This is a two-part error, and I'm starting with the last part.
I got this error popup window upon starting TB Portable:
Mozilla Thunderbird, Portable Edition |
Integrity Failure Warning: Mozilla Thunderbird, Portable Edition was installed or upgraded without using its installer and some critical files may have been modified. This could cause data loss, personal data left behind on a shared PC, functionality issues, and/or may be a violation of the application's license. Please visit to obtain the official release of this application to install or upgrade. If you wish to use this application in its current unsupported state, please click OK to continue.
As I didn't want to run it, and there was no other button option than "OK", I closed that window (klicked X top right).
TB started anyway!
And I got another error popup window
Couldn't load XPCOM.
Please let me choose here to not start it.
Here comes part two:
I know why the XPCOM error happened, and it was because I had checked the Help/About and it said Update availabele.
"Great!" Klick. Oh (facepalm) I have PortableApps …
BUT it worked, no problem, after that.
No problem, and no Integrity Failure Warning!
Not even when the PA platform found the new PA update and installed it – and, again said nothing.
THAT only happened when I started the program.
Yes, ThunderbirdPortable.exe, I have a shortcut to it.
Why didn't the Integrity Failure Warning happen on first start after I had manually updated?
A reinstall with downloaded .paf installer fixed the problem. All's well.
You can use Thunderbird's internal updater without an issue. The most it may do is leave an empty directory or a non-personal file or two on the PC behind. That error only occurs if you somehow installer or update Thunderbird Portable without using either the official installer or the Thunderbird updater. If you rip the Thunderbird Portable files out of its installer and just place them and run them or use a third party utility that does this, bypassing the installer and its code that handles updates, it will show that alert. Updates in particular that are done that way are likely to cause data loss or crashes.
Currently, there is no way to avoid starting it. It shows the error and you click OK to run. In the future, I may switch that.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!
"If you rip the Thunderbird Portable files out of its installer …"
What are you on about? I did no such thing!
"Currently, there is no way to avoid starting it. It shows the error and you click OK to run."
AGAIN as stated I did NOT klick "OK", so then … at least state that: whatever you do, it will start.
I wasn't accusing
Just offering the most likely cause. The way it works is that the launcher is checking for the installer log to be present and correctly formatted. If the launcher is moved without the installer log, the installer log within App\AppInfo removed, etc, it will show that error. It's designed to detect an improper install to warn the user that some data loss or error might occur.
If you didn't do any of the above, it's possible your disk may have some corruption. Especially since you got the XPCOM error. Whenever I've seen that particular error, it's usually logical errors on the drive.
It running no matter what is due to a quirk of the PA.c Launcher. I'll likely be tweaking that in a later release.
I know you said you clicked close. It doesn't matter whether you click OK or close. Clicking X in a dialog box in Windows that only has an OK button is the same as clicking OK.
Sometimes, the impossible can become possible, if you're awesome!