additional apps that use it. Resource wise, having 4 separate channels for a single niche app like this is currently untenable. But a single package updated every couple months would be doable. Thoughts?
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
I think MiKTeX + MiKTeX launcher should have their own package.
Moreover, it should be a package which is updated once in 6 months. No need to follow releases of MiKTeX web page.
The reason is MiKTeX is updated when packages are updated yet those will be updated within the PortableApps package by themselves.
So MiKTeX should be treated with a low maintenance policy.
TeXStudio, LyX and other applications which requires TeX Distribution should be independent as well.
By the way, to have a full experience of TeXStudio all needed is TeXStudio + MiKTeX.
Asymptote, GSView, Strawberry and Ghostscript aren't really required (Good to have, but certainly not required).
I'm willing to donate 100$ for the purpose of having MiKTeX (Including Launcher) + TeXStudio.
In that case, I'd likely suggest we do MiKTeX only at that point, since it bills itself as a complete TeX/LaTeX package with all necessary programs and utilities included. As this is a niche need, I don't think we need two separate TeX/LaTeX apps. TexWorks is included.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
First, even having only MiKTeX would be a great start as indeed it includes a simple LaTeX IDE (TeXWorks).
Then later, once you can automate the system and reduce the overhead of new applications LyX and TeXStudio (Or any other application which require LaTeX) can be added.
The MiKTeX also proves the great design and think ahead of the suite when it defined the CommonFiles sub directory.
Great News!
Hi Mike,
TeXStudio 2.12.10 Is Out.
Could we have an update?
By the way any chance for update for MiKTeX as well?
Thank You.
Update base app
Update base app
Hi Mike,
Thank you for your efforts.
By the way, any chance for MiKTeX (Including moving MiKTeX Launcher under your name) update?
Hi Mike,
TeXStudio 2.12.16 Is Out.
Any chance for an update?
Thank You.
Update base app
TeXStudio 2.12.22 is out.
Any chance for an update?
Also, any chance for an update for MiKTeX?
Update base app
Update base app
Thank You!
Update base app
Update base app
Thank You!
Update base app
Update base app
Update base app
Update base app
Update base app
Update base app
Update base app
System requirements changed to Windows 10 64-bit and up.
Update base app
Any chance to update to version 4.6.3?
By the way, given a portable version is given in the release in GitHub, wouldn't an online version be easier for you?
Update base app
Update base app
Update base app